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Q1913768 Inglês

Comics: Trash or Treasure

In Japan, they call them ‘manga’; in Latin America, ‘histotietas’; in Italy, ‘fumetti’; in Brazil, ‘história em quadrinhos’; and in the U.S., ‘comics’. But no matter what you call them, comics are a favorite source of reading pleasure in many parts of the world.

In case you are wondering how popular comics are, the best-selling comic title in the U.S. sells about 5 million copies a year. All of Mexico’s comic titles together sell over 7,5 million copies a week. But Japan is        far the leading publisher of comics       the world.

Manga account_______.  nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies       week!

Ever since comics first appeared, there have been people who have criticized them. In the 1940s and 50s, many people believed that comics were immoral and that they caused bad behavior among young people. Even today, many question whether young people should read them at all. They argue that reading comics encourages bad reading habits.

But some educators see comics as a way to get teenagers to choose reading instead of television and video games. And because of the art, a number of educators have argued that comics are a great way to get children to think creatively. More recent research has suggested that the combination of visuals and text in comics may be one reason young people handle computers and related software so easily.

In Japan, the Education Ministry calls comics ‘a part of Japan’s national culture, recognized and highly regarded abroad’. Comics are increasingly being used for educational purposes, and many publishers there see them as a useful way of teaching history and other subjects.

No matter how you view them, comics remain a guilty pleasure for millions worldwide.
The underlined word in “Even today, many question whether young people should read them at all”, can be correctly classified as a(n):
Q1877315 Inglês
Read the text:

     “Students review and extend important language for learning English, including how to say some letters of the alphabet, ask questions about language and identify parts of speech. The lesson includes an interactive game to test mastery of the content, which can be played in both online and face-to-face contexts. There is also a short optional extension activity about the NATO alphabet.” by Stephanie Hirschman.

Select the alternative that has only preposition.
Q1877314 Inglês
Select the alternative that correctly fills the gap, with the correct preposition placement.

I. Some people talk _________ their work all the time.
II. She goes to work _______ foot.
III. Do you like travelling ______ train? IV. Do you coffee _____ sugar?
Q1877297 Inglês
Leia as orações abaixo e identifique as palavras destacadas em cada uma delas:

I. I met someone who said he knew you;
II. The noise that hem ade woke everybody up.
III. I saw something in the paper which would interest you.

Assinale a alternativa que classifica as palavras em destaque:
Q1845383 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

NUT SO SIMILAR Squirrels have different personalities and can be shy or right nutters, study finds
(1º§) Psychologists said the furry-tailed rodents have four traits - boldness, aggressiveness, activity level and sociability.
(2º§) Experts observed and recorded squirrel responses to four tests.
(3º§) They were placed in a holed box, presented with their mirror image, approached in the wild to see how long they waited before fleeing, and caught unharmed in a simple trap.
(4º§) Bolder squirrels moved faster, were more aggressive, active and sociable.
(5º§) They may find more food or defend a larger territory - but are at more risk from predators or accidents. Dr Jaclyn Aliperti, ___ the University of California, said the scientific field of animal personality is relatively young but its development is key.
(6º§) She explained: "Accounting ___ personality may be important when predicting wildlife responses to new conditions such as changes or destruction of habitat.
(7º§) "This is a hard science but if it makes you relate to animals more, maybe people will be more interested in conserving them."

Fonte: -have-personalities-a-study-found/?rec_article=true
Mark the alternative that correctly fills in the blanks of 5º§ and 6º§. 
66: D
67: A
68: D
69: C
70: B