Questões de Concurso Comentadas por alunos sobre preposições | prepositions em inglês

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Q689373 Inglês

Decide whether the following statements, concerning the grammatical and semantic aspects of text III, are right (C) or wrong (E).

If “yardstick” (l.2) is replaced by criterion in the text, it would be necessary to change the preposition following it — “of” — in order to maintain grammatical accuracy.

Q642190 Inglês

Read the paragraph below and choose the alternative that fills in correctly and respectively the blanks below.

“Ketamine, ________ is also a drug used recreationally to achieve a sort ______ “out of body” high, “is not ______ all ready for prime time”, said Dr. James Murrough, an associate professor of psychiatry at Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai. But it is approved ______ use in anesthesia, so it’s available legally. And years of small and preliminary trials have offered tantalizing evidence of its powerful and fast-acting antidepressant effect ______ patients whose depression has failed to yield to other treatments.”

Ketamine: a potential rescue drug for depression takes a step forward. Available in:

Q642184 Inglês

Read the text below and choose the alternative that fills in correctly and respectively the blanks.

What Food Labels Really Mean

Walk _______ any supermarket and you’ll find rows of packaged foods boasting how healthy they are. _______ “fat-free” to “natural” _______ “helps your immune system”, front-ofthe-box labels may give the appearance _______ good nutrition, but the reality is a bit more complicated. Unlike the Nutrition Facts panel, which is tightly regulated, front-of-the-package food labels aren’t as closely monitored. ________ addition, food companies tend ________ “stretch the envelope” of what’s permitted, says Marion Nestle, professor of nutrition, food studies, and public health _________ New York University. The result, she says: “Many of the health claims you see are misleading.”

Available in: http://health.usnews.comnews

Ano: 2014 Banca: SCGás Órgão: SCGás Prova: SCGás - 2014 - SCGás - Advogado |
Q626168 Inglês

Complete the sentences with on, in or at:

Please write your name _____ block capitals.

The train was travelling _____ 120 miles an hour.

Look! That car is _____ fire.

The correct sequence is: 

Ano: 2014 Banca: SCGás Órgão: SCGás Prova: SCGás - 2014 - SCGás - Engenheiro |
Q609136 Inglês
Complete the sentences with on, in or at:

Please write your name _____ block capitals.

The train was travelling _____ 120 miles an hour.

Look! That car is _____ fire.

The correct sequence is: 

256: E
257: C
258: A
259: A
260: D