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Q2486261 Inglês

Bob Dylan and the “Hot Hand”

For decades, there’s been a running academic debate about the question of “the hot hand”— the notion, in basketball, say, that a player has a statistically better chance of scoring from downtown if he’s been shooting that night with unusual accuracy. Put it this way: Stephen Curry, the point guard genius for the Golden State Warriors, who normally hits forty-four per cent of his threes, will raise his odds to fifty per cent or better if he’s already on a tear. He’s got a “hot hand.” If you watch enough N.B.A. ball, it appears to happen all the time. But does it? Thirty years ago, Thomas Gilovich, Amos Tversky, and Robert Vallone seemed to squelch the hot-hand theory with a stats-laden paper in the journal Cognitive Psychology, but, just last year, along came Joshua Miller and Adam Sanjurjo, marshalling no less evidence, to insist that an “atypical clustering of successes” in three-point shooting was not a “wide spread cognitive illusion” at all, but rather that it “occurs regularly.”

Steph Curry fans, who have been loyal witnesses to his improbable streaks from beyond the arc, surely agree with Professors Miller and Sanjurjo. But let’s assume that the debate, in basketball or at the blackjack table, remains open. What’s clear is that when it comes to the life of the imagination, the hot hand is a matter of historical fact. Novelists, composers, painters, and poets are apt to experience stretches of intense creativity that might derive from any number of factors — surrounding historical events, artistic rivalries, or, most mysteriously, inspiration — but the streak is undeniably there.

For Dylan, the greatest and most abundant songwriter who has ever lived, the most intense period of wild inspiration and creativity ran from the beginning of 1965 to the summer of 1966.

Before that fifteen-month period, Bob Dylan, who was twenty-three, had already transformed folk music, building on Woody Guthrie and Hank Williams. Now he was scribbling lyrics on pads and envelopes all night and listening to the Stones and the Beatles and feverishly reading the Surrealists and the Beats. In short order, he recorded the music for “Bringing It All Back Home” (the crossover to rock that ranges from “Mr. Tambourine Man” to “Subterranean Homesick Blues”); “Highway 61 Revisited” (the best rock album ever made; again, send your rebuttal to ); and “Blonde on Blonde” (a double album recorded in New York and Nashville that includes “Visions of Johanna” and “Just Like a Woman”).

Full text available on https://www.newyorker. com/culture/cultural-comment/bob-dylanand-the-hot-hand
[Questão inédita] In the fragment “Stephen Curry, the point guard genius for the Golden State Warriors, who normally hits forty-four per cent of his threes”, the word his refers to
Q2433577 Inglês

Leia o trecho a seguir:

Aspartame - is it a possible cause of cancer?

The sweetener aspartame, which is found in a variety of foods and fizzy drinks, is set to be officially classified as "possibly carcinogenic" to humans, reports claim.

The label frequently causes confusion as it gives no sense of whether the potential risk is big or miniscule.

Other "possibly carcinogenic" substances include aloe vera, diesel and pickled Asian vegetables.

The BBC understands the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) will make an announcement on 14 July.

(adaptado de Acesso em: 08 jun. 2023.

Assinale a alternativa correta para countable nouns :

Q2433575 Inglês

Leia o trecho a seguir:

The Hardworking Family

John is a hardworking man. He always gets up early to work and to do all the things he has to do. Mary, John's wife, helps him and she usually spends a lot of time at work with John. John works all the time.

John and Mary have three children who often complain that their parents work too much and seldom enjoy life. They say, "Dad, you and Mom should take a break from work and try to have some fun. You never relax."

John's answer is: "Sometimes I think of taking a vacation, but who will pay our bills?". Mary agrees with John and says that someday their children will understand the situation.

(Adaptado de: <>. Acesso em: 9 jun. 2023.)

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a classe gramatical das palavras em destaque no texto:

Q2431199 Inglês

Instruction: answer questions 31 to 40 based on the following text. The highlights throughout the text are cited in the questions.

He donated blood and saved the lives of 2.4 million babies

01 Most people get a gold watch when they retire. James Harrison deserves so much more than

02 that. Known as the “Man With the Golden Arm,” Harrison has donated blood nearly every week

03 for 60 years, and after all those donations, the 81-year-old Australian man “retired” Friday.

04 According to the Australian Red Cross Blood Service, he has helped save the lives of more than

05 2.4 million Australian babies because his blood has unique, disease-fighting antibodies.

06 Harrison’s antibodies have been used to develop an injection called Anti-D, which helps

07 fight against rhesus disease. This disease is a condition where a pregnant woman has rhesus-

08 negative blood (RhD negative) and the baby in her womb has rhesus-positive blood (RhD

09 positive), inherited from its father. If the mother has been sensitized to rhesus-positive blood,

10 usually during a previous pregnancy with a rhesus-positive baby, she may produce antibodies

11 that destroy the baby’s “foreign” blood cells. In the worst cases, it can result in brain damage,

12 or death, for the babies.

13 Harrison’s remarkable gift of giving started when he had major chest surgery when he was

14 just 14. Blood donations saved his life, so he pledged to become a blood donor. A few years

15 later, doctors discovered his blood contained the antibody which could be used to create Anti-D

16 injections, so he switched over to making blood plasma donations to help as many people as

17 possible. Doctors aren’t exactly sure why Harrison has this rare blood type, but they think it

18 might be from the transfusions he received when he was 14, after his surgery. He’s one of no

19 more than 50 people in Australia known to have the antibodies, according to the blood service.

20 “In Australia, up until about 1967, there were literally thousands of babies dying each year,

21 doctors didn’t know why, and it was awful.” Jemma Falkenmire, of the Australian Red Cross

22 Blood Service, told CNN. “Australia was one of the first countries to discover a blood donor with

23 this antibody, so it was quite revolutionary at the time.”

24 The blood service estimates Harrison saved more than two million lives, and for that, he is

25 considered a national hero in Australia. He’s won numerous awards for his generosity, including

26 the Medal of the Order of Australia, one of the country’s most prestigious honors. Now that

27 Harrison has given his last blood donation (in Australia you can’t donate blood past the age of

28 81), Falkenmire and others hope people with similar antibodies in their blood will step up and

29 donate.

(Available at: – text especially adapted for this test).

The plural forms of countable nouns usually follow specific spelling rules. Which of the words below would follow the same rule as “babies”?

Q2404769 Inglês

Mark the option that ONLY contains uncountable nouns.

1: D
2: A
3: C
4: E
5: C