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Q2346530 Inglês

Consider the following sentence from the novel 'Oliver Twist' by Charles Dickens:

'She was thin and had very little color in her face, but she had a more mature and wise look than any other girl of the same age.'

Based on the sentence, what is the comparative form of the adjective that the author uses to describe the girl's appearance compared to other girls of her age?

Q2346526 Inglês
'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate:', which nouns in the sentence are in the plural form?
Q2346525 Inglês
“Tyger Tyger, burning bright, In the forests of the night; What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry?”

In terms of English grammar, identify the nouns in the plural form in this excerpt.
Q2346524 Inglês
You and your classmates are discussing your favorite superheroes and their abilities. You want to compare and determine which superhero is the strongest and fastest. Which of the following sentences correctly uses the comparative and superlative forms to make this comparison?
Q2345005 Inglês
2023 Theme
Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable

Today, the world is embarking on a green transition. The shift towards an environmentally sustainable and climate-friendly world is critical not only for responding to the global climate crisis but also for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A successful transition towards a greener world will depend on the development of green skills in the population. Green skills are “knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes needed to live in, develop and support a sustainable and resource-efficient society”. These include technical knowledge and skills that enable the effective use of green technologies and processes in occupational settings, as well as transversal skills that draw on a range of knowledge, values and attitudes to facilitate environmentally sustainable decisions in work and in life. Due to their interdisciplinary nature, the essence of green skills is sometimes expressed, partly if not wholly, through other associated terms such as “skills for the future” and “skills for green jobs”. While green skills are relevant for people of all ages, they have heightened importance for younger people, who can contribute to the green transition for a longer period of time.
Considering the linguistic elements in the text,
61: B
62: E
63: A
64: D
65: B