Questões de Concurso Comentadas por alunos sobre substantivos e compostos | nouns and compounds em inglês

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Q1731945 Inglês

TEXT 1: How brightly the moon glows is a mystery, but maybe not for long.

    “The lunar dark side may be the moon’s more mysterious face, but there’s something pretty basic scientists still don’t know about the bright side — namely, just how bright it is.

    Current estimates of the moon’s brightness at any given time and vantage point are saddled with at least 5 percent uncertainty. That’s because those estimates are based on measurements from ground-based telescopes that gaze at the moon through the haze of Earth’s atmosphere.

    Now, scientists have sent a telescope beyond the clouds on a high-altitude airplane in hopes of gauging the moon’s glow within about 1 percent or less uncertainty, the National Institute of Standards and Technology reports in a Nov. 19 news release.

    Knowing the exact brightness of Earth’s celestial night-light could increase the reliability of data from Earth-observing satellites that use the moon’s steady glow to check that their sensors are working properly. Those satellites keep tabs on things like weather, crop health and dangerous algal blooms.”

(Adapted from

In the text 1, the word “weather”, in “Those satellites keep tabs on things like weather, crop health and dangerous algal blooms” means, is:
Q1730985 Inglês

Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente os espaços em branco.

I. There’s ____ juice left in the refrigerator.

II. I have ____ good friends to count on.

III. There are ____ people she really like in her job.

IV. He has ____ free time, because is a workaholic.

Q1729070 Inglês
Analyze the sentences below. I. The audience were all cheering wildly. II. They’re advertising two pairs of glasses for the price of one. III. Aerobics are great fun – you should try it! Identify the correct option according to the bold phrases.
Q1725580 Inglês
Analyze the fragment below.

Economists may argue of the correct monetary policy at any given time or incentives and disincentives in taxes.

In the context above there is a mistake related to a or an:
Q1722414 Inglês
We often use two nouns together to show that one thing is a part of something else. Identify the wrong noun modifier used.
111: B
112: A
113: B
114: A
115: C