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Q2273313 Inglês

TEXT III – Tema: As novas tecnologias na sala de aula de Língua Inglesa

Is Technology Taking Over Classrooms?

(Available from: Accessed on July 8th , 2023) 

The sentence “If you can't them, join them” is classified as:
Q2267401 Inglês
What type of Conditional is the sentence below?
“I wouldn't worry if I were you.”
Choose the CORRECT answer.
Q2248475 Inglês

What life in medieval Europe was really like

      A time of innovation, philosophy, and legendary works of art: the realities of the medieval period (500 to 1500 C.E.) in Europe may surprise you. Many know the years before the Renaissance and _________________ that followed as Europe’s “Dark Ages,” a time of backward, slovenly, and brutal people who were technologically primitive and hopelessly superstitious.

     Sure, it would take until the 19th century for the germ theory of disease to overtake the concept of humors and “miasmas” that could damage human health. But the ___________ image of medieval people as slovenly, unwashed, and lacking hygiene is false. In fact, both indoor and outdoor bathing were beloved in Europe. People not only made and used soap at home, but they frequented bathhouses—some public, some private, some merely fronts for brothels.

      A myth persists that during the Middle Ages, the unenlightened believed Earth was flat and worried that ships might even fall off the planet’s edge. That’s patently false: People knew the planet was a sphere as far back as ancient Greece (12th to 9th centuries B.C.), and had relatively complex astronomical and planetary ______________ by the time Christopher Columbus made his voyage to the Americas in 1492.

      The so-called “Dark Ages” is a myth historians have spent years trying to disprove. The myth seems to stem from some authors’ use of “dark” to refer to everything from a 14th-century poet’s complaints about the quality of local literature to a 17th-century historian’s failed attempt to find historical sources from centuries earlier.

(Fonte: National Geographic — adaptado.)
Concerning the parts of speech, the underlined word in “I prefer to read in the bedroom.” is classified as a/an: 
Q2210442 Inglês

In the cartoon below we see an appendix, the body part, saying the following:

1. you don’t have to remove your appendix just because you don’t know what we do!


3. but I might help your immune system! 4. MAYBE. 

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Analyze the following statements about the cartoon and mark T, if true, or F, if false.

( ) The second sentence contains a conditional.

( ) Sentence number 3 is a promise.

( ) “Might” in sentence 3 and “maybe” in sentence 4 both express possibilities.

The correct order of filling the parentheses, from top to bottom, is:

Q2210437 Inglês

Stop Wasting Time: A 15-minute Planning Session That Will Save You Hours

(Available at:– textespecially adapted for this test).
Considering the order of the words, which of the following sentences is the correct one? 
41: B
42: C
43: D
44: B
45: E