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Q1367997 Inglês

Find the alternative that best completes the blank.

“– Do you know __________ did Brenda need to be at the station?

– I think the appointment was about 6 pm.”

Q1348194 Inglês


    The history of Brazil's indigenous peoples has been marked by brutality, slavery, violence, diseases, and genocide.
    When the first European colonists arrived in 1500, what is now Brazil was inhabited by an estimated 11 million Indians, living in about 2,000 tribes. Within the rst century of contact, 90% were wiped out, mainly through diseases imported by the colonists, such as fiu, measles and smallpox. In the following centuries, thousands more died, enslaved in the rubber and sugar cane plantations.
    By the 1950s the population has dropped to such a low that the eminent senator and anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro predicted there would be none left by the year 1980. On average, it is estimated that one tribe became extinct every year over the last century.   
    In 1967, a federal prosecutor named Jader Figueiredo published a 7,000 page report cataloguing thousands of atrocities and crimes committed against the Indians, ranging from murder to land theft to enslavement.
     In one notorious case known as 'The th massacre of the 11 parallel', a rubber baron ordered his men to hurl sticks of dynamite into a Cinta Larga village. Those who survived were murdered when rubber workers entered the village on foot and attacked them with machetes.         

    The report made int e rna tiona l headlines and led to the disbanding of the government's Indian Protection Service (SPI) which was replaced by FUNAI. This remains the government' s indigenous a ff a ir s department today. 

    Survival International was founded in 1969 in response to an article by Norman Lewis in the Sunday Times magazine on the genocide of Brazil's Indians.
    The size of the indigenous population gradually started to grow once more, although when the Amazon was opened up for development by the military in the 1960s, 70s and 80s, a new wave of hydro-electric dams, cattle ranching, mines and roads meant tens of thousands of Indians lost their lands and lives. Dozens of tribes disappeared forever.
    Twenty-two years of military dictatorship ended in 1985, and a new Constitution was drawn up. Indians and their supporters lobbied hard for more rights. Much has been achieved, although Indians do not yet enjoy the collective landownership rights they are entitled to under international law. 

Adapted from ilian.
Sobre a palavra PEOPLES em “The history of Brazil's indigenous peoples has been marked by brutality, slavery, violence, diseases, and genocide”, podemos afirmar que:
Q1343681 Inglês
Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

Consider only the following statement from the text, apart from its context of use:
“If an embarrassing image escaped onto the web, it would be there forever”.
I. It is in the first conditional. II. It refers to a time that is in the past and a situation that is contrary to reality. III. The if-clause uses simple past; while the main clause uses the present perfect.
Which ones are INCORRECT?
Q1343005 Inglês

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from:

Choose the verb form that completes the sentence below:

The woman is looking forward:

Ano: 2019 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: ABEPRO Prova: FEPESE - 2019 - ABEPRO - Pós-Graduação |
Q1336722 Inglês

Operations management is important. It is concerned with creating the products and services upon which we all depend. And creating products and services is the very reason for any organization’s existence, whether that organization be large or small, manufacturing or service, for profit or not profit. Thankfully, most companies have now come to understand the importance of operations. This is because they have realized that effective operations management gives the potential to improve revenues and, at the same time, enables goods and services to be produced more efficiently. It is this combination of higher revenues and lower costs which is understandably important to any organization.

Operations management is also exciting. It is at the center of so many of the changes affecting the business world – changes in customer preference, changes in supply networks brought about by internet-based technologies, changes in what we want to do at work, how we want to work, and so on. There has rarely been a time when operations management was more topical or more at the heart of business and cultural shifts.

Operations management is also challenging. Promoting the creativity which will allow organizations to respond to so many changes is becoming the prime task of operations managers. It is they who must find the solutions to technological and environmental challenges, the pressures to be socially responsible, the increasing globalization of markets and the difficult-to-define areas of knowledge management.
Choose the alternative with the correct negative form of “operations management gives the potential to improve
171: D
172: C
173: E
174: A
175: B