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Q1251157 Inglês

Complete the following setences with the correct question word.

I. _________ has got a pencil for me? Claudia has got one.

II. _________ is your birthday? In April.

III. _________ old is her son? Seven.

IV. _________ are your posters? Over my bed.

Mark the CORRECT arswer.

Q1249188 Inglês

The teaching of English as a foreign language in the context of Brazilian regular schools: a retrospective and prospective view of policies and practices.
(Ricardo Luiz Teixeira de Almeida).

*MOITA LOPES, Luiz Paulo da. Oficina de Lingüística Aplicada: a natureza social e educacional dos processos de ensino / aprendizagem de línguas. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 1996.
**CELANI, M. A. Introduction. In: CELANI, M. A. et al. ESPin Brazil: 25 years of evolution and reflection. Campinas-SP: Mercado de Letras, São Paulo: Educ, 2005.
p. 13-26.
(Adapted from: Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada. vol.12. nº.2. Belo Horizonte. Apr./June 2012, p. 331-348. Available at: Accessed on April 15 , 2019) 

“[...] both because of its results (which in time were revealed to be less efficient than believed, especially in terms of fluency) and its theoretical assumptions [...]”. The word which
Q1248509 Inglês

Nazi labor camp guard living in New York deported

to Germany


By Sheena McKenzie, CNN Updated 2155 GMT (0555 HKT) August 21, 2018

             (CNN) A former Nazi labor camp guard who has been living in the United States for decades has finally been deported to Germany after years of diplomatic wrangling, the White House announced on Tuesday. Jakiw Palij, who worked as a guard at the Trawniki Labor Camp, in what was then German-occupied Poland, had been living out his post-war years in Queens, New York City.

            Palij, 95, was born in what was then-Poland and now Ukraine, and immigrated to the US in 1949, becoming a citizen in 1957. The former Nazi guard lied to US immigration officials about his role in World War II, saying he worked on a farm and in a factory, the White House said in a statement. In 2001, Palij admitted to US Department of Justice officials that he had in fact trained and worked at the Trawniki Labor Camp in 1943. On November 3, 1943, around 6,000 Jewish prisoners at the camp were shot to death in one of the single largest massacres of the Holocaust, according to the White House statement.

        "By serving as an armed guard at the Trawniki Labor Camp and preventing the escape of Jewish prisoners during his Nazi service, Palij played an indispensable role in ensuring that the Trawniki Jewish victims met their horrific fate at the hands of the Nazis," the White House added. In court filings, Palij has denied wrongdoing, claiming that he and other young men in his Polish hometown were coerced into working for the Nazi occupiers. In 2003, Palij's US citizenship was revoked. The following year, a federal judge ordered that Palij be deported -- but none of the European countries to which he could have been sent, would take him.

         […]Attorney General Jeff Sessions praised the work of the Justice Department's best-known Nazi hunter, Eli Rosenbaum, and his team in successfully removing the 68th Nazi from the United States. Palij's case represents the closing of an era -- until now he was the only remaining active case from the Nazi era pursued by the Justice Department's Office of Human Rights and Special Prosecutions.

          The atrocities of the Trawniki camp, where Palij worked, aren't well known in part because the killing was thorough, historians say. One document researchers uncovered helped illustrate the extent of the killing. A soldier broke the butt of his rifle, which meant he was required to file a report so the German SS would issue him a new one. The report mentioned an operation that killed 4,000 people at Trawniki, mostly Jews.

Available at: <>.

The element he in the paragraph before the last refers to
Ano: 2016 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de Rio Grande do Piauí - PI
Q1226167 Inglês
“Everyone is destroying this world, in order to help only themselves.” Which alternative justifies correctly the use of the underlined term? 
Q1218649 Inglês

Internet: <>(adapted).

No que se refere ao texto anterior e a seus aspectos linguísticos, julgue o item a seguir.

In the sentence “You can find a lot of this online.” (. 17 and 18), the pronoun “this” refers to the word “Test” (.16).

226: B
227: B
228: A
229: C
230: E