Questões de Concurso Público IF Sul Rio-Grandense 2021 para Professor - Letras – Português/Inglês

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Q2421818 Inglês

According to Swan (2005), DO has four main uses - it can be an auxiliary verb, a generalpurpose verb, a substitute verb and also can use combined forms.

The sentences bellow can be completed correctly by:

Complete the gaps bellow.

I. Then he ____ a very strange thing.

II. ____ something!

III. I like ____ nothing.

IV. What shall we ____?

The words that complete, correctly and respectively, the gaps are:

Q2421819 Inglês

The words: atypical, bilingual, drainage, guarantee are examples of English words with affixes.

I. Yes – two – instance of – object of the verb

II. Yes – two – instance of – object of the noun

III. Not – two – instance of – object of the verb

IV. Not – two – instance of – object of the noun

The meaning of the affixes in the words listed above are:

Q2421820 Inglês

Able is used especially in the structure be able + infinitive. This often has the same meaning as can. The negative form is unable.

Considering the use of ABLE in the sentences bellow, mark T for the true sentences and F for the false ones:

( ) Some people are able to walk on their hands.

( ) I am unable to understand what she wants.

( ) He is able to do so.

The correct order of the answers for the sentences above, top down, is:

Q2421821 Inglês

-ing forms (e.g. smoking, walking,) can be used not only as verbs, but also like adjectives or nouns.

Considering the use of -ING in the sentences bellow, mark T for the true sentences and F for the false ones:

I. ( ) You're smoking too much these days. (verb: part of present progressive)

II. ( )There was a smoking cigarette end in the ashtray. (adjective describing the cigarette end)

III. ( )Smoking is bad for you. (noun: subject of sentence)

The correct order of the answers for the sentences above, top down, is:

Q2421822 Inglês

Question tags are the small question that often comes at end of sentences in speech, and sometimes in informal writing.

The sentences bellow can be completed correctly by:

Complete the gaps bellow.

The film wasn’t very good, _______?

You’re the new secretary, _______?

You never say what you’re thinking, _______?

The question tags that complete, correctly and respectively, the gaps are:

31: A
32: C
33: B
34: A
35: B