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Q2005953 Inglês

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Choose the alternative that presents extracts from the text in the simple past and in the present perfect tenses, respectively. 
Q2003607 Inglês

Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology

The Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology (JOMT) is a multidisciplinary journal focused on clinical and scientific aspects of occupational and environmental health. The field is devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, management and scientific analysis of occupational diseases, injuries and disability. It also covers the promotion of health of workers, their families, and communities, and ranges from rehabilitation to tropical medicine and public health aspects.

As an open access, peer-reviewed journal, JOMT offers a platform for both clinicians and researchers in the wide-ranging discipline of occupational medicine and toxicology.

All articles published by Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers.

As authors of articles published in Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology you are the copyright holders of your article and have granted to any third party, in advance and in perpetuity, the right to use, reproduce or disseminate your article, according to the BioMed Central license agreement. For those of you who are US government employees or are prevented from being copyright holders for similar reasons, BioMed Central can accommodate non-standard copyright lines. Please contact us if further information is needed.

Adapted from:
The use of the modal verb can in “BioMed Central can accommodate nonstandard copyright lines” (paragraph 4) indicates that
Q2002591 Inglês
Na sentença “If a teacher is normally noisy and energetic in class, he or she should spend a class behaving more calmly.”, o verbo modal should:
Q2002252 Inglês

Saving Energy

Just a century ago, humans used very little energy because we had less of the things that consume it. There were no computers, phones, TV, cars, lights, washing machines and all that. After the industrial revolution, people started using a lot more manufactured items such as electronics, automobiles, and home appliances. These items use a lot of energy, but if we all cut its use by half, that would be huge savings, and make a great difference.

Saving energy can be achieved in different ways: 1. Energy conservation, 2. Energy Efficiency, and 3. Recycling. These first two are not the same, even though people often use them to mean the same thing.

1- Energy Conservation: This is the practice that results in less energy being used. For instance, turning the taps, computers, lights, and TV off when not in use. It also includes running in the park or outside instead of running on the treadmill in the gym. Energy conservation is great because we can all do this everywhere and anytime. It is a fundamental behavior we must acquire.

2- Energy Efficiency: This is the use of manufacturing techniques and technology _______ produce things that use less energy for the same result. For example, if a heater is designed to warm your home with less energy than regular heaters, that would be an energy efficient heater. If your washing machine uses less energy to do the same job as other washers, that is an energy efficient washer. An interesting fact is that homes built in the U.S. after 2000 are about 30% bigger, but they use less energy than older homes.

3- Recycling: This involves the use of waste or old materials to make new ones, like collecting all old newspapers from the town at the end of every day and turning the papers into fresh paper for printing again. We can collect all plastic bottles and send them to be used for new plastic bottles or used for children plastic toys. Recycling saves energy __________ less energy is used to recycle than to turn new raw materials into new products.
This means that to save energy, we should use all these great ways. If we all try to do this, together we can save some money and use less natural resources too.

(Adapted from: Access: 01/30/2018)
The modal verb should in “we should use all these great ways” (paragraph 6) indicates that the author wants to
Q1998025 Inglês

Read the following text and answer question.

Importance of Aquaculture 

Aquaculture involves the art, science and business of breeding aquatic animals and plants in fresh or marine waters for human use. It also extends to the marketing of such organisms in a controlled environment. It is a kind of agriculture, and therefore, it requires inputs such as clean water and nutrients. It also requires storage for harvested produce, transportation and marketing facilities.

Inputs often depend on the species that are farmed. Species lower on the aquatic food chain usually require less input, as they feed on microorganisms and are fine in just clean water. More inputs like fish or fishmeal, cereals, or grains are required, as we get higher on the food chain with species like salmon or tuna.

All over the world, the demand for seafood has increased because people have learned that seafood as part of regular diets are healthier and help fight cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and many other major illnesses.

Aquaculture will add to wild seafood, and make it _______ and accessible to all.

Aquaculture business provides tax and royalty revenue to local governments. Besides, there is also potential revenue from exports. 

(Adapted from: Access: 01/25/2018)

The best negative form of the sentence “Aquaculture business provides tax and royalty revenue to local governments” is 
296: C
297: D
298: A
299: C
300: E