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Q1756740 Inglês

For the question use the poem below:

Eating Poetry

(Mark Strand)

Ink runs from the corners of my mouth. There is no happiness like mine.
I have been eating poetry.

The librarian does not believe what she sees. Her eyes are sad
and she walks with her hands in her dress.

The poems are gone.
The light is dim.
The dogs are on the basement stairs and coming up.

Their eyeballs roll,
their blond legs burn like brush.
The poor librarian begins to stamp her feet and weep.

She does not understand.
When I get on my knees and lick her hand, she screams.

I am a new man.
I snarl at her and bark.
I romp with joy in the bookish dark.

Available at: Accessed on December 30th, 2019.

The light is dim. The opposite of the underlined word is:

Q1756730 Inglês

“...both fathers to young children...” The words in bold are in the plural form. Mark the alternative where all the words are in the plural form:

Q1755096 Inglês
Instruction: answer question based on the following text.

  1. (Avaliable in: – text adapted specially for this test).

About the phrase “It’s harder to engage online” (l. 24), we can say that: I. It’s a comparative structure. II. “Harder” could be replaced by “most difficult” with no changes in meaning. III. “Harder” follows the same spelling rules as “bigger”. Which statements are correct?
Q1750583 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa em que todos os substantivos estão corretamente escritos no plural de acordo com as normas da Gramática da Língua Inglesa:
Q1750579 Inglês
Complete the sentence below with the right verb and adjective. “I know I can ___ a product that is ___ than what almost everybody else in the market is making.”
216: A
217: E
218: A
219: B
220: D