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Q1218602 Inglês

Anti-immigration attitudes are disappearing among younger generations in Britain. Internet: <>(adapted).

Considerando as ideias e os aspectos linguísticos do texto apresentado, julgue o próximo item.

It is correct to classify “more affordable” (ℓ.22) and “younger” (ℓ.23) in different word classes.

Ano: 2011 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: SEARH - RN
Q1211663 Inglês
The pair “country – nationality” is NOT right in
Q1203579 Inglês

In the sentence below, put the adverb ever in the right place then find an alternative:

“Have you been to the USA?”

Q1203577 Inglês
Which sentence above has the same meaning of “Everything she said was quite true”.
Q1203563 Inglês

Complete the question below:

“For the pick-nick we´ll need ___________CDs, _________ cheese to make sandwiches and ________ lemonade.”

356: E
357: C
358: C
359: D
360: A