Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Rancho Queimado - SC 2024 para Professor de Língua Estrangeira - Inglês
Foram encontradas 40 questões
I - a Mata Atlântica;
II - a Serra Geral;
III - a Serra do Mar;
IV - as faixas de proteção de águas superficiais;
V - as encostas passíveis de deslizamentos.
Dos itens, pode-se afirmar que está(ão) CORRETO(S):
I - a viabilidade do empreendimento, sua conveniência e oportunidade para o interesse comum;
II - os pormenores para a execução da obra;
III - os prazos para o seu início e conclusão, acompanhados da respectiva justificação;
IV - os recursos para o atendimento das respectivas despesas.
Das assertivas, pode-se afirmar que:
Qual alternativa preenche, CORRETAMENTE, a lacuna acima?
I. A premeditação.
II. A reincidência.
III. O conluio.
IV. A continuação.
Quantos dos itens está(ão) CORRETO(S)?
I. Vaga na escola pública de educação infantil ou de ensino fundamental mais próxima de sua residência a toda criança a partir do dia em que completar 4 (quatro) anos de idade.
II. Alfabetização plena e capacitação gradual para a leitura ao longo da educação básica como requisitos indispensáveis para a efetivação dos direitos e objetivos de aprendizagem e para o desenvolvimento dos indivíduos.
III. Educação digital, com a garantia de conectividade de todas as instituições públicas de educação básica e superior à internet em alta velocidade, adequada para o uso pedagógico, com o desenvolvimento de competências voltadas ao letramento digital de jovens e adultos, criação de conteúdos digitais, comunicação e colaboração, segurança e resolução de problemas.
Das assertivas, pode-se afirmar que:
I. Deixar o médico, professor ou responsável por estabelecimento de atenção à saúde e de ensino fundamental, pré-escola ou creche, de comunicar à autoridade competente os casos de que tenha conhecimento, envolvendo suspeita ou confirmação de maus-tratos contra criança ou adolescente.
II. Divulgar, total ou parcialmente, sem autorização devida, por qualquer meio de comunicação, nome, ato ou documento de procedimento policial, administrativo ou judicial relativo a criança ou adolescente a que se atribua ato infracional.
III. Deixar o responsável por diversão ou espetáculo público de afixar, em lugar visível e de fácil acesso, à entrada do local de exibição, informação destacada sobre a natureza da diversão ou espetáculo e a faixa etária especificada no certificado de classificação.
Das assertivas, pode-se afirmar que:
I. Os jesuítas fundaram escolas voltadas para os indígenas e a elite colonial.
II. A educação jesuíta era exclusivamente voltada para a alfabetização básica, sem abordar conteúdos religiosos.
III. Com a expulsão dos jesuítas, o ensino foi completamente desestruturado e só retomado no século XIX.
Sobre as assertivas, pode-se afirmar que:
Foods with Good Bacteria
MOTHER EARTH NEWS – Like many of us, I didn’t think much about my gut health when I was younger. But being more responsible for my own foods when I moved out of the house changed what I bought. For some items, it’s a matter of swapping out a product that’s high in processed sugar and other additives for a healthier option. For others, I’ve rethought my food choices altogether, which includes considering guthealthy options to buy at my local store or make myself. If you’re beginning to explore fermented foods, you’re in the right spot. Here are a few foods with good bacteria and some fermented foods recipes you can try.
Foods with Good Bacteria
MOTHER EARTH NEWS – Like many of us, I didn’t think much about my gut health when I was younger. But being more responsible for my own foods when I moved out of the house changed what I bought. For some items, it’s a matter of swapping out a product that’s high in processed sugar and other additives for a healthier option. For others, I’ve rethought my food choices altogether, which includes considering guthealthy options to buy at my local store or make myself. If you’re beginning to explore fermented foods, you’re in the right spot. Here are a few foods with good bacteria and some fermented foods recipes you can try.
Foods with Good Bacteria
MOTHER EARTH NEWS – Like many of us, I didn’t think much about my gut health when I was younger. But being more responsible for my own foods when I moved out of the house changed what I bought. For some items, it’s a matter of swapping out a product that’s high in processed sugar and other additives for a healthier option. For others, I’ve rethought my food choices altogether, which includes considering guthealthy options to buy at my local store or make myself. If you’re beginning to explore fermented foods, you’re in the right spot. Here are a few foods with good bacteria and some fermented foods recipes you can try.
Foods with Good Bacteria
MOTHER EARTH NEWS – Like many of us, I didn’t think much about my gut health when I was younger. But being more responsible for my own foods when I moved out of the house changed what I bought. For some items, it’s a matter of swapping out a product that’s high in processed sugar and other additives for a healthier option. For others, I’ve rethought my food choices altogether, which includes considering guthealthy options to buy at my local store or make myself. If you’re beginning to explore fermented foods, you’re in the right spot. Here are a few foods with good bacteria and some fermented foods recipes you can try.
Foods with Good Bacteria
MOTHER EARTH NEWS – Like many of us, I didn’t think much about my gut health when I was younger. But being more responsible for my own foods when I moved out of the house changed what I bought. For some items, it’s a matter of swapping out a product that’s high in processed sugar and other additives for a healthier option. For others, I’ve rethought my food choices altogether, which includes considering guthealthy options to buy at my local store or make myself. If you’re beginning to explore fermented foods, you’re in the right spot. Here are a few foods with good bacteria and some fermented foods recipes you can try.
Foods with Good Bacteria
MOTHER EARTH NEWS – Like many of us, I didn’t think much about my gut health when I was younger. But being more responsible for my own foods when I moved out of the house changed what I bought. For some items, it’s a matter of swapping out a product that’s high in processed sugar and other additives for a healthier option. For others, I’ve rethought my food choices altogether, which includes considering guthealthy options to buy at my local store or make myself. If you’re beginning to explore fermented foods, you’re in the right spot. Here are a few foods with good bacteria and some fermented foods recipes you can try.