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Q2064466 Inglês
Siqueira (2011) holds that to deal with the challenges of teaching a "deterritorialized" language like English, teachers should agree with the following suggestions, except
Q2064465 Inglês
Read the following strategies for teaching English as an additional language to public school children:
1. Explain a word to the students drawing on the blackboard. Then ask them to copy the word and have them recite it out loud. 2. Ask students to look at pictures of two children and add to the speech bubbles what they think the characters might be saying to each other. 3. Create a mnemonic device in the students’ native language so that they memorize the grammar rules better. 4. Choose a video that shows how people in a specific country dress and behave and ask students to perform a parody of these characteristics. 5. Have students stand up and start by saying "Simon says, hands on head" while placing your hands on your head. The students who don’t imitate you correctly or are too slow should sit down and stay out of the game.
Choose the option that indicates the strategies in line with the parameters published by the Municipal Secretariat of Education, São Paulo (2019). 
Q2064464 Inglês
The curriculum published by the Municipal Secretariat of Education, São Paulo (2019), sets new goals and directions for learning and provides guidance to those involved in education. Such goals are distributed into three cycles for Primary Education (Years 1 to 9), as listed below. Match these cycles to their pertinent goals:
1. Literacy Cycle 2. Interdisciplinary Cycle 3. Authoring Cycle
( ) Recognize instructions that indicate body movements (EF01LI09; p. 75); ( ) Recognize the difference between layouts of texts from various media, according to the context (EF07LI06, p.85); ( ) Recognize words in English looking at images in games such as bingo and tic-tac-toe (EF04LI10, p.80); ( ) Recognize narrative elements such as characters, plot, time and space in a group work situation (EF03LI04; p.77); ( ) Recognize language variation as a manifestation of different ways of thinking and expressing the world (EF07LI25, p.87).
The item with the correct sequence is:
Q2064456 Inglês

Text I

Nurturing Multimodalism


   New learning collaborations call on the teacher as learner, and the learner as teacher. The teacher is a lifelong learner; this is simply more apparent in the Information Age. In instances of best practice, collaborative learning partnerships are forged between and among teachers for strategic, bottom-up, in-house professional development. This allows teachers to share in reflective, on-going, contextualized learning, tailored to their collective knowledge. This sharing also includes the learner as teacher. ELT typically employs learner-centered activities: these can include learners sharing their knowledge of strategic digital literacies with others in the classrooms.

   The digital universe, so threatening to adult notions of socially sanctioned literacies, is intuitive to children, who have been socialized into it, and for whom digital literacies are exploratory play. Adults may find new ways of communicating digitally to be quite baffling and confronting of our communicative expertise; children do not. Instant messaging systems, such as MSN, AOL, ICQ, for example, provide as natural a medium for communicating to them as telephones did for the baby-boomer generation. It is not fair for the teacher to treat Information and Communication Technologies as auxiliary communication with learners for whom it is mainstream and primary.

    Learning spaces are important. Although teachers seldom have much individual say in the layout of teaching spaces, collaborative relationships may help to encourage integrated digitization, where computers are not segregated in laboratories but are interspersed throughout the school environment. In digitally infused curricula, postmodern literacies do not supplant but complement modern literacies, so that access to information is driven by purpose and content rather than by the media available.

Adapted from: LOTHERINGTON, H. From literacy to multiliteracies in ELT. In: CUMMINS, J.; DAVISON, C. (Eds.) International Handbook of English Language Teaching. New York: Springer, 2007, p. 820. Available at: acies_in_ELT 

In the phrase “collaborative learning partnerships” (1st paragraph), the word “learning” is a(n) 
Q2037922 Inglês
Like any other Latin American countries, Brazil is committed to promoting educational reforms that will make it possible for the nation to overcome significant disadvantages. With respect to Secondary Education in particular, two factors of a very different nature have determined the pressing need to revisit the overall guidelines and curriculum parameters that serve as implicit in the guidance to this level of education.
These two factors are:
311: E
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