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Q2064497 Inglês

Leia o texto 1 para responder a questão que se segue.


               Nikola Tesla was an engineer and scientist known for designing the alternating-current (AC) electric system, which is the predominant electrical system used across the world today. He also created the "Tesla coil," which is still used in radio technology.

              Born (01) ______ modern day Croatia, Tesla came to the United States in 1884 and briefly worked with Thomas Edison before the two parted ways. He sold several patent rights, including those to his AC machinery, to George Westinghouse.

                   Early Life
                   Tesla was born in Smiljan, Croatia, on July 10, 1856.

                  Tesla was one of five children, including (02) ______ Dane, Angelina, Milka and Marica. Tesla's interest in electrical invention was spurred by his mother, Djuka Mandic, who (03) ______ small household appliances in her spare time while her son was growing up.

A partir do excerto lido, assinale a alternativa correta em relação ao uso de vocabulário 
Q2064480 Inglês

Text V

Language Assessment and the new Literacy Studies

Some Final Remarks

    Planning language assessment from a structuralist view of language has been a fairly easy task, since it aims at testing the correct use of grammar and lexical structures. This has been a very comfortable way to evaluate students’ performance in many regular schools or language institutes due to the stability of standardized answers. From the perspective of the new literacy studies, the comfort of teaching and assessing objective and homogeneous linguistic contents is replaced by a wider spectrum of language teaching and assessing possibilities, whose key elements turn to be difference and critique. Typical activities based on this new approach would enable students to make and negotiate meanings in a much more flexible way, corroborating the novel notion of unstable, dynamic, collaborative and distributed knowledge.

    The inclusion of contents of such nature in language assessments may be, at a first glance, a very laborious process due to the fact we are simply not accustomed to that. Actually, we sometimes find ourselves deprived from the teaching skills necessary to apply a more critical teaching approach, a fact that is much the results of our positivist educational background.

    Nonetheless, since the emergent digital epistemology will require subject more capable of designing and redesigning meaning critically towards a great deal of representational modes, we need to reconsider our teaching approaches, go further and seek theories that take such issues into account. By redefining the notions of language and knowledge, we, thus, assume that the new literacy studies from the last decades may offer very good insights to the field of foreign language teaching.

    The re-conceptualization of language assessment according to the new literacies project presented in this paper does not intend to suggest prompt fixed answers, but it takes the risk of outlining possible activities, signaling certain changes regarding its characteristics and contents, as previously shared.

    The increasing importance of the new literacy and multiliteracies studies and their fruitful theoretical insight for the rethinking of pedagogical issues invite us to review our foreign language teaching practices in a different perspective. By sharing some of our local findings, we attempt to corroborate the collaborative and distributed knowledge discussed by the literacies theory itself and hope to be contributing to the new educational demands of the emerging epistemological basis.

From: DUBOC, A.P.M. Language Assessment and the new Literacy Studies. Lenguaje 37 (1), 2009. pp. 159-178, p. 175-176.

When the author uses the word “glance” (2nd paragraph), she implies the approach has been
Q2037155 Inglês

Write the missing words according to the pictures. Then choose the CORRECT sequence of words below. 

I. A ________of cards Imagem associada para resolução da questão

II. A _________ of wine Imagem associada para resolução da questão

III. A __________ of biscuits Imagem associada para resolução da questão

IV. A __________ of milk Imagem associada para resolução da questão

V. A __________ of tea Imagem associada para resolução da questão

The sequence that correctly complete the gaps is 

Q2037153 Inglês

Text 4 (for questions 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46)


                                                                       Social networks

Going into the small room at the end of the corridor, Roberta sat down _______ 1 the computer. It was the computer she had bought when her old one’s hard disk had started to go wrong. Her new computer was a laptop with a lot of extra features and she needed it for her online work _______ 2 her students. Roberta had started to worry that her students would be bored unless she used modern technology in her teaching.

She turned_______ 3 the switch at the back of her computer. She looked at the email messages waiting for her answer, but she ignored them. Then she looked at the homework posted on a special site she created for the students, but she didn’t feel like correcting it. Instead she went to her favorite social network site and looked at the news about her friends. She sent messages to her favorite people and she had many online conversations _______ 4 teaching and other things. She posted some new messages on her own web page and then watched a film clip on a video site which her friend had told her about.

_______ 5 now, it was late and she realized that she had spent too much time talking to her friends online. She was very tired. She would have to do all her work in the morning.

(HARMER, J. Essential Teacher Knowledge: core concepts in English language teaching, p. 42. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2012. Adaptado.)

No trecho: Then she looked at the homework posted on a special site she created for the students, but she didn’t feel like correcting it.”, as palavras destacadas são conectores que trazem, respectivamente, ideias de ________________ and ________________ .
As palavras que completam o trecho corretamente são: 
Q2037145 Inglês
Read the text 1 to answer question.

Text 1

Worldwide changes in food and eating habits

American fast food has certainly affected Korea. You can find American fast food restaurants everywhere and many young people don’t appreciate traditional Korean food anymore. Koreans are now using western ingredients such as ketchup, mayonnaise and butter to cook regular meals. Salad dressing, something we never used before, is also popular now.

The problem is that American companies sell their food along with American culture. Manners in restaurants are not the same before. I can give you two examples of this. Traditionally Koreans don’t use individual plates for eating main dishes. We have always eaten from one bowl, but now some people think that this habit is unsanitary.

Tipping is also new for us. Before, we had never rewarded good service with money, but now we are supposed to give a tip to waiter in some restaurants. I fear our traditional way of doing things will soon be forgotten.

By Jeong Kim, from Korea.

(PLATERO, Luciana & DONNINI, Lívia. All Set, vol. 2, student book. Boston, USA: Thompson Heinle, 2008. Adaptado.)

Observe a análise linguística abaixo e responda ao que se pede.

I. Em “Salad dressing, something we never used before, is also popular now. ”, o termo dressing, na expressão sublinhada, é um substantivo e significa, em português, molho.

II. No trecho I fear our traditional way of doing things will soon be forgotten.”, o termo sublinhado é uma expressão idiomática que corresponde a “Eu confio”.

III. No 1º parágrafo, as palavras affected, restaurants, traditional e ingredients são palavras cognatas, mas popular é falsa cognata.

IV. No trecho “Traditionally Koreans don’t use individual plates for eating main dishes.”, as palavras plates e dishes são substantivos e têm significados semelhantes.

V. Em “Before, we had never rewarded good service with money”, foi empregado o past perfect, e o verbo destacado significa recompensar.

Estão CORRETAS apenas

191: A
192: B
193: A
194: B
195: B