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Q2353163 Inglês
Which of the following sentences uses a phrasal verb correctly?
Q2353162 Inglês
Consider the sentence below:

"After buying fresh bread and milk, I noticed the rubbish scattered on the soil, but amidst the clutter, I found a forgotten bag of soft cotton."

How many uncountable nouns do we find in the sentence?
Q2353159 Inglês
Select the most appropriate modal verb considering the structure and idea of the sentence:

"The situation was dire, and success seemed improbable, but with determination and effort, they ____________ achieve their goals."
Q2353158 Inglês

How many adjectives and adverbs are there in the sentence below?

“The cat gracefully leaped onto the tall fence.” 

Q2353156 Inglês
Identify the correct preposition to complete the sentence:

"The detective was determined to find clues that would lead him _____ solving the mysterious case." 
81: A
82: B
83: B
84: C
85: C