Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Vargem Bonita - SC 2020 para Professor de Inglês

Foram encontradas 30 questões

Q1702340 Português


Persuasion is key to business and to much more besides. In many walks of life and in many situations, persuading people to do what you want them to do is the key to success. Is persuasion a science with rules that can be taught and learnt, or is it simply a matter of instinct and personal experience? Researchers have looked into different aspects of persuasion and come up with some interesting results. 

     One advertising copywriter, for example, came up with an approach to selling a product on a TV shopping channel via phones sales that differed from the norm for such advertising. Instead of being instructed: ‘Operators are waiting, please call now’, viewers were told ‘If operators are busy, please call again’. This might appear to have been a risky tactic, putting potential buyers off by suggesting that they would have to waste their time calling repeatedly until they finally got through to someone to take their order. But the results were extraordinary and an unprecedented number of sales resulted. The advert suggested that instead of there being lots of operators sitting there and hoping people would call, there were so many people who wanted the product that people might have to wait until they could get it. This showed just how desirable the product was. Potential customers decided that, if so many other people wanted it, they definitely wanted it too.

     What role does choice have in persuading people to buy or get something? One study looked at the choices employees made when offered different retirement programmes. This showed that the more choices people were given, the less likely they were to choose anything at all. Another study in a supermarket revealed a similar effect of choice. A particular supermarket displayed either 6 or 24 different kinds of jam. When there were 24 jams to choose from, 3% of customers went to the display and bought one of the jams. When there were 6 jams on display, 30% of customers did so. […]

Assinale a opção em que a regência verbal está de acordo com a norma culta da língua portuguesa:
Q1702341 Português
Dentre as frases a seguir, em quais a vírgula foi empregada corretamente?

I. Viajou no feriado, foi à praia com os novos amigos.
II. A prefeitura ressaltou, a chamada dos concursados imediatamente.
III. Os candidatos chegaram cedo, e a sala estava fechada.
IV. Muitas vezes, o candidato encontra-se nervoso.
Q1702342 Português
Analise as palavras nas frases quanto às recomendações da norma culta sobre acentuação gráfica.

I. Após ler o edital, adquiri uma apostila com os conteudos da prova.
II. Os candidatos mantêm postura adequada também quanto ao uso de aparelho telefônico.
III. O candidato mantém postura adequada também quanto ao uso de aparelho telefônico.
IV. Referente à prova, ninguém poderá lê-la antes da hora.

Assinale a alternativa que contém apenas assertivas corretas:
Q1702343 Português
Assinale a opção em que todas as palavras estão grafadas de acordo com as normas ortográficas da língua portuguesa.
Q1702344 Português
Assinale a opção que preenche corretamente as lacunas nas frases a seguir.

I. As candidatas estavam ............................. nervosas durante a prova.
II. .......................... muitos anos que não há concurso público para minha função.
III. ........................... poucos candidatos para aquela vaga de advogado.
IV. Levarei a ata de presença ..................................... às provas.
Q1702345 Matemática
Um digital influencer postou um vídeo sobre sua rotina de alimentação e malhação diária em uma de suas redes sociais. O número de visualizações desse vídeo, depois de ser postado, foi monitorado mensalmente e é representado pela tabela a seguir:
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Sendo V(t) o número de visualizações depois de t meses, qual modelo representa o número de visualizações, em função do tempo, nos três primeiros meses após a postagem do vídeo?
Q1702346 Matemática
Com relação ao círculo trigonométrico, analise as afirmações a seguir:

I. O ângulo θ = 5π/12 radianos, ao ser convertido para graus, torna-se θ = 75°.
II. Os valores de cos(180°) e sen(180°) são, respectivamente, -1 e 0.
III. Se sen(α) = 1/2 e cos(α) = 3/ 2 , então tg(α) = 3/3.

É correto o que se afirma apenas em:
Q1702347 Matemática
Os números complexos ou imaginários surgiram após tentativas de resolução de equações de segundo e terceiro graus em que os matemáticos se deparavam com a raiz quadrada de números negativos, que não podem ser expressas no conjunto dos números reais. Sendo assim, passou-se a denotar essas raízes usando a letra “i”, em que i = -1. No contexto dos números complexos é correto afirmar que:
Q1702348 Matemática
A tabela a seguir apresenta os dados da idade mediana da população brasileira entre os anos 1980 e 2015, sendo que os dados a partir de 2020 são projetados.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Os mesmos dados da tabela estão representados no gráfico a seguir:
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Com base nos dados apresentados na tabela e no gráfico pode-se afirmar que
Q1702349 Matemática
Júnior e João estão pagando a conta após fazerem um lanche em uma lanchonete. Júnior comeu um pastel e tomou um suco de laranja, sendo que o valor total de sua conta foi de R$ 5,40. João comeu dois pastéis e tomou um suco de laranja, e o valor total de sua conta foi de R$ 8,20. Qual é o valor de cada pastel nessa lanchonete?
Q1702350 Legislação dos Municípios do Estado de Santa Catarina
Segundo a Lei Orgânica do Município de Vargem Bonita, cabe à câmara, com a sanção do Prefeito, dispor sobre todas as matérias de competência do município e, especialmente:
Q1702351 Legislação dos Municípios do Estado de Santa Catarina
Segundo a Lei Orgânica do Município de Vargem Bonita, ao prefeito compete, privativamente:
Q1702352 Legislação dos Municípios do Estado de Santa Catarina
Conforme o Plano de Cargos, Carreiras e Vencimentos para os servidores da prefeitura municipal de Vargem Bonita, é cargo em comissão e as funções executivas de confiança:
Q1702353 Legislação dos Municípios do Estado de Santa Catarina
Nos termos do Estatuto dos Servidores Públicos do Município de Vargem Bonita, é correto afirmar:
Q1702354 Legislação dos Municípios do Estado de Santa Catarina
Nos termos do Estatuto dos Servidores Públicos do Município de Vargem Bonita, sobre provimento dos cargos públicos é correto afirmar:
Q1724242 Inglês

