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Q2389799 Inglês

        According to researchers in Mechanical Engineering at Penn State University, hummingbirds have extreme aerial agility and flight forms, which is why many drones and other aerial vehicles are designed to mimic hummingbird movement. Using a novel modeling method, Professor Bo Cheng and his team of researchers gained new insights into how hummingbirds produce wing movement, which could lead to design improvements in flying robots.

        “We essentially reverse-engineered the inner working of the wing musculoskeletal system — how the muscles and skeleton work in hummingbirds to flap the wings,” said first author and Penn State mechanical engineering graduate student Suyash Agrawal. “The traditional methods have mostly focused on measuring activity of a bird or insect when they are in natural flight or in an artificial environment where flight-like conditions are simulated. But most insects and, among birds specifically, hummingbirds are very small. The data that we can get from those measurements are limited.” 

        Penn State researchers used muscle anatomy literature, computational fluid dynamics simulation data and wing-skeletal movement information captured using micro-CT and X-ray methods to inform their model. They also used an optimization algorithm based on evolutionary strategies, known as the genetic algorithm, to calibrate the parameters of the model. According to the researchers, their approach is the first to integrate these disparate parts for biological fliers.

        With this model, the researchers uncovered previously unknown principles of hummingbird wing actuation. While Cheng emphasized that the results from the optimized model are predictions that will need validation, he said that it has implications for technological development of aerial vehicles.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Judge the following item according to the previous text.

The research findings presented in the text have yielded numerous advancements for the aerospace industry. 

Q2389798 Inglês

        According to researchers in Mechanical Engineering at Penn State University, hummingbirds have extreme aerial agility and flight forms, which is why many drones and other aerial vehicles are designed to mimic hummingbird movement. Using a novel modeling method, Professor Bo Cheng and his team of researchers gained new insights into how hummingbirds produce wing movement, which could lead to design improvements in flying robots.

        “We essentially reverse-engineered the inner working of the wing musculoskeletal system — how the muscles and skeleton work in hummingbirds to flap the wings,” said first author and Penn State mechanical engineering graduate student Suyash Agrawal. “The traditional methods have mostly focused on measuring activity of a bird or insect when they are in natural flight or in an artificial environment where flight-like conditions are simulated. But most insects and, among birds specifically, hummingbirds are very small. The data that we can get from those measurements are limited.” 

        Penn State researchers used muscle anatomy literature, computational fluid dynamics simulation data and wing-skeletal movement information captured using micro-CT and X-ray methods to inform their model. They also used an optimization algorithm based on evolutionary strategies, known as the genetic algorithm, to calibrate the parameters of the model. According to the researchers, their approach is the first to integrate these disparate parts for biological fliers.

        With this model, the researchers uncovered previously unknown principles of hummingbird wing actuation. While Cheng emphasized that the results from the optimized model are predictions that will need validation, he said that it has implications for technological development of aerial vehicles.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Judge the following item according to the previous text.

According to the text, Penn State researchers were the first to use the genetic algorithm to investigate flying patterns. 

Q2389797 Inglês

        According to researchers in Mechanical Engineering at Penn State University, hummingbirds have extreme aerial agility and flight forms, which is why many drones and other aerial vehicles are designed to mimic hummingbird movement. Using a novel modeling method, Professor Bo Cheng and his team of researchers gained new insights into how hummingbirds produce wing movement, which could lead to design improvements in flying robots.

        “We essentially reverse-engineered the inner working of the wing musculoskeletal system — how the muscles and skeleton work in hummingbirds to flap the wings,” said first author and Penn State mechanical engineering graduate student Suyash Agrawal. “The traditional methods have mostly focused on measuring activity of a bird or insect when they are in natural flight or in an artificial environment where flight-like conditions are simulated. But most insects and, among birds specifically, hummingbirds are very small. The data that we can get from those measurements are limited.” 

        Penn State researchers used muscle anatomy literature, computational fluid dynamics simulation data and wing-skeletal movement information captured using micro-CT and X-ray methods to inform their model. They also used an optimization algorithm based on evolutionary strategies, known as the genetic algorithm, to calibrate the parameters of the model. According to the researchers, their approach is the first to integrate these disparate parts for biological fliers.

