Questões de Concurso Comentadas por alunos sobre preposições | prepositions em inglês

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Q10725 Inglês
Choose the option that fills in the following blank with the correct preposition. "... and the BBC looks like coming ____ best." (l.6-7)
Q10652 Inglês
The last sentence of the text has been left with two blank spaces. Choose the option below that contains the correct sequence of prepositions that fill in the blanks.

"Ozymandias" held a mirror up________ Britain that reflected a frightening image _________.
Q10307 Inglês
The last sentence of the text has been left with two blank spaces. Choose the option below that contains the correct sequence of words that fill in the blanks, keeping the main ideas of the text.

"For a long time Portugal very successfully disguised the nature of her presence ____ a skilful amalgam of historical mythmaking, claims ____ multiracialism, and good public relations."
Q10295 Inglês
The last sentence of the text has been left with two blank spaces. Choose the option below that contains the correct sequence of prepositions that fill in the blanks.

"Similarly, decisions to bar the wearing of Muslim dress _____ courts or by teachers and pupils are surely better left _____ local discretion than imposed nationally."
193: E
194: E
195: B
196: D