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Harvard study: Men want powerful jobs more than women
By Justine Hofherr, Boston.com Staff | 09.29.15
Let’s get one thing straight: Women believe they are as capable as men to attain and perform high-level leadership positions at
work. Many just don’t want them as much, according to new research from Harvard Business School.
The paper, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), includes nine studies conducted on
high-achieving groups. Professor Francesca Gino, doctoral student Caroline Wilmuth, and associate professor Alison Wood Brooks (all
of HBS) surveyed over 4,000 male and female employees from different industries, and found a big gap between the professional
objectives of men and women.
While women reported having twice as many “life goals” as men - desired achievements that ranged from having strong
relationships, marriage, a meaningful career, and family - fewer were focused on professional power, which women were more likely to
associate with negative outcomes like stress and conflict.
“This is a snapshot of where our culture is right now", Brooks told Boston.com. “If we
these questions 50 years ago, or in
another 50 years, we might see dramatically different results. Women are pursuing careers on par with men, yet women are still a little
more responsible for things at home.”
(Adaptado de: http://www.boston.com/jobs/news/2015/09/29/harvard-study-men-want-powerful-jobs-more-than-women/WQpgG8WdFZWs
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