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Q2345005 Inglês
2023 Theme
Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable

Today, the world is embarking on a green transition. The shift towards an environmentally sustainable and climate-friendly world is critical not only for responding to the global climate crisis but also for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A successful transition towards a greener world will depend on the development of green skills in the population. Green skills are “knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes needed to live in, develop and support a sustainable and resource-efficient society”. These include technical knowledge and skills that enable the effective use of green technologies and processes in occupational settings, as well as transversal skills that draw on a range of knowledge, values and attitudes to facilitate environmentally sustainable decisions in work and in life. Due to their interdisciplinary nature, the essence of green skills is sometimes expressed, partly if not wholly, through other associated terms such as “skills for the future” and “skills for green jobs”. While green skills are relevant for people of all ages, they have heightened importance for younger people, who can contribute to the green transition for a longer period of time.
Considering the linguistic elements in the text,
Q2344905 Inglês
Read Text IV and answer the question that follow it 

Text IV

Teaching Reading Strategies

No matter what we are reading there are effective reading strategies we call on in order to make meaning from the text. Many of these strategies can be taught with comics and graphic novels. The ones highlighted below are particularly important when reading graphic texts.

Drawing Inferences

In comics and graphic novels, perhaps more than any other text, readers must build understanding by filling in gaps. A whole world of information is left in the gutter between the panels. The comic artist expects the reader to infer the action that takes place off the page. The more complex and sophisticated the comic, the more important this strategy becomes. If the reader is not making inferences, he is lost. Understanding this strategy and using it effectively will help students read ’between the lines’ in more traditional print narratives.


Students who struggle with reading may not understand what should be going on in the reader’s imagination during reading. With comics and other visual texts, the images are there for the reader. Through comics students can be taught how to create their own mental images when reading more traditional texts.

It is important that students understand the visual cues that are provided in the text. Although the words and images work together to tell the story, comics are primarily visual narratives. Therefore readers must draw on and integrate some important background knowledge and understandings about visual texts, comic elements and narrative structures in order to make meaning. The more knowledge readers have about the way visual texts work, the more successful they are likely to be.

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The opposite of “below” (1st paragraph) is:
Q2342565 Inglês
Which sentence correctly uses the comparative form?
Q2342555 Inglês
What is the possessive adjective used to indicate that something belongs to a non-human subject, such as an animal or object?
Q2335045 Inglês
The Future Of Accounting:
How Will Digital Transformation Impact Accountants?

     In business, as in life, change is the only true constant. From mitigating unprecedented business disruptors to adapting to new operational paradigms, professionals in all industries find themselves dealing with major changes — many of them driven by emerging technologies.

     Accounting is no exception. The profession has moved far beyond mere bookkeeping and payroll, and like its partner procurement, it’s taking an increasingly strategic role for forward-thinking businesses. While some pundits say accounting has a dim future in the digital world of tomorrow, technologies such as cloud-based data management, process automation and advanced analytics are actually poised to further elevate accountants in new and empowering ways.

     As far back as 2015, industry leaders were sounding the death knell for accountants, convinced emerging technologies — particularly automation — would end in death by digital for accountancy as we know it. And as recently as 2019, accountants surveyed by Robert Half on the impact of automation on their profession expressed concerns about being replaced, having fewer opportunities for creative problem-solving and an overdependence on tech in completing daily tasks.

     Yet, the events between then and now, including the Covid-19 pandemic, have instead shown that accountants, like other professionals, need to worry much more about adaptation than replacement.

     There's no question that digital transformation has radically changed the playing field. Big data has become a rich resource that needs to be tapped to compete effectively. But for businesses ready to leverage the potential of digital tools, this shift is an opportunity, not a threat.


     Both the skill set and the job description for tomorrow's accountant will be greatly expanded, while still hewing to the core competencies of the profession. Supported by technology in a collaborative setting, accounting teams will be populated with both dedicated accounting professionals and subject matter experts from other areas of the business.

     Tomorrow's accountants may play an advisory role, welcoming business intelligence and procurement professionals and working to chart a strategic sourcing plan. They could leverage data management tools, including augmented reality, to humanize and contextualize spend data for the C-suite to make better decisions based on long-term value rather than return on investment alone.

     With more diverse skill sets and greater technical acumen, accountants can bring their own expertise to teams in other business units, providing crucial financial intelligence, refining budgets or ensuring compliance. […]

     As a function, accounting may become less about refining one's skill set through certifications and more about core competencies that grow over time, with a focus on lifelong education and skill development required to take on a complex, ever-changing business environment.

     Automation and other data-driven technologies are poised to free accountants, not constrain them. Organizations that  understand the potential and importance of these technologies — and invest in the tools and training required to help their accountants take full advantage — will be ahead of the curve. Tomorrow's accountants will play a more creative and strategic role in their companies. As a result, their businesses will not only enjoy more efficient workflows and reap more useful insights from their accounting processes, but help strengthen their own resiliency, agility and competitive footing.

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The verb in “were sounding the death knell” can be replaced without change in meaning by
66: B
67: A
68: A
69: D
70: E