        With this model, the researchers uncovered previously unknown principles of hummingbird wing actuation. While Cheng emphasized that the results from the optimized model are predictions that will need validation, he said that it has implications for technological development of aerial vehicles.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Judge the following item according to the previous text.
In the text, the term ‘reverse-engineered’ (first sentence of the second paragraph) is not referring to an industrial product, which represents a variation of its conventional meaning. 

Q2387711 Inglês
Audit data analytics, machine learning, and full population testing

Technologies are evolving at an unprecedented pace and pose significant challenges and opportunities to companies and related parties, including the accounting profession. In today’s business environment, it is inevitable for companies to react quickly to changing conditions and markets. Many companies are seeking better ways to utilize emerging technologies to transform how they conduct business. We live in an age of information explosion, with technologies capable of making revolutionary changes in various industries and reshaping business models. At present, many companies view data as one of their most valuable assets. They amass an unprecedented amount of data from their daily business operation and strive to harness the power of data through analytics. Emerging technologies like robotic process automation, machine learning, and data analytics also impact the accounting profession. It is important for the profession to understand the impacts, opportunities, and challenges of these technologies.

Specifically, in audit and assurance areas, data analytics and machine learning will lead to many changes in the foreseeable future. Audit sampling is one such potential change. The use of sampling in audits has been criticized since it only provides a small snapshot of the entire population. To address this major issue, this study introduces the idea of applying audit data analytics and machine learning for full population testing through the concept of “audit-by-exception” and “exceptional exceptions.” In this way, the emphasis of audit work shifts from “transaction examination” to “exception examination” and prioritizes the exceptions based on different criteria. Consequently, auditors can assess the associated risk based on the entire population of the transactions and thus enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the audit process.

Adapted from the introduction to a study published in:
The verb form in “has been criticized” (2nd paragraph) is in the:
Q2387710 Inglês
Audit data analytics, machine learning, and full population testing

Technologies are evolving at an unprecedented pace and pose significant challenges and opportunities to companies and related parties, including the accounting profession. In today’s business environment, it is inevitable for companies to react quickly to changing conditions and markets. Many companies are seeking better ways to utilize emerging technologies to transform how they conduct business. We live in an age of information explosion, with technologies capable of making revolutionary changes in various industries and reshaping business models. At present, many companies view data as one of their most valuable assets. They amass an unprecedented amount of data from their daily business operation and strive to harness the power of data through analytics. Emerging technologies like robotic process automation, machine learning, and data analytics also impact the accounting profession. It is important for the profession to understand the impacts, opportunities, and challenges of these technologies.

Specifically, in audit and assurance areas, data analytics and machine learning will lead to many changes in the foreseeable future. Audit sampling is one such potential change. The use of sampling in audits has been criticized since it only provides a small snapshot of the entire population. To address this major issue, this study introduces the idea of applying audit data analytics and machine learning for full population testing through the concept of “audit-by-exception” and “exceptional exceptions.” In this way, the emphasis of audit work shifts from “transaction examination” to “exception examination” and prioritizes the exceptions based on different criteria. Consequently, auditors can assess the associated risk based on the entire population of the transactions and thus enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the audit process.

Adapted from the introduction to a study published in:
A “foreseeable future” (2nd paragraph) is one that:
Q2387709 Inglês
Audit data analytics, machine learning, and full population testing

Technologies are evolving at an unprecedented pace and pose significant challenges and opportunities to companies and related parties, including the accounting profession. In today’s business environment, it is inevitable for companies to react quickly to changing conditions and markets. Many companies are seeking better ways to utilize emerging technologies to transform how they conduct business. We live in an age of information explosion, with technologies capable of making revolutionary changes in various industries and reshaping business models. At present, many companies view data as one of their most valuable assets. They amass an unprecedented amount of data from their daily business operation and strive to harness the power of data through analytics. Emerging technologies like robotic process automation, machine learning, and data analytics also impact the accounting profession. It is important for the profession to understand the impacts, opportunities, and challenges of these technologies.

