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Q1898 Inglês

Mark the only correct statement concerning reference.

Ano: 2006 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: Petrobras Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Analista de Sistemas Pleno - Engenharia de Software | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Analista de Sistemas Pleno - Infra-estrutura | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Analista de Sistemas Pleno - Processos | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobras - Advogado | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Contador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobras - Analista de Transporte Marítimo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Dentista | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobras - Analista de Comércio e Suprimento Pleno – Gás e Energia | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobras - Engenheiro Civil | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Equipamento Pleno - Inspeção | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Equipamento Pleno - Eletricidade | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Equipamento Pleno - Mecânica | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobras - Bibliotecário Documentalista | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Telecomunicações Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Segurança Pleno | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Telecomunicações Pleno | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Médico | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobras - Médico nutrologista | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Processamento Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Químico de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobras - Administrador | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Equipamento Pleno - Eletrônica | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Mecânica | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Arquiteto |
Q1775 Inglês
In "Sweden has just announced that it wants to be the first nation in the world."(lines 34-35), the pronoun it refers to "Sweden". Check the other pronoun that also refers to the name of a country.
Ano: 2007 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: EPE Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2007 - EPE - Analista de Gestão Corporativa Júnior - Área Tecnologia da Informação | CESGRANRIO - 2007 - EPE - Advogado Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2007 - EPE - Analista de Gestão Corporativa - Administração Geral | CESGRANRIO - 2007 - EPE - Analista de Gestão Corporativa - Contabilidade | CESGRANRIO - 2007 - EPE - Analista de Gestão Corporativa - Finanças e Orçamento | CESGRANRIO - 2007 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Economia de Energia | CESGRANRIO - 2007 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Gás e Bioenergia | CESGRANRIO - 2007 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Meio Ambiente - Recursos Hídricos | CESGRANRIO - 2007 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Meio Ambiente - Análises Ambientais | CESGRANRIO - 2007 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Meio Ambiente - Emissão e Efluentes | CESGRANRIO - 2007 - EPE - Analista de Gestão Corporativa - Recursos Humanos | CESGRANRIO - 2007 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Petróleo - Exploração | CESGRANRIO - 2007 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Planejamento da Geração de Energia | CESGRANRIO - 2007 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Projetos da Geração de Energia | CESGRANRIO - 2007 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Petróleo - Abastecimento | CESGRANRIO - 2007 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Recursos Energéticos | CESGRANRIO - 2007 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Transmissão de Energia |
Q1684 Inglês

Reducing the dependence on oil
Ildo Sauer, Gas and Energy Director, Petrobras.

Brazil's energy sector is following the worldwide
tendency towards greater diversification of primary energy
sources and the increased use of natural gas and
biofuels. There are several reasons for this change. The
most important are the environmental restrictions that
are gradually being adopted in the world's principal
energy-consuming markets and the need to reduce the
dependence on oil, set against a scenario of accelerated
depletion in oil reserves and escalating prices.
The share of gas in Brazilian primary energy
consumption has more than doubled in a short period,
increasing from 4.1% in 1999 to 8.9% in 2004, and this
share is forecast to rise to 12% by 2010.
Over the past two decades, the world gas industry
has experienced a structural and regulatory
transformation. These changes have altered the strategic
behaviour of gas firms, with an intensification of
competition, the search for diversification (especially in
the case of power generation) and the internationalisation
of industry activities. Together, these changes have
radically changed the economic environment and the level
of competition in the industry.
Brazil's gas industry is characterised by its late
development, although in recent years, internal supply
imports and demand have grown significantly - the
growth trajectory of recent years exceeds that of countries
with more mature markets, such as Spain, Argentina,
the UK and the US. And the outlook is positive for
continued growth over the next few years, particularly
when set against the investment plans already
announced in Brazil.
The country has a small transportation network
concentrated near the coast. The distribution network is
concentrated in the major consumption centres.
Domestic gas sources are largely offshore in the Campos
basin and Bolivia provides imports. Given the degree
of gas penetration in the country's primary energy
consumption, the industry is poorly developed when
compared with other countries. The industry requires
heavy investment in expanding the transport and
distribution (T&D) networks, as well as in diversifying and
increasing its supplies. Such investments are necessary
for realising the industry's enormous potential.
Another key industry highlight is the changing profile
of gas supply. A large part of the gas produced
domestically to date has been associated with oil
production. The latter diluting or even totally absorbing
the costs of exploiting the gas. In most cases, gas
production was feasible only in conjunction with oil
production activities. However, the country's latest gas
finds are non-associated. Thus, an exclusively dedicated
structure must be developed to produce this gas -
translating into a significant rise in production costs. This
is more significant when analysed against the high costs
associated with the market for exploration and production
(E&P) sector equipment. In recent years, the leasing costs
of drilling rigs and E&P equipment have been climbing in
parallel with escalating oil prices. This directly affects endconsumer
In a world of primary energy consumption
diversification, of greater environmental restrictions and
the reduced dependence on oil, Brazil has been seeking
to develop alternative energy sources - principally natural
gas and biofuels. The gas industry holds enormous
potential for Brazil, although there is still a long way to go
before it reaches maturity and major investment is

World Energy in 2006. copyright © 2006, World Energy Council.
p.29-31 (adapted)
Mark the only correct statement.
Q1662257 Inglês

City hall braces for busy marriage day

    If love is all you need, you’ll want for nothing in New York Thursday.

   The folks who hand out marriage licenses are bracing for what could be their busiest day ever as Valentine’s Day romantics head to the aisle.

   “When we are really busy, we have a second chapel we can open,” said First Deputy City Clerk Michael McSweeney. “We are preparing to do that. We’re expecting a lot of couples.”

   City Hall’s unofficial record of 318 weddings on that date was set on Valentine’s Day 2002 - also on a Thursday.

   And love is definitely in the air Thursday.

   Melanie and Joseph Castine married on Valentine’s Day 10 years ago. Today, they’re renewing their vows in the same venue - the Empire State Building.

  The couple, who recently moved from Roosevelt Island to Philadelphia, won a letter-writing competition with to become one of 14 pairs tying the knot in the iconic building.

  “Valentine’s Day is just the perfect day to do it,” said Melanie Castine, who, with her hubby, has been at the skyscraper every year to mark their anniversary.

  “Everywhere you go in Manhattan, you can see the Empire State Building. It’s a constant reminder of our marriage. We call it our chapel in the sky.”

  Meanwhile, love is being put on ice at one of the city’s most romantic spots.

  Rockefeller Center is preparing to clear its rink at 8 p.m for a skater planning to get down on one knee for a surprise engagement.

  “It’s a big surprise for her, but we’re sure it’s going to be extremely romantic,” a rink spokeswoman said. 

(Available from: city hall braces for busy marriage day-1.html cited: 14 Feb. 2008)

The pronoun it in “we call it our chapel in the sky”, refers to:
373: D
374: D
375: C
376: A