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Q2273307 Inglês

TEXT II – Tema: Variação linguística no ensino-aprendizagem de inglês


1  The most familiar way to classify the varieties of English around the world was developed by

2  Kachru (1985) and looks like this:

(Available from:  Accessed on July 5 , 2023) 

In the sentence “The most familiar way to classify the varieties of English around the world was developed by Kachru”, there is an example of:
Q2267393 Inglês
Choose the CORRECT answer.
“The world’s biggest bull is ________ a small elephant.”
Q2267389 Inglês
Which noun does not have the correct definition? Choose the INCORRECT answer. 
Q2257125 Inglês
The word "droves" (line 10) is
Q2254453 Inglês
Senate Passes Plan to Cut $35 Billion From Deficit

By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 4, 2005; A01

    The Senate approved sweeping deficit-reduction legislation last night that would save about $35 billion over the next five years by cutting federal spending on prescription drugs, agriculture supports and student loans, while clamping down on fraud in the Medicaid program.
     The measure would also open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, a long-sought goal of the oil industry that took a major step forward after years of political struggle. A bipartisan effort to strip the drilling provision narrowly failed.
    The Senate bill, which passed 52 to 47, is the first in nearly a decade to tackle the growth of entitlement spending, the part of the federal budget that rises automatically based on set formulas and population changes.
     It would shave payments to some farmers by 2.5 percent, while eliminating a major cotton support program and trimming agriculture conservation spending. A proposal to limit payments to rich farmers failed yesterday. The measure passed largely along party lines, with only two Democrats voting for it and five Republicans voting against it.
     Yesterday's action is part of an effort by congressional Republicans to demonstrate fiscal discipline after widespread complaints of profligate spending on Capitol Hill. ....51.... many Democrats and some moderate Republicans are concerned that the effort may go too far, prominent Republicans in the Senate and House said the cuts were necessary to slow the rate of spending and control a deficit projected to total $314 billion by the end of the fiscal year.
      During a speech yesterday, former House majority leader Tom Delay (R-Tex) repeatedly apologized for excessive spending by Congress, including recent highway legislation that was ....52.... with lawmakers’ pet projects. After noting that House Republicans have voted to cut taxes every year since winning the majority in 1994, DeLay acknowledged, “Our record on spending has not been as consistent, ....53.... .”

(Adapted from
Na questão, a palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna é
71: A
72: A
73: C
74: E
75: B