Specifically, in audit and assurance areas, data analytics and machine learning will lead to many changes in the foreseeable future. Audit sampling is one such potential change. The use of sampling in audits has been criticized since it only provides a small snapshot of the entire population. To address this major issue, this study introduces the idea of applying audit data analytics and machine learning for full population testing through the concept of “audit-by-exception” and “exceptional exceptions.” In this way, the emphasis of audit work shifts from “transaction examination” to “exception examination” and prioritizes the exceptions based on different criteria. Consequently, auditors can assess the associated risk based on the entire population of the transactions and thus enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the audit process.

Adapted from the introduction to a study published in:
In the sentence “Emerging technologies like robotic process automation” (1st paragraph), “like” expresses:
Q2387708 Inglês
Audit data analytics, machine learning, and full population testing

Technologies are evolving at an unprecedented pace and pose significant challenges and opportunities to companies and related parties, including the accounting profession. In today’s business environment, it is inevitable for companies to react quickly to changing conditions and markets. Many companies are seeking better ways to utilize emerging technologies to transform how they conduct business. We live in an age of information explosion, with technologies capable of making revolutionary changes in various industries and reshaping business models. At present, many companies view data as one of their most valuable assets. They amass an unprecedented amount of data from their daily business operation and strive to harness the power of data through analytics. Emerging technologies like robotic process automation, machine learning, and data analytics also impact the accounting profession. It is important for the profession to understand the impacts, opportunities, and challenges of these technologies.

Specifically, in audit and assurance areas, data analytics and machine learning will lead to many changes in the foreseeable future. Audit sampling is one such potential change. The use of sampling in audits has been criticized since it only provides a small snapshot of the entire population. To address this major issue, this study introduces the idea of applying audit data analytics and machine learning for full population testing through the concept of “audit-by-exception” and “exceptional exceptions.” In this way, the emphasis of audit work shifts from “transaction examination” to “exception examination” and prioritizes the exceptions based on different criteria. Consequently, auditors can assess the associated risk based on the entire population of the transactions and thus enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the audit process.

Adapted from the introduction to a study published in:
In “They amass” (1st paragraph), the pronoun refers to:
Q2387707 Inglês
Audit data analytics, machine learning, and full population testing

Technologies are evolving at an unprecedented pace and pose significant challenges and opportunities to companies and related parties, including the accounting profession. In today’s business environment, it is inevitable for companies to react quickly to changing conditions and markets. Many companies are seeking better ways to utilize emerging technologies to transform how they conduct business. We live in an age of information explosion, with technologies capable of making revolutionary changes in various industries and reshaping business models. At present, many companies view data as one of their most valuable assets. They amass an unprecedented amount of data from their daily business operation and strive to harness the power of data through analytics. Emerging technologies like robotic process automation, machine learning, and data analytics also impact the accounting profession. It is important for the profession to understand the impacts, opportunities, and challenges of these technologies.

Specifically, in audit and assurance areas, data analytics and machine learning will lead to many changes in the foreseeable future. Audit sampling is one such potential change. The use of sampling in audits has been criticized since it only provides a small snapshot of the entire population. To address this major issue, this study introduces the idea of applying audit data analytics and machine learning for full population testing through the concept of “audit-by-exception” and “exceptional exceptions.” In this way, the emphasis of audit work shifts from “transaction examination” to “exception examination” and prioritizes the exceptions based on different criteria. Consequently, auditors can assess the associated risk based on the entire population of the transactions and thus enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the audit process.

Adapted from the introduction to a study published in:
Based on the text, mark the statements below as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F):

( ) Many companies nowadays tend to overlook data gathering.
( ) The accounting profession has managed to resist the impact of technology.
( ) In the study mentioned by the text, full population testing is to be preferred to sampling.