English Language Day

What is English Language Day?

English Language Day was first celebrated in 2010, alongside Arabic Language Day, Chinese Language Day, French Language Day, Russian Language Day and Spanish Language Day. These are the six official languages of the United Nations, and each has a special day, designed to raise awareness of the history, culture and achievements of these languages.

Why is English Language Day celebrated on 23 April?

This day was chosen because it is thought to be Shakespeare’s birthday, and the anniversary of his death. As well as being the English language’s most famous playwright, Shakespeare also had a huge impact on modern-day English. At the time he was writing, in the 16th and 17th centuries, the English language was going through a lot of changes and Shakespeare’s creativity with language meant he contributed hundreds of new words and phrases that are still used today. For example, the words ‘gossip’, ‘fashionable’ and ‘lonely’ were all first used by Shakespeare. He also invented phrases like ‘break the ice’, ‘all our yesterdays’, ‘fainthearted’ and ‘love is blind’.

The story of the English language began in the fifth century when Germanic tribes invaded Celticspeaking Britain and brought their languages with them. Later, Scandinavian Vikings invaded and settled with their languages too. In 1066 William I, from modern-day France, became king, and Norman-French became the language of the courts and official activity. People couldn’t understand each other at first, because the lower classes continued to use English while the upper classes spoke French, but gradually French began to influence English. An estimated 45 per cent of all English words have a French origin. By Shakespeare’s time, Modern English had developed, printing had been invented and people had to start to agree on ‘correct’ spelling and vocabulary. […]

De acordo com o artigo, analise as assertivas a seguir:

I. A Língua Portuguesa é uma das línguas oficiais da ONU.

II. Acredita-se que Shakespeare nasceu e morreu na mesma data.

III. Shakespeare cunhou os termos “quebrar o gelo” e “o amor é cego”.

IV. No século XI, francês era a língua oficial no Reino Unido.

É correto apenas o que se afirma em:

Q1724243 Inglês

English Language Day

What is English Language Day?

English Language Day was first celebrated in 2010, alongside Arabic Language Day, Chinese Language Day, French Language Day, Russian Language Day and Spanish Language Day. These are the six official languages of the United Nations, and each has a special day, designed to raise awareness of the history, culture and achievements of these languages.

Why is English Language Day celebrated on 23 April?

This day was chosen because it is thought to be Shakespeare’s birthday, and the anniversary of his death. As well as being the English language’s most famous playwright, Shakespeare also had a huge impact on modern-day English. At the time he was writing, in the 16th and 17th centuries, the English language was going through a lot of changes and Shakespeare’s creativity with language meant he contributed hundreds of new words and phrases that are still used today. For example, the words ‘gossip’, ‘fashionable’ and ‘lonely’ were all first used by Shakespeare. He also invented phrases like ‘break the ice’, ‘all our yesterdays’, ‘fainthearted’ and ‘love is blind’.

The story of the English language began in the fifth century when Germanic tribes invaded Celticspeaking Britain and brought their languages with them. Later, Scandinavian Vikings invaded and settled with their languages too. In 1066 William I, from modern-day France, became king, and Norman-French became the language of the courts and official activity. People couldn’t understand each other at first, because the lower classes continued to use English while the upper classes spoke French, but gradually French began to influence English. An estimated 45 per cent of all English words have a French origin. By Shakespeare’s time, Modern English had developed, printing had been invented and people had to start to agree on ‘correct’ spelling and vocabulary. […]

De acordo com o contexto apresentado pelo artigo, as seguintes palavras têm quais traduções?
I. Awarness -> consciência Achievements -> conquistas Developed -> desenvolveu Changes -> mudanças
II. Settled -> consciência Achievements -> conquistas Developed -> desenvolveu Changes -> mudanças
III. Creativity -> criatividade Achievements -> conquistas Gossip -> desenvolveu Changes -> mudanças
IV. Awarness -> consciência Achievements -> conquistas Developed -> desenvolveu Chosen -> escolhido
Assinale a alternativa que contém apenas traduções corretas.
Q1724244 Inglês

English Language Day

What is English Language Day?

