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Q730059 Inglês
Identify the item that best replaces the phrasal verb in bold type.  
  I’ve just ran into your sister on the mall.  
Q730058 Inglês
Identify the item that best replaces the phrasal verb in bold type.  

He tore up all her letters when she decided to move. 
Q727947 Inglês

Based on TEXT 2, a fictional blog, answer question


I do realize that in the world of technology there are early and late adopters. I’m not the earliest of cutting-edge early TESL adopters, but I do like to try out new technology and incorporate it into my teaching. This list is a handful of technologies that are established enough not to be too problematic, user-friendly enough that just about anyone can start using them quickly, and useful enough that you’ll soon wonder how you got along without them. In short, this is a list of tech that just about everyone can (and maybe even should) be using in 2010.

1. Wikipedia – It has become popular to question its accuracy. Wikipedia has become a real knowledge bank on the internet. Once we figure out what it is (a compilation of all referenced knowledge) many of these criticisms fall down. Access to all this information means a reorganization of learning.

2. Google – No, I don’t just mean search, but all the other stuff: maps, docs, calendar, etc. It’s never been so easy to collaborate with other people.

3. Twitter – A year ago, I taught a course through Twitter with mixed results. This microblog is almost exclusively interactive, but my ESL students found it tough to collaborate within Twitter because of its constraints on length. The email by contrast, is very simple – it is equally interactive but it is constraint free. So, you should use it and you should see interesting results !

Can you learn the language by using the above alone? Of course not! But they are a good springboard and I hope they lead you to discover all other media available out there (ebooks, blogs, YouTube videos, music, movies, etc.).

More web in the pipeline. Please post a comment.

The phrasal verbs ‘figure out’ in “Once we figure out what it is” and ‘fall down’ in “many of these criticisms fall down” mean, respectively:
Q719159 Inglês
The word might in the advertisment could only be replaced by the word:
Q642183 Inglês

              Anxiety Medication: Over Prescribed and

                              Causing Overdoses

      According to a story on NBC New York, more and more patients are ending up in New York City hospitals having over dosed on Xanax. Xanax is in the benzodiaziepine family of drugs and it’s used to treat anxiety, nervousness, and panic attacks by decreasing brain activity.

Xanax Overdoses Way Up

NBC New York reports:

      Between 2004 and 2009, New York City emergency room visits involving Xanax and other anti-anxiety prescription drugs known as benzodiazepines increased more than 50 percent. That’s up from 38 out of 100,000 New Yorkers in 2004 to 59 out of 100,000 New Yorkers.

      It’s not the drug by itself that causes the overdoses, but used in combination with other drugs and alcohol, it creates a toxic cocktail which isn’t easily metabolized in the body.

      The drug is habit forming and withdrawal symptoms can include sweating, shaking, difficulty falling asleep, difficulty concentrating, depression, and nervousness. Many fear that the drug is being over prescribed. 

      “I don’t believe they take the time with the patients to figure out what the problems are,” Cali Estes, a drug counselor said to NBC New York. “A doctor who is running short on time and nurses and probably isn’t paid as much as he or she used to be finds it easier to say, ‘OK, this person has a problem, here’s your script, have a nice day. Where’s my next patient?’” 

Whitney Houston’s Death Tied to Xanax and Other Drugs

      Whitney Houston’s recent death is raising questions as to this and other sedatives. Xanax is most often criticized by those in the psychiatric community because it only lasts 6 to 20 hours.

Forbes reports: 

      On the face of it, this seems like a great combination – you get a quick hit of anxiety relief and the drug leaves your system within a 24-hour period. But in practice what often happens is that because the drug acts so quickly and dissipates quickly, the patient begins taking more of it to maintain the effect. Two pills a day turns into four, which turns into six and so forth.

      According to the CDC, prescription drug overdose is now the leading cause of accidental death in the U.S., topping automobile accidents for the first time in 30 years. Currently, Xanax is the 11th most widely prescribed drug in the nation.

                                                     Available in:

Read the sentence below taken from the text and analyze the assertions.

“Two pills a day turns into four, which turns into six and so forth.”

I. The phrasal verb “to turn into” can be replaced by “in turn”.

II. “Which” refers to the last quantity of pills mentioned.

III. The expression “so forth” infers that, after having 6 pills, the patient restarts taking four pills.

The correct assertion(s) is(are)

106: B
107: C
108: A
109: B
110: D