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Q2226466 Inglês
     Tracy Chou is a 31-year-old programmer — and “an absolute rock star,” as her former boss Ben Silbermann, the CEO and co-founder of Pinterest, once said. Yet for all her street cred, Chou still finds herself grappling with one of the biggest problems in the industry: Female programmers are regarded skeptically, and sometimes even treated with flat-out hostility. She’s seen the same pattern of behavior personally during her decade in coding: colleagues who muse openly about whether women are biologically less wired to be great programmers.
       There’s a deep irony here — because women were in computing from its earliest days. Indeed, they were considered essential back when “computers” were not even yet machines. Just before the digital age emerged, computers were humans. And for a time, a large portion of them were women.
      Soon, the human computers faced an even more existential threat: digital computers, which promised to work with far greater speed and to handle complex math.
         Women, though, were among the original coders of these strange new digital brains, because in the early days programming was seen as dull work. The earliest programmers for the Eniac — the military-funded first programmable general-purpose computer — were entirely women. And though they wound up inventing brilliant coding techniques, they received none of the glory: When the Army showed off the Eniac to the press, it did not introduce the women who had written the code.

Internet: <>(adapted).
Judge the following item about the previous text and the information stated in it as well as the vocabulary used in it.
The adjective “dull”, in the first sentence of the fourth paragraph, could be replaced by boring without changing the meaning of the sentence. 

Q2214999 Inglês
      In many parts of the world colonial hegemony has resulted in the dominance of the coloniser's language at the expense of native languages. The suppression of indigenous languages is intricately connected with mental health problems. Indigenous youth with less knowledge of their native language are six times more likely to have suicidal ideation than those with greater language knowledge. Language suppression impairs self-identity, wellbeing, self-esteem, and empowerment.
       Just as language extinction can affect mental health, so can reinstating a language. Aboriginal youth who are capable of speaking their native language are less likely to consume alcohol or use illicit substances at risky amounts, and are less likely to be exposed to violence. Moreover, knowledge of indigenous languages is associated with a decrease in youth suicide by 50% a year.
       The digital recording of indigenous languages might be useful for documentation, restoration, promotion, and education. Sufficient fund allocation is required to recover and store the alphabets of indigenous languages. Separate indigenous language educational institutes, in which researchers and mental health professionals can work in cooperation, are also extremely necessary. These concerted efforts might help result in the renewal of a given indigenous language and potentially reduce mental health problems.

Omar Faruk and Simon Rosenbaum. The mental health consequences of indigenous language loss. In: The Lancet Psychiatry. Internet:<>   (adapted).  

Judge the following item, about the vocabulary and the grammatical features of the text.

In the first paragraph, if the authors qualified “native language” as Asian, primaeval, guttural and beautiful, the correct order of such adjectives would be: beautiful Asian guttural primaeval native language.

Q2210437 Inglês

Stop Wasting Time: A 15-minute Planning Session That Will Save You Hours

(Available at:– textespecially adapted for this test).
Considering the order of the words, which of the following sentences is the correct one? 
Q2210432 Inglês

Stop Wasting Time: A 15-minute Planning Session That Will Save You Hours

(Available at:– textespecially adapted for this test).
Fill out the gaps in the sentences below with one of the following words: much / many / few / little.
1. I shouldn’t have ___ sugar… Sweets are bad for my health. 2. There are too ___ cookies, they won’t all fit in the jar. 3. Only a ___ people came, it was a very small event. 4. It was just an hour! They did a lot in the ___ time they had.
Mark the alternative that fills out, correctly and respectively, the gaps in the sentences above. 
Q2210430 Inglês

Stop Wasting Time: A 15-minute Planning Session That Will Save You Hours

(Available at:– textespecially adapted for this test).
Considering the comparative form of the adjectives indicated in the parentheses following each gap, which of the options below correctly and respectively fills out the blanks 1(L.32), 2 and 3 (L.33) throughout the text? 
86: C
87: E
88: E
89: C
90: E