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Q1059307 Inglês
Leia as afirmativas a seguir:
I. A grafia e a tradução do trecho a seguir em inglês: to take something off one’s hands (encarregar-se de alguma coisa), estão corretas. II. A grafia e a tradução do trecho a seguir em inglês: please let me know your arrival (queira por favor informar-me da sua chegada), estão corretas. III. Estão corretas a grafia e a tradução do seguinte trecho, em inglês: you know best (eu gosto de carros rápidos).
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Ano: 2019 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: UNICAMP Prova: VUNESP - 2019 - UNICAMP - Ciências Exatas |
Q1028133 Inglês

1. What is an analog-digital converter?

An Analog-Digital Converter (ADC) is a widely used electronic component that converts an analog electric signal (usually a voltage) into a digital representation. The ADCs are at the front-end of any digital circuit that needs to process signals coming from the exterior world. Its schematic symbol is:


The output of a microphone, the voltage at a photodiode or the signal of an accelerometer are examples of analog values that need to be converted so that a microprocessor can work with them.

2. How does the ADC convert a signal?

Many ways have been developed to convert an analog signal, each with its strengths and weaknesses. The choice of the ADC for a given application is usually defined by the requirements you have: if you need speed, use a fast ADC; if you need precision, use an accurate ADC; if you are constrained in space, use a compact ADC.

All ADCs work under the same principle: they need to convert a signal to a certain number of bits N. The sequence of bits represents the number and each bit has the double of the weight of the next, starting from the Most Significant Bit (MSB) up to the Least Significant Bit (LSB). In a nutshell, we want to find the sequence of bits bN−1, bN−2, ..., b0 that represents the analog value Vin as Vin=∑n=0N−1bn2nVref2N.

                                ( Adaptado)

No trecho da resposta à segunda pergunta – In a nutshell, we want to find the sequence of bits…–, a expressão destacada equivale, em português, a

Q1017860 Inglês

The main issues of the Brazilian port system

Since the beginning of the privatization of the Brazilian ports in 1995, the lessee companies of container terminals have invested approximately USD 1 billion acquisition of modern equipment, physical infrastructure, training of manpower and infrastructure.

Particularly after the injection of resources by the Federal Government through the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), the situation at the Brazilian ports started to improve.

Part of the dredging works in the main Brazilian ports are finished. With the sea deeper along the ports’ area, it is estimated that around 30% of the vessels worldwide that could not dock in Brazil before, now can.

But what used to be an issue at the sea, now it is an issue at the land. The logistical problems of access are evident, the bottleneck of access from the cargo container terminals generate unproductive periods, which are highly detrimental to the foreign trade and financial activity of Brazil. It is a fact that the rail network and roads in the vicinity of the ports are insufficient.

Another great matter about the Brazilian ports is the bureaucracy. Besides making everything more expensive, slowness in the Brazilian ports invented a truly “congestion at sea”. Every ship that arrives in the country waits at least 5.5 days to have the goods delivered by agencies such as IRS, the National Sanitary Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), the Ministry of Agriculture and the Docks. The world average is three days. 

In Brazil, the organs responsible for clearance of goods run only during business hours. It is the only country among the world’s major economies, which does not have these services available 24 hours.

The alternative which has the correct translation for the following sentence: “Part of the dredging works in the main Brazilian ports are finished.” is:
Q1007255 Inglês
The origins of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) are to be found in the changes in the British language teaching tradition dating from the late 1960s. According to Richards and Rodgers (2001), this approach aims to make communicative competence the goal of language teaching and develop procedures for the teaching of the four language skills that acknowledge the interdependence of language and communication. Considering this, choose the alternative that presents a feature of the Communicative Approach:
Q929010 Inglês

Considering the text 6A4AAA, judge the following items.

An adequate translation for the phrase “unfolding implementation” (ℓ.27) is desdobramento da implementação.

176: C
177: B
178: B
179: D
180: E