English Language Day was first celebrated in 2010, alongside Arabic Language Day, Chinese Language Day, French Language Day, Russian Language Day and Spanish Language Day. These are the six official languages of the United Nations, and each has a special day, designed to raise awareness of the history, culture and achievements of these languages.

Why is English Language Day celebrated on 23 April?

This day was chosen because it is thought to be Shakespeare’s birthday, and the anniversary of his death. As well as being the English language’s most famous playwright, Shakespeare also had a huge impact on modern-day English. At the time he was writing, in the 16th and 17th centuries, the English language was going through a lot of changes and Shakespeare’s creativity with language meant he contributed hundreds of new words and phrases that are still used today. For example, the words ‘gossip’, ‘fashionable’ and ‘lonely’ were all first used by Shakespeare. He also invented phrases like ‘break the ice’, ‘all our yesterdays’, ‘fainthearted’ and ‘love is blind’.

The story of the English language began in the fifth century when Germanic tribes invaded Celticspeaking Britain and brought their languages with them. Later, Scandinavian Vikings invaded and settled with their languages too. In 1066 William I, from modern-day France, became king, and Norman-French became the language of the courts and official activity. People couldn’t understand each other at first, because the lower classes continued to use English while the upper classes spoke French, but gradually French began to influence English. An estimated 45 per cent of all English words have a French origin. By Shakespeare’s time, Modern English had developed, printing had been invented and people had to start to agree on ‘correct’ spelling and vocabulary. […]

A seguinte frase, retirada do artigo, está na voz ativa e dá ênfase ao sujeito da frase.
“He (Shakespeare) also invented phrases like ‘break the ice’, ‘all our yesterdays’, ‘fainthearted’ and ‘love is blind’.”
Assinale a alternativa que indica a voz passiva da frase acima.
Q1724245 Inglês


Persuasion is key to business and to much more besides. In many walks of life and in many situations, persuading people to do what you want them to do is the key to success. Is persuasion a science with rules that can be taught and learnt, or is it simply a matter of instinct and personal experience? Researchers have looked into different aspects of persuasion and come up with some interesting results. 

     One advertising copywriter, for example, came up with an approach to selling a product on a TV shopping channel via phones sales that differed from the norm for such advertising. Instead of being instructed: ‘Operators are waiting, please call now’, viewers were told ‘If operators are busy, please call again’. This might appear to have been a risky tactic, putting potential buyers off by suggesting that they would have to waste their time calling repeatedly until they finally got through to someone to take their order. But the results were extraordinary and an unprecedented number of sales resulted. The advert suggested that instead of there being lots of operators sitting there and hoping people would call, there were so many people who wanted the product that people might have to wait until they could get it. This showed just how desirable the product was. Potential customers decided that, if so many other people wanted it, they definitely wanted it too.

     What role does choice have in persuading people to buy or get something? One study looked at the choices employees made when offered different retirement programmes. This showed that the more choices people were given, the less likely they were to choose anything at all. Another study in a supermarket revealed a similar effect of choice. A particular supermarket displayed either 6 or 24 different kinds of jam. When there were 24 jams to choose from, 3% of customers went to the display and bought one of the jams. When there were 6 jams on display, 30% of customers did so. […]

No primeiro parágrafo o autor levanta a questão se...
Q1724246 Inglês


Persuasion is key to business and to much more besides. In many walks of life and in many situations, persuading people to do what you want them to do is the key to success. Is persuasion a science with rules that can be taught and learnt, or is it simply a matter of instinct and personal experience? Researchers have looked into different aspects of persuasion and come up with some interesting results. 

     One advertising copywriter, for example, came up with an approach to selling a product on a TV shopping channel via phones sales that differed from the norm for such advertising. Instead of being instructed: ‘Operators are waiting, please call now’, viewers were told ‘If operators are busy, please call again’. This might appear to have been a risky tactic, putting potential buyers off by suggesting that they would have to waste their time calling repeatedly until they finally got through to someone to take their order. But the results were extraordinary and an unprecedented number of sales resulted. The advert suggested that instead of there being lots of operators sitting there and hoping people would call, there were so many people who wanted the product that people might have to wait until they could get it. This showed just how desirable the product was. Potential customers decided that, if so many other people wanted it, they definitely wanted it too.

     What role does choice have in persuading people to buy or get something? One study looked at the choices employees made when offered different retirement programmes. This showed that the more choices people were given, the less likely they were to choose anything at all. Another study in a supermarket revealed a similar effect of choice. A particular supermarket displayed either 6 or 24 different kinds of jam. When there were 24 jams to choose from, 3% of customers went to the display and bought one of the jams. When there were 6 jams on display, 30% of customers did so. […]

O autor diz que as instruções mencionadas no segundo parágrafo...
1: D
2: C
3: D
4: D
5: C
6: C
7: D
8: A
9: D
10: C
11: A
12: C
13: A
14: B
15: D
16: B
17: C
18: A
19: C
20: A