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Q1694816 Inglês
“The current approach is bust,” said Prof Des Thompson, principal science adviser at NatureScot, Scotland’s conservation agency, which contributed to the declaration process run by the Scottish government. “What we need to do is work with local communities, local governments and local communities – that’s how we’re going to meet those targets.” (lines 9 – 12) 
Select the option that shows words that follow the same rules for plural as: “approach”, “community” and “government”.
Q1694247 Inglês

Newly discovered primate 'already facing extinction'

   The Popa langur, named after its home on Mount Popa, is critically endangered with numbers down to about 200 individuals.
   Langurs are a group of leaf-eating monkeys that are found across south east Asia.
   The newly described animal is known for its distinctive spectacle-like eye patches and greyish-coloured fur. It is at risk from habitat loss and hunting.
   Scientists have long suspected there might be a new species in Myanmar, based on DNA extracted from the droppings of wild monkeys, but evidence has been hard to find. 

(Adaptado de

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o singular da palavra “monkeys”.
Q1694193 Inglês

(Avaliable in: – text adapted specially for this test). 

About the sentence “That’s the only reason to do it” (l. 10) it is possible to say:

I. The verb “do” is in the infinitive form. II. The verb “do” is in the gerund form. III. The noun “reason” must be followed by “to”.

Which statements are correct?
Q1694192 Inglês

(Avaliable in: – text adapted specially for this test). 

Considering the highlighted words in lines 05, 06 and 08, and the context presented in the text, the words are, respectively:
296: C
297: B
298: A
299: A
300: E