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Q2215007 Inglês
          As new technologies take on increasingly humanlike qualities, there’s been a push to make them genderless. Apple’s Siri digital assistant unveiled a gender-neutral option last year, and when asked about their gender identities, the AI chatbots ChatGPT and Google Bard each reply, “I do not have a gender.”
     There have been concerns over gendering technology, since doing so reinforces societal stereotypes. That happens because the stereotypes commonly associated with men, such as competitiveness and dominance, are more valued than those associated with women. That is likely true, says Ashley Martin, a professor at Stanford University. “People are stereotyping their gendered objects in very traditional ways,” she says.
          Removing gender from the picture altogether seems like a simple way to fix this. Yet, as Martin has found in her latest research, conducted with Malia Mason, of Columbia Universty, gender is one of the fundamental ways people form connections with objects, particularly those designed to evoke human characteristics.
          Throughout the experiments, Martin and Mason found that gender increased users’ feelings of attachment to devices such as digital voice assistants –– and their interest in purchasing them. For example, participants said they would be less likely to buy a genderless voice assistant than versions with male or female voices.

Hope Reese. Is That Self-Driving Car a Boy or a Girl? In: Insights by Stanford Business. Internet:<>  (adapted)

Judge the following item, related to the vocabulary and to the grammar in the precedent text.

The word “Removing” in the beginning of the third paragraph, is an example of how a verb can be turned into a noun in English.

Q2215006 Inglês
          As new technologies take on increasingly humanlike qualities, there’s been a push to make them genderless. Apple’s Siri digital assistant unveiled a gender-neutral option last year, and when asked about their gender identities, the AI chatbots ChatGPT and Google Bard each reply, “I do not have a gender.”
     There have been concerns over gendering technology, since doing so reinforces societal stereotypes. That happens because the stereotypes commonly associated with men, such as competitiveness and dominance, are more valued than those associated with women. That is likely true, says Ashley Martin, a professor at Stanford University. “People are stereotyping their gendered objects in very traditional ways,” she says.
          Removing gender from the picture altogether seems like a simple way to fix this. Yet, as Martin has found in her latest research, conducted with Malia Mason, of Columbia Universty, gender is one of the fundamental ways people form connections with objects, particularly those designed to evoke human characteristics.
          Throughout the experiments, Martin and Mason found that gender increased users’ feelings of attachment to devices such as digital voice assistants –– and their interest in purchasing them. For example, participants said they would be less likely to buy a genderless voice assistant than versions with male or female voices.

Hope Reese. Is That Self-Driving Car a Boy or a Girl? In: Insights by Stanford Business. Internet:<>  (adapted)

Judge the following item, related to the vocabulary and to the grammar in the precedent text.

In the second paragraph, the word “since” determines the use of the present perfect continuous in “There have been concerns”.

Q2214982 Inglês
    Vale destacar que, no centro de uma pedagogia crítica da linguagem, está a crença de que o objetivo é a conscientização dos alunos tanto da forma como eles existem no mundo quanto do fato de que esse mundo não é estático, mas está em constante transformação, cabendo a eles serem seus protagonistas e agentes transformadores.
     Face a esse deslocamento da concepção de língua como instrumento para a de língua como forma/lugar de interação social, bem como de uma abordagem neutra e instrumental para uma abordagem crítica da língua/linguagem, os desafios postos ao professor não possibilitam respostas fáceis nem receitas prontas ou infalíveis.
        Indubitavelmente, as recentes orientações curriculares sustentam a revisão e reelaboração de um currículo escolar que tem se mostrado estéril. Parece cada vez mais evidente que a educação linguística na língua inglesa, necessária à sociedade brasileira contemporânea, inclui desenvolvimento de letramento em discursos multimodais (multiletramentos), percepção crítica do papel da lingua(gem) nas diversas práticas sociais, além de capacidade de operar em situações interculturais cada vez mais frequentes. A abordagem crítica da lingua(gem) parece devidamente talhada para lidar com silêncio, dúvida, contradição, incerteza, desestabililização de certezas, desnaturalização do lugar comum. O objetivo não é formar alunos colonizados, mas sim questionadores, críticos e agentes transformadores da realidade que os cerca, marcada por desigualdades, violência e injustiças sociais, preconceito, baixa autoestima etc.

Maura Regina Dourado. Tendências atuais no ensino de língua inglesa e implicações para formação de professores. In: Ariús – Revista de Ciências Humanas e Artes, v. 13, n. 2, jul./dez., 2007 (com adaptações). 
No que concerne ao ensino de língua estrangeira e ao conceito de língua, julgue o item a seguir, considerando o texto precedente.
O sentido de vocábulos estudados e aprendidos em língua inglesa deve ser negociado de forma dinâmica e contextualizada.
Q2214979 Inglês

Concerning the concepts of skimming and scanning, judge the following item.

It is important to read the summary of an article to stablish an adequate scanning process.  

Q2214978 Inglês

Concerning the concepts of skimming and scanning, judge the following item.

Looking up the meaning of a word in the dictionary is an example of scanning. 

146: C
147: E
148: C
149: E
150: C