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Q946398 Inglês

Five Effective Strategies for English Teachers

Extracted from:

Mark the option that correctly complete the blank 31 in Text I.

Q921660 Inglês

Instrução: A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.

ADAPTED FROM: Zittrain, Jonathan. Mark Zuckerberg Can Still Fix This Mess. Acesso :25/04/2018

Assinale a alternativa que preenche, correta e respectivamente, as lacunas das linhas 11, 18 e 39.
Q917327 Inglês

Instrução: The question is related to the text below.

From: The Impact of Bitcoin on Central Banks acesso em 27/12/2107 April 11, [email protected]
Select the alternative that adequately fills in the blanks in lines 05, 08, 15 and 18.
Q916910 Inglês

Text I


“Let’s go, Open your eyes, Open your mind to her dream. Let’s go, fight for what’s right, fight for her life."

Carl & the Reda Mafia, a young, dynamic, award-winning Dubai band, wrote the song “Fight for Your Queen” as a direct call to men to fight for gender equality. As they told UN Women: “HeForShe is a movement we have looked up to since its inception. The idea of ____________’s rights is something we truly believe in and support.” Lead singer Carl Frenais, who is from India, introduced the campaign to the band. He has been very passionate about fighting against the horrifyingly violent crimes against women in his home country.

We got over 500 men to pledge to support the movement. Even those who were afraid told us they support it.

Adaptation from: Access on: April 4, 2016. 

A sentence that summarizes the idea of UN campaign HeForShe was taken from the text. Choose from below the option that best completes what is missing in the text.
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Tradutor (Inglês) |
Q912921 Inglês
Analyze sentences I to IV.
I. The boss demanded that she fill ____ the form by the end of the day. II. When he heard the noise downstairs, he thought it was his daughter coming _____. III. They've already got through _______ the preparations for the conference. IV. I was asked to talk ________ my research.
Choose the correct option to fill in the gaps.
176: D
177: A
178: A
179: C
180: C