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Q2016705 Inglês
Activities for raising awareness of diversity

    Our first goal as language teachers is always to encourage our learners to make use of their developing language. Giving them a genuine communicative purpose and making it personal to them are two good ways of achieving this. For students beginning their journey to greater self-awareness, teachers could devise an inventory of learning skills for them to rate themselves on. This could include items such as ‘I keep my notes in order’, ‘I always make a note of homework and the date it should be done’ or whatever is appropriate to their level. Students could rate themselves privately, but then discuss with other students which ones they find most challenging, exchanging tips about how they could improve these aspects of learning. From these discussions, it will probably become clear that some students have already got good study strategies in place, even if some of them seem a little unusual. Revisiting the checklist later in the course helps learners to reflect on how they have improved and what they still need to work on. […]

    Making use of materials that include a diverse range of characters is another great way of initiating discussion and raising awareness of the issues. There may be no explicit mention made in the text of this diversity, thereby sending the implicit message that this is just how the world is. Students may see characters that they can relate to more easily, and feel more included generally. Other materials, such as the ‘Adventures on Inkling Island’ comic strips, explicitly showcase the daily challenges and talents of neurodiverse people, demonstrating that being different can be a strength in some situations.

    A powerful way of enabling people to understand how it might feel to be in the minority on a daily basis, whether in terms of physical abilities or cognitive function, is to set up experiential activities which challenge the participants to perform unusual tasks in conditions that make their usual way of working impossible. As well as being a fun way of introducing the topic for further discussion, these activities are usually very memorable and drive home the message that – in the vast majority of cases – lack of success in academic tasks is not due to laziness or stupidity.

Adapted from: 
The underlined word in “make use of their developing language” (1st paragraph) is a(n) 
Q2013444 Inglês
Identify the alternatives below as ( T ) true or ( F ) false.
( ) The underlined word in “… it helps to know more about hot air balloons themselves.“ is a relative pronoun.
( ) The preposition in the following sentence “…keeping the balloon floating above the ground.” means that the balloon is floating over the ground.
( ) The words ‘actually’, ‘push’, and ‘major’ mean in Portuguese: ‘atualmente’, puxar’ and ‘maior’.
( ) The negative form of “A hot air balloon has three major parts: the basket, the burner, and the envelope.” is “A hot balloon doesn’t have three major parts: the basket, the burner, and the envelope.”
( ) The tense used in the question “Have you ever wondered what keeps a hot air balloon flying?”, is an example of Past Perfect.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.
Q2012929 Inglês
According to the English grammar by adding the suffix "able" to the word: "accept":
Q2012926 Inglês

      Pollution is the degradation of natural environment by external substances introduced directly or indirectly. Human health, ecosystem quality and aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity may be affected and altered permanently by pollution.
        Pollution occurs when ecosystems cannot get rid of substances introduced into the environment. The critical threshold of its ability to naturally eliminate substances is compromised and the balance of the ecosystem is broken.
       The sources of pollution are numerous. The identification of these different pollutants and their effects on ecosystems is complex. They can come from natural disasters or the result of human activity, such as oil spills, chemical spills, nuclear accidents. These can have terrible consequences on people and the planet where they live: destruction of the biodiversity, increased mortality of the human and animal species, destruction of natural habitat, damage caused to the quality of soil, water, and air.
     Preventing pollution and protecting the environment necessitate the application of the principles of sustainable development. We must consider satisfying the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. This means that we should remedy existing pollution, but also anticipate and prevent future pollution sources to protect the environment and public health. Any environmental damage must be punishable by law, and polluters should pay compensation for the damage caused to the environment.

Fonte: University Mentouri Bros. Constantine. Department of Lettres and the English Language. English for Science and Technology Practice. Prepared and presented by Prof. Nacif Labed, April 2020.
The sentence: “Preventing pollution and protecting the environment necessitate the application of the principles of sustainable development” means that:
Q2012925 Inglês

      Pollution is the degradation of natural environment by external substances introduced directly or indirectly. Human health, ecosystem quality and aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity may be affected and altered permanently by pollution.
        Pollution occurs when ecosystems cannot get rid of substances introduced into the environment. The critical threshold of its ability to naturally eliminate substances is compromised and the balance of the ecosystem is broken.
       The sources of pollution are numerous. The identification of these different pollutants and their effects on ecosystems is complex. They can come from natural disasters or the result of human activity, such as oil spills, chemical spills, nuclear accidents. These can have terrible consequences on people and the planet where they live: destruction of the biodiversity, increased mortality of the human and animal species, destruction of natural habitat, damage caused to the quality of soil, water, and air.
     Preventing pollution and protecting the environment necessitate the application of the principles of sustainable development. We must consider satisfying the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. This means that we should remedy existing pollution, but also anticipate and prevent future pollution sources to protect the environment and public health. Any environmental damage must be punishable by law, and polluters should pay compensation for the damage caused to the environment.

Fonte: University Mentouri Bros. Constantine. Department of Lettres and the English Language. English for Science and Technology Practice. Prepared and presented by Prof. Nacif Labed, April 2020.
A expressão “such as” destacada em negrito no texto, em português é o mesmo que:  
141: D
142: C
143: B
144: A
145: A