Questões de Concurso Público IF Sul Rio-Grandense 2025 para Professor EBTT - Área 06 e 24: Português/Inglês

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Q3206826 Não definido
Paiva (2014) explores the process of second language acquisition (SLA) by discussing many theoretical perspectives and cognitive mechanisms. She also explains how social factors and the learner's native language affect SLA. The author cites Stephen Krashen's Monitor Hypothesis as an important theory about SLA.
In which of the affirmatives below is expressed the main function of the Monitor in second language acquisition?
Q3206827 Não definido
Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is a research area which focuses on the relationship between language and power in society. Fairclough (2001) points out that discourse shapes and is shaped by social structures, particularly the ways in which language can reflect and reinforce inequalities.
Fairclough (2001) refers to the social practice dimension of Critical Discourse Analysis as 
Q3206828 Não definido
Gomes (2010) mentions that hypertext is a nonlinear mode of reading and writing in the digital era, in which texts are interconnected through hyperlinks. It produces a more dynamic and interactive reading experience, compared to traditional sequential reading formats.
This suggests that multimodality in digital hypertexts refers to
Q3206829 Não definido
Van Dijk's perspective on Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) highlights the relationship among discourse, power, and ideology. His method incorporates cognitive elements, exploring how mental models and social cognition engage with discourse to either perpetuate or contest societal power structures.

Read the paragraph below about the topic:

Social cognition is crucial in shaping individual _____ (1), interpretations, and responses to political power. Political leaders and institutions frequently mold public perception via strategic communication, ______ (2), and media, affecting how citizens comprehend ______ (3), leadership, and governance. By presenting issues in specific lights, those in ______ (4) can steer social beliefs and actions to preserve control or influence viewpoints. Concurrently, individuals employ social cognition to assess political deeds and form ______ (5) about governance, potentially bolstering or contesting prevailing power ______ (6). This interplay underscores the profound link between social cognition and the dynamics of ______ (7) power.

The alternative which presents the correct sequence of expressions to fill in the gaps above is 
Q3206830 Não definido
Leffa (2016) defines re-literacy as the adaptation to new reading and writing practices shaped by digital media. In foreign language learning, it involves learning how to navigate and interpret texts in different digital formats. The author asserts that re-literacy within cyberculture poses a significant challenge to the teaching of foreign languages.
Which of the following alternatives most accurately describes this challenge?
Q3206831 Não definido
Leffa (1994) states that, according to Vygotsky's theory, the human brain is viewed as conscious matter that undergoes humanization through the interaction between humans and nature in a socio-historical context.
In the learning process, the interaction between the brain and the sociocultural context is mediated through
Q3206832 Não definido
Role-playing games (RPGs) provide players with the opportunity to create their own characters and accomplish tasks to acquire rewards and points. In addition, role-playing games typically rely on advanced language skills to accomplish objectives.
Read the statements carefully and choose the option that shows the correct order of true and false information about RPGs and Second Language (L2) learning.

( ) RPGs can enhance L2 learning by offering immersive, context-rich environments that require comprehension of the target language to complete quests.

( ) In RPGs, understanding the language is not a prerequisite for progression, as quests can often be completed through random actions.

( ) Character customization in RPGs can significantly enhance learner engagement, promoting language practice in a way that is both personalized and enjoyable.

( ) RPGs often emphasize the memorization of vocabulary and dialogues, which is not considered crucial for second language acquisition.

( ) The interactive and goal-oriented nature of RPGs fosters L2 learning by motivating players to apply their language skills in problem-solving and engaging with the game's environment.

( ) RPGs provide players with experience points and incentives, which can diminish the need to concentrate on the language utilized within the game.

The correct sequence of True and False statements, from top to bottom, is:
Q3206833 Não definido

Source: <>
Consulted on Sept.13, 2024
In the PAHO poster, how does multimodality improve the effectiveness of verbal language?
Q3206834 Não definido

Source: <>
Consulted on Sept.13, 2024
Using the provided context, read the text that follows:

Learning activities in a second language that employ____ (1) significantly contribute to learner’s engagement by offering dynamic____ (2) with the language. For example, resources such as PAHO's dengue fever warning signs poster heavily rely on text, images, and ____ (3) to convey important health information effectively. Exposure to various forms of text, such as ___ (4) posters, aids in learning vocabulary and ____ (5), as well as in understanding how to communicate across diverse social and cultural contexts. This is crucial to real-world ______ (6).

