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Q2316880 Inglês

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Adjective clauses, also known as relative clauses, provide additional information about a noun in a sentence. Mastering the use of adjective clauses is essential for constructing complex sentences and conveying detailed descriptions in American English.

Q2316871 Inglês

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Prepositions, such as “in,” “on,” and “between,” convey relationships between elements in a sentence, specifying location, direction, or time. Mastering prepositions is crucial for accurate spatial and temporal communication, as their precise usage enhances the clarity and coherence of English sentences. 

Q2316868 Inglês

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Reflexive pronouns, such as “myself” and “yourself,” reflect the action back onto the subject. Mastery of reflexive pronoun usage ensures grammatical accuracy and clarity in English sentences. Recognizing situations that warrant reflexive pronouns contributes to effective self-expression. 

Q2316867 Inglês

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Subordinate clauses, also known as dependent clauses, are introduced by subordinating conjunctions such as “although,” “because,” or “while.” These clauses provide additional information and cannot stand alone as complete sentences. Proficiency in using subordinate clauses enhances sentence complexity, enabling the conveyance of intricate relationships and details in American English.

Q2316862 Inglês

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Adverbs can function as sentence modifiers, providing additional information about the speaker's attitude, certainty, or the likelihood of an event. Adverbs in this context, such as “fortunately” or “surprisingly,” play a vital role in conveying the speaker's perspective in American English.

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