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Q2201488 Inglês
Text 1- English as a global language
(Adapted from Teaching English Today: context
and objectives, Holden & Nobre, 2018, p.03)

All languages reflect the culture of the countries and regions where they have developed and are used. However, some languages are also used as a means of communication between a wide range of non-native speakers and contexts. In this way, the communication develops new priorities to reflect those contexts.
Today, English is probably the prime example of a global language. It is used to communicate in areas such as the workplace, science and technology, the arts and in the world of business. This is why so many parents are keen of their children to start learning it at an ever-earlier age. Students, too, realize that English in more than just a school subject: it is important for their own future success. This realization can be used to your advantage as a teacher:

Your students should be aware that English is widely used among non-native speakers in a variety of contexts in their own environments. It is no longer just linked with going to the US or Britain.
They are more likely to be motivated if they feel they are being given appropriate materials and practice for their own needs, which is easier to do nowadays, since English is present almost everywhere.
In fact, you are part of this world where English is used, however imperfectly, in real life, as well as being part of that other, classroom world. This gives your role even more importance.

The intercultural context

There are, then, clear practical and economic reasons why it is important for as many of your students as possible to feel positive about learning English, and ultimately, to feel confident about using it. However, there is also an equally important reason, which applies to all languages: their social function.
Learning and using another language can put people into contact, directly or indirectly, with others from different societies and cultures. It exposes them to different ways of thinking, different ways of communicating, different values. This, in turn, encourages them to think about their own culture, values and way of life. They realize there is not just one way of doing something, but many different ones.
In other words, as well as equipping learners with practical skills, learning a foreign language extends their horizons, which is one of the important aims of education in most countries.
Read the difference from Phonetics and Phonology. Both are complementary branches of Linguistics. The aim is to investigate and study the sounds of words. The first one is concerned with studying the words sounds in their concrete realization; the second one studies the phonemes of words. Now read this sentence: “there is also an equally important reason”, the underlined word has Phonetics realization from a to an, because the first pronounced sound of the word ‘equally’. Choose the alternative in which the word(s) is(are) preceded by an.
I. MBA. II. unicorn. III. honest
Q2200710 Inglês
Why Easter is bad for ducks

      On Christmas Eve, two Pekin ducks were found frozen to a pond in Smithville, Ohio. They flapped their wings and squawked, fruitlessly struggling to free themselves until two locals, Maiara and Helder Bertolucci, spotted them. The pair slid on their stomachs over razor-thin ice and chiseled the animals free.
       The rescued ducks—later named Olaf and Elsa, after characters from Disney’s Frozen—were two of 109 domestic ducks abandoned in a pond outside of a restaurant. A local group ________ Good Sprout Rescue and Sanctuary rescued the animals; two died, but the rest were rehomed to sanctuaries or adopted. Every spring, the Barn Restaurant would buy a hundred new babies for its patrons to enjoy— but since this incident they’ve __________ not to do so again.
         Every year in springtime, particularly at Easter, many people “impulse buy” ducklings as gifts, often for their kids. But after the holiday, sometimes months later, animal rescuers routinely see an uptick in abandoned adult ducks in local parks and ponds, Di Leonardo says. There’s no ________ data on how often this happens, but he estimates tens of thousands of domestic ducks are dumped each year throughout the U.S. His organization rescues as many as 500 ducks per year in the New York City area alone.
Fonte: (National Geographic – adaptado.)
Concerning the parts of speech, the underlined word in “This was intentionally explained” is classified as a/an: 
Q2189260 Inglês
Concerning the simple past, analyze the sentences below:
I went to the theatre last week (1st part). We see a good opera last week (2nd part).
The sentence is:
Q2189258 Inglês
Analyze the sentences below according ONLY to the simple past. Which of the parts contains this verb tense?
Carol lived in New York back in 2020 during the pandemic (1st part). She left her parents’ apartment earlier this year (2nd part).
The sentence is:
Q2184950 Inglês
Leia o fragmento a seguir: “Ted-Bear Repair Technician is an example”, no item sobre aspectos gramaticais, o artigo indefinido singular é formado por ‘a’ ou por ‘na’.
“In (I) __________ rainy weekend, some parents invited me to return to my grandfather’s farm; it would be the first time we went there after his death. We entered by the huge gates, then we opened the heavy dining-room doors. At once I noticed some long-playing records (LP) that he used to listen, I took (II) __________ LP that was in the lowest part of the record player, it was his favorite. Now I need to buy (III) __________ record player, otherwise there was no use of having (IV) __________ old LP like that”.
Assinale a alternativa que preencha correta e respectivamente as lacunas.
271: C
272: B
273: D
274: D
275: B