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Q866975 Inglês
In “who call themselves” (ℓ.1), “who” is
Q859164 Inglês

Read the Mother Teresa’s “Anyway Poem” and answer.

                          People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;

                                                     Forgive them anyway.

                          If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior


                                                            Be kind anyway.

                         If you are successful, you will win some false friends and 

                                                        some true enemies;

                                                         Succeed anyway.

                             If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;

                                                Be honest and frank anyway.

                         What you spend years building, someone could destroy


                                                         Build anyway.

                            If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;

                                                    Be happy anyway.

                           The good you do today people will often forget tomorrow;

                                                     Do good anyway.

                              Give the world the best you have, and it may never be


                                     Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.

                         You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;

                                   It was never between you and them anyway.

[Reportedly inscribed on the wall of Mother Teresa’s children’s home in Calcutta, and attributed to her. However, an article in the New York Times has since reported (March 8, 2002)] 

Choose the alternative that classifies grammatically the word “Them” in “Forgive them all”:
Q859149 Inglês

Fill in the blanks with the right group of words.

We are having a fantastic time. Yesterday we spent a day at the beach. I only spent a ____minutes in the sun, because I didn't want to get burnt. However, there were ____ people who were badly burnt, but they carried sunbathing!

In the evening, we went to the disco. There w ere____ people at first but after midnight they all started to arrive. I met a nice girl, but we couldn't talk____because there was____. I hope she is there tonight!

Q858483 Inglês
Carrie Fisher is the actress ...... plays Princess Leia in the film.
Q833745 Inglês

Considering the grammatical and semantic aspects of text I, decide whether the following items are right (C) or wrong (E).

The excerpt “that you get from diplomats” (l. 7 and 8) could be correctly replaced by which one gets from diplomats without this changing the meaning of the text.

276: B
277: C
278: C
279: B
280: C