Based on the text, judge the items below.
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Ano: 2011
CESPE - 2011 - SAEB-BA - Professor - Inglês |
Based on the text, judge the items below.
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b) Second language interference can be particularly found at the beginner’s level.
INterference can occur because the learner's first language, like the way that he usualçly arranges words and some vocabulary choices, which might mirrir what he woudl usually say in his first language, but might actually need to come off differently in the language that he's struggling to learn.
Resposta no 2° periodo do texto, o qual confirma o que a alternativa afirma.
INterference can occur because the learner's first language, like the way that he usualçly arranges words and some vocabulary choices, which might mirrir what he woudl usually say in his first language, but might actually need to come off differently in the language that he's struggling to learn.
Resposta no 2° periodo do texto, o qual confirma o que a alternativa afirma.
Não seria a interferência do primeiro/nativo idioma??
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