Questões de Concurso Público COPEL 2015 para Analista de Sistemas Júnior

Foram encontradas 40 questões

Q563262 Inglês
Design Patterns
A design pattern is often posed as a question: how do we solve some design problem? However a design problem is, by its nature, nonspecific, and rarely has a single straight-forward answer. There might be several ways to solve the same problem, some better than others depending on the specific situation and the specific context of the problem. A design pattern is intended to share not just solutions but a better understanding of both the problem and how it might be solved. Firstly, patterns have a well-defined structure. This consistent layout makes it easy to browse through a collection of patterns to find relevant help and then dive further into the material. The structure encourages the author of the pattern to think carefully about the knowledge they're sharing, whilst making the material more consistently accessible to a reader.
Na expressão: “… how it might be solved…”, a palavra sublinhada refere-se a:
Q563263 Inglês
Design Patterns
A design pattern is often posed as a question: how do we solve some design problem? However a design problem is, by its nature, nonspecific, and rarely has a single straight-forward answer. There might be several ways to solve the same problem, some better than others depending on the specific situation and the specific context of the problem. A design pattern is intended to share not just solutions but a better understanding of both the problem and how it might be solved. Firstly, patterns have a well-defined structure. This consistent layout makes it easy to browse through a collection of patterns to find relevant help and then dive further into the material. The structure encourages the author of the pattern to think carefully about the knowledge they're sharing, whilst making the material more consistently accessible to a reader.

Na expressão: “…the knowledge they're sharing…”, a contração sublinhada se refere a:

Q563264 Inglês
Design Patterns
A design pattern is often posed as a question: how do we solve some design problem? However a design problem is, by its nature, nonspecific, and rarely has a single straight-forward answer. There might be several ways to solve the same problem, some better than others depending on the specific situation and the specific context of the problem. A design pattern is intended to share not just solutions but a better understanding of both the problem and how it might be solved. Firstly, patterns have a well-defined structure. This consistent layout makes it easy to browse through a collection of patterns to find relevant help and then dive further into the material. The structure encourages the author of the pattern to think carefully about the knowledge they're sharing, whilst making the material more consistently accessible to a reader.

Consider the following sentence from the text: “Design decisions are rarely clear cut, so it can be useful to understand the context in which a decision is made and the resulting trade-offs”. Taking into consideration the underlined excerpt from the sentence, it is correct to say that design decisions are:

Q563265 Engenharia de Software
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas diagramas que tipicamente representam as partes dinâmicas de um sistema real modelado usando a linguagem UML.
Q563266 Engenharia de Software
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta os quatro tipos de relacionamentos usados na linguagem UML.
11: D
12: B
13: E
14: A
15: D