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Q405867 Inglês
       Databases are increasingly used by applications and along with the data explosion, this had led to a proliferation of databases and additional complexity for database administrators (DBAs) as they try to manage the growing numbers of databases created by application developers. This increase in applications and SQL Server instances, combined with low-cost/high-storage hardware, has led to server sprawl across the organization with hundreds of servers at less than 2Gb utilization.
       Application and multi-server management provides the DBA with the tools necessary to gain centralized insights into instance and database application utilization as well as a better way to develop, deploy, and manage data-tier applications.

                     (Extraído e adaptado de: en-us/sqlserver/bb671430.aspx,
                            SQL Server 2008 R2, Application and Multi-Server Management)

No contexto, o trecho “… a better way to develop, deploy, and manage data-tier applications” pode ser traduzido, mantendo-se o sentido, para:
Q405865 Inglês
       For mobile computers and telephones, cellular radio is the up-and-coming technology. GSM, CDPD, and CDMA are widely used.
       The IEEE 802 LANs are: CSMA/CD, token bus, and token ring. Each of these has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, and each has found its own user community and will probably continue to serve that community for years to come. Convergence to a single LAN standard is an unlikely event. A new addition to this family is DQDB, being sold as a MAN in many cities.
       An organization with multiple LANs often connects them with bridges. When a bridge connects two or more different kinds of LANs, new problems arise, some of them insoluble.

                     (Extraído de: Computer Networks, A.S. Tanenbaum, 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall, pg. 335)

Considerando o contexto, o termo grifado em “… new problems arise…” pode ser traduzido como:
Q397330 Inglês
As questões seguintes, utilizam frases extraídas do livro “Introduction Algorithms”, T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest e C. Stein. The MIT Press, Third Edition, 2009.

Na frase: “No single data structure works well for all purposes, and so it is important to know the strengths and limitations of several of them.”, uma tradução adequada para a palavra strengths, dentro do contexto, é:
Q381136 Inglês
Brazil’s Average Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low in 2012

By Dow Jones Business News

January 31, 2013

            Brazil’s unemployment rate for 2012 fell to 5.5%, down from the previous record low of 6.0% recorded last year, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, or IBGE, said Thursday. In December, unemployment fell to 4.6% compared with 4.9% in November, besting the previous record monthly low of 4.7% registered in December 2011, the IBGE said
            The 2012 average unemployment rate was in line with the 5.5% median estimate of economists polled by the local Estado news agency. Analysts had also pegged December’s unemployment rate at 4.4%.
            Brazil’s unemployment rate remains at historically low levels despite sluggish economic activity. Salaries have also been on the upswing in an ominous sign for inflation - a key area of concern for the Brazilian Central Bank after a series of interest rate cuts brought local interest rates to record lows last year. Inflation ended 2012 at 5.84%.
            The average monthly Brazilian salary retreated slightly to 1,805.00 Brazilian reais ($908.45) in December, down from the record high BRL1,809.60 registered in November, the IBGE said. Wages trended higher in 2012 as employee groups called on Brazilian companies and the government to increase wages and benefits to counter higher local prices. Companies were also forced to pay more to hire and retain workers because of the country’s low unemployment.
The IBGE measures unemployment in six of Brazil’s largest metropolitan areas, including São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Recife and Porto Alegre. Brazil’s unemployment rate, however, is not fully comparable to jobless rates in developed countries as a large portion of the population is either underemployed or works informally without paying taxes. In addition, workers not actively seeking a job in the month before the survey don’t count as unemployed under the IBGE’s methodology. The survey also doesn’t take into account farm workers.

                                    ( Adaptado)

No trecho do terceiro parágrafo – Brazil’s unemployment rate remains at historically low levels despite sluggish economic activity. – a palavra despite equivale, em português a
Q363281 Inglês
     The ability of a helicopter to hover and land almost anywhere makes it an enormously useful machine. But helicopters have their limitations, particularly when it comes to flying fast. In a recent series of test flights, a new type of chopper has begun smashing speed records.

     The x2 is an experimental helicopter being developed by Sikorsky, an American company, which hopes it will be zipping along at more than 460kph. The company, however, is interested in more than just breaking speed records. It plans to use the technology developed for the x2 in commercial helicopters.

     Sikorsky reckons that future helicopters built using the x2 technology would be extremely versatile machines. They would dash to and from a medical emergency a lot faster. They would also be very agile in flight, which would increase their capabilities in combat.

(Adapted from The Economist September 11, 2010, page 98)

No primeiro parágrafo do texto, a forma verbal land significa
261: E
262: E
263: B
264: C
265: A