The alternative which presents the correct sequence of expressions to fill in the gaps above is:
Q3206835 Não definido

Source: <>
Consulted on Sept.13, 2024
When using advertisements to teach English as a Foreign Language (EFL), which of the following is NOT an effective teaching strategy?
Q3206836 Não definido
Swan (2005) explains that phonology is the study of the sound systems of languages, particularly how sounds function to convey meaning. This involves analyzing the arrangement and patterns of sounds (phonemes) in a particular language.
Which phonological process is responsible for the phenomenon where the sound /t/ is pronounced as [ʧ] (a voiceless postalveolar affricate) in the word "nature" due to the influence of the following /ʊr/? 
Q3206837 Não definido
Murphy (2007) posits that a morpheme represents the smallest meaningful unit in a language. It can be a full word or a part of a word, like a prefix or suffix, which changes its meaning.
Which of the following terms, related to medical terminology shows the use of a derivational morpheme to alter its word class from a verb to a noun?
Q3206838 Não definido
Swan (2005) points out that putting a prefix at the beginning of a word changes its meaning without changing its basic structure. Prefixes are an essential tool in English for creating new words and adding nuance to existing ones. They enhance the accuracy and clarity of communication.
Which of the following words contains a prefix that means "opposite of"?
Q3206839 Não definido
Mpox was declared a global public health emergency by the WHO. Now what?

Source: <> Consulted on Sept.13, 202
Read the statements carefully and decide whether they are True (T) or False (F), according to the text.

( ) The latest strain of mpox is responsible for an outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) that has caused more than 14,000 cases, mostly among adults.
( ) The first country outside of Africa to have reported a case of the more recent strain of mpox is Sweden.
( ) Over 5,000 people have died because of the outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
( ) The number of cases reported in the United States is more than double the number reported last year.

The correct sequence of True and False statements, from top to bottom, is:
Q3206840 Não definido
Mpox was declared a global public health emergency by the WHO. Now what?

Source: <> Consulted on Sept.13, 202
Match the sentences with the correct verb tense:
1. Present Simple 2. Past Simple 3. Present Perfect 4. Past Perfect
( )"Sweden became the first nation outside Africa to report a case of the newer strain." (Lines 10-11)
( ) "Cases of other strains, or clades, of mpox have popped up in other countries." (Line 12)
( ) "The outbreak involves a newer strain primarily seen in African countries." (Line 1)
( ) "… in neighboring countries that had never reported countries of mpox before." (Lines 8-9)

The correct order of the numbers, from top to bottom, is:
Q3206841 Não definido
Mpox was declared a global public health emergency by the WHO. Now what?

Source: <> Consulted on Sept.13, 202
Murphy (2003) points out that a semantic function refers to the role that a word or phrase plays in conveying meaning within a sentence. It focuses on how words contribute to the overall meaning, rather than their structure.
In which of the following sentences is the comparison important in determining the degree of the outbreak?
Q3206842 Não definido

According to Swan (2005) connectors are used with different grammatical functions in texts. 

Match the use of the connectors in the sentences with their function.

1. Provides further information.

2. Expresses an opinion.

3. Expresses a contrasting idea or concession.

A. "…outside of the African continent to report a case of the newer strain of mpox, according to the country's public health agency”. (Lines 10-11)

B. "… more than twice the number seen at this time last year but not as many as seen…”. (Lines 13-14)

C. “…the WHO can help more countries collaborate by sharing data, allocating resources and helping make vaccines more readily available”. (Lines 18-20)

The correct association between numbers and letters, from top to bottom, is:

Q3206843 Não definido
Paiva (2014) discusses the connectionist model in her work on second language acquisition, which is investigated by some researchers of Psycholinguistics.
Read the following sentences and decide whether they are True (T) or False (F), according to the referred study.

( ) Second language acquisition is a result of repeated exposure to real language use and strengthening of neural connections.

( ) Second language learning is all about memorizing vocabulary lists and grammar rules which is the best way to strengthen the neural connections.

( ) Second language acquisition is driven by innate grammatical structures, rather than experience and input.

( ) In the connectionist model, frequency of language input plays a key role in the acquisition process.

The correct sequence of True and False statements, from top to bottom, is:
Q3206844 Não definido

Chapelle and Sauro (2017) argue that technologies play a crucial role in second language teaching and learning.

Using technology in teaching English as a foreign language is beneficial because

Q3206845 Não definido
Which of the following statements about teaching grammar in EFL using technology is INCORRECT?
21: B
22: C
23: A
24: C
25: B
26: A
27: D
28: A
29: D
30: C
31: D
32: D
33: B
34: C
35: A
36: C
37: A
38: C
39: B
40: C