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Q2316874 Inglês

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Indefinite articles, “a” and “an,” are used to introduce a non-specific item or entity. The choice between “a” and “an” depends on the phonetic sound that follows, with “a” preceding words that start with a consonant sound and “an” preceding words that begin with a vowel sound. 

Q2316869 Inglês

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Grammatical number distinguishes between singular and plural forms of nouns, affecting both their morphology and associated verbs. A nuanced understanding of number agreement is essential for constructing grammatically correct sentences, ensuring coherence and precision in English communication. 

Q2316867 Inglês

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Subordinate clauses, also known as dependent clauses, are introduced by subordinating conjunctions such as “although,” “because,” or “while.” These clauses provide additional information and cannot stand alone as complete sentences. Proficiency in using subordinate clauses enhances sentence complexity, enabling the conveyance of intricate relationships and details in American English.

Q2316862 Inglês

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Adverbs can function as sentence modifiers, providing additional information about the speaker's attitude, certainty, or the likelihood of an event. Adverbs in this context, such as “fortunately” or “surprisingly,” play a vital role in conveying the speaker's perspective in American English.

Q2316861 Inglês

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Definite articles, “the,” specify a particular noun that is already known or has been previously mentioned in the context. Understanding the appropriate use of definite articles is crucial for indicating specificity and reference in American English. 

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