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Q1860931 Inglês
Atenção: Para responder à questão, baseia-se no texto abaixo.

Mobile Devices and Apps for Health Care Professionals: Uses and Benefits

C. Lee Ventola

     The use of mobile devices by health care professionals (HCPs) has transformed many aspects of clinical practice. Mobile devices have become commonplace in health care settings, leading to rapid growth in the development of medical software applications (apps) for these platforms. Numerous apps are now available to assist HCPs with many important tasks, such as: information and time management; health record maintenance and access; communications and consulting; reference and information gathering; patient management and monitoring; clinical decision-making; and medical education and training.
     Mobile devices and apps provide many benefits for health care professionals (HCPs), perhaps most significantly increased access to point-of-care tools, which has been shown to support better clinical decision-making and improved patient outcomes. However, some HCPs remain reluctant to adopt their use. Despite the benefits they offer, better standards and validation practices regarding mobile medical apps need to be established to ensure the proper use and integration of these increasingly sophisticated tools into medical practice. These measures will raise the barrier for entry into the medical app market, increasing the quality and safety of the apps currently available for use by HCPs.
(Adapted from:  
No trecho However, some HCPs remain reluctant to adopt their use, a conjunção However pode ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido, por 
Q1858193 Inglês

Instruction: answer based on the following text.

(Available in: – text adapted specially for this test).

The blanks in the text (lines 02, 08, 13, 26) can be filled, from top to bottom, with:
Q1854081 Inglês
    Teachers sometimes assume that more outgoing learners will be able to learn pronunciation better than shyer students, and there may be some truth to this. Confident students might speak more and be more willing to try new sounds, and this extra practice could help them improve their pronunciation. However, this improvement is certainly not guaranteed. Some outgoing students may be producing a lot of language, but they may also be jumping ahead without paying attention to the accuracy of their pronunciation. If listeners are impressed by their fluency and accept their imperfect pronunciation, they have no way to know that they need to improve.
    Some more introverted students might actually be thinking carefully about sounds and practicing “within themselves,” even if they don’t speak much in class. Don’t underestimate the quiet students. Appreciate the strengths and possibilities of all your students and encourage everyone. All students can learn and improve in their own way.
    Another aspect of personality that can affect pronunciation is the degree to which a person is willing or able to change the way they sound. Most of us have been speaking and listening to language in the same, familiar way since we learned to talk. Our voice and our pronunciation are a central part of the way we see ourselves. It can be uncomfortable, and possibly even frightening, to try out unfamiliar sounds and melodies of language. For some people this process seems like a small bump on the road, but for others, it’s a serious roadblock. 

M.T. Yoshida. Beyond Repeat After Me: Teaching Pronunciation to
English Learners. Alexandria: TESOL Press, 2016 (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following item.

In the sentence “Most of us have been speaking and listening to language in the same, familiar way since we learned to talk” (third paragraph), the word “since” could be correctly replaced with as long as.

Q1851398 Inglês

Concerning the text above and previous knowledge, judge the item from

In the sentence “In addition, computing environments are more complex than they once were” (lines 25 and 26) the expression “In addition” can be correctly replaced by Futhermore.  
Q1848051 Inglês
Text for the item.

Internet: <>.

According to the text and previous grammar studies, judge the item.
The word “However” (line 11) conveys the ideia of contrast. 
191: E
192: C
193: E
194: C
195: C