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Q1110379 Inglês
n the sentence “Actually, I really need to do exercises”, the proper translation for the word underlined would be:
Q1073320 Inglês
O texto a seguir deve ser utilizado para responder à questão.

The Future of Digital Video

    Digital Enrichment for the Home Intelligent set-top boxes will bring new levels of functionality to the home entertainment experience. Set-top boxes will stream programming from anywhere in the world to enable true video on demand, whether the programming is stored on a home computer or occurring live. Set-top boxes will also integrate home surveillance security systems into the heart of the home entertainment center to enable viewers to identify visitors at the front door visually on their TV screens without having to leave the couch. Through object/facial recognition technology, the security system will be able to automatically identify family members and let them in without a key. We will have our entertainment anywhere and at any time we want it. Set-top boxes will automatically set their own clocks, making recording programs as simple as a single button push. And with voice recognition technology, users will be able to adjust the volume or change channels by voice command without having to hunt for an elusive remote-control.
(Extraído de:
No texto, o termo “surveillance” pode ser melhor traduzido por
Q1073316 Inglês
O texto a seguir deve ser utilizado para responder à questão.

    The term “safe language” is, unfortunately, even more contentious than “type system”. Although people generally feel they know one when they see it, their notions of exactly what constitutes language safety are strongly influenced by the language community to which they belong. Informally, though, safe languages can be defined as ones that make it impossible to shoot yourself in the foot while programming.
(Types and Programming Languages, Benjamin C. Pierce, MIT Press, 2002)
O significado de “to shoot yourself in the foot” é
Q1068730 Inglês

Leia as instruções a seguir e responda a questão.

Instructions for making sandwiches

    First decide what type of filling you would like and check to see if there is some available. Next take two slices of bread and butter each of them on one side only. Put your filling on one slice of bread, butter side up. You may choose two fillings. Place the other piece of bread, butter side down, on top of the filling. Now cut your sandwich carefully with a knife. Now sit down and enjoy your sandwich. Finally, clear away the things you have been using.

( lead-learner-key-stage-one-blog/ – Adaptado)

A frase – Place the other piece of bread, butter side down, on top of the filling. – indica que
Q1068724 Inglês

Para responder a questão, leia o artigo de jornal a seguir.

Trial with migrants

        The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is against migration there. He says that the EU risks losing another country if the migration is not stopped. Nine men were sentenced to nearly a year in jail; however, they were released at the judge’s discretion due to time already served. One of the group was kept behind bars after receiving a three-year sentence for issuing instructions to the rioters through a loudspeaker. After the trial, a United Nations spokesman said that he was worried that a country would criminalize people who are fleeing war zones.

( – Adaptado)

O trecho – One of the group was kept behind bars after receiving a three-year sentence – indica que
171: B
172: B
173: C
174: A
175: B