The statements are, respectively:
Q2385596 Inglês
        “Deste modo, considerar o desenvolvimento de habilidades orais como central no ensino de Língua Estrangeira no Brasil não leva em conta o critério de relevância social para a sua aprendizagem. Com exceção da situação específica de algumas regiões turísticas ou de algumas comunidades plurilíngues, o uso de uma língua estrangeira parece estar, em geral, mais vinculado à leitura de literatura técnica ou de lazer. Note-se também que os únicos exames formais em Língua Estrangeira (vestibular e admissão a cursos de pós-graduação) requerem o domínio da habilidade de leitura. Portanto, a leitura atende, por um lado, às necessidades da educação formal, e, por outro, é a habilidade que o aluno pode usar em seu contexto social imediato. Além disso, a aprendizagem de leitura em Língua Estrangeira pode ajudar o desenvolvimento integral do letramento do aluno. A leitura tem função primordial na escola e aprender a ler em outra língua pode colaborar no desempenho do aluno como leitor em sua língua materna”.

(BRASIL. Secretaria de Educação Fundamental.
Parâmetros curriculares nacionais: terceiro e quarto
ciclos do ensino fundamental: língua estrangeira.
Secretaria de Educação Fundamental. Brasília:
MEC/SEF, 1998, p. 20).
O desenvolvimento da leitura, como também das demais habilidades comunicativas, depende estritamente de um ________________________, além do uso consciente de ________________________.

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas.
Q2385595 Inglês
        “Deste modo, considerar o desenvolvimento de habilidades orais como central no ensino de Língua Estrangeira no Brasil não leva em conta o critério de relevância social para a sua aprendizagem. Com exceção da situação específica de algumas regiões turísticas ou de algumas comunidades plurilíngues, o uso de uma língua estrangeira parece estar, em geral, mais vinculado à leitura de literatura técnica ou de lazer. Note-se também que os únicos exames formais em Língua Estrangeira (vestibular e admissão a cursos de pós-graduação) requerem o domínio da habilidade de leitura. Portanto, a leitura atende, por um lado, às necessidades da educação formal, e, por outro, é a habilidade que o aluno pode usar em seu contexto social imediato. Além disso, a aprendizagem de leitura em Língua Estrangeira pode ajudar o desenvolvimento integral do letramento do aluno. A leitura tem função primordial na escola e aprender a ler em outra língua pode colaborar no desempenho do aluno como leitor em sua língua materna”.

(BRASIL. Secretaria de Educação Fundamental.
Parâmetros curriculares nacionais: terceiro e quarto
ciclos do ensino fundamental: língua estrangeira.
Secretaria de Educação Fundamental. Brasília:
MEC/SEF, 1998, p. 20).
O documento concebe o ensino das quatro habilidades em Língua Inglesa de forma _______________, porém com foco especial em _______________ para suprir as necessidades impostas pelos exames formais em língua estrangeira.

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas.
Q2385594 Inglês
        “Deste modo, considerar o desenvolvimento de habilidades orais como central no ensino de Língua Estrangeira no Brasil não leva em conta o critério de relevância social para a sua aprendizagem. Com exceção da situação específica de algumas regiões turísticas ou de algumas comunidades plurilíngues, o uso de uma língua estrangeira parece estar, em geral, mais vinculado à leitura de literatura técnica ou de lazer. Note-se também que os únicos exames formais em Língua Estrangeira (vestibular e admissão a cursos de pós-graduação) requerem o domínio da habilidade de leitura. Portanto, a leitura atende, por um lado, às necessidades da educação formal, e, por outro, é a habilidade que o aluno pode usar em seu contexto social imediato. Além disso, a aprendizagem de leitura em Língua Estrangeira pode ajudar o desenvolvimento integral do letramento do aluno. A leitura tem função primordial na escola e aprender a ler em outra língua pode colaborar no desempenho do aluno como leitor em sua língua materna”.

(BRASIL. Secretaria de Educação Fundamental.
Parâmetros curriculares nacionais: terceiro e quarto
ciclos do ensino fundamental: língua estrangeira.
Secretaria de Educação Fundamental. Brasília:
MEC/SEF, 1998, p. 20).
O ensino das quatro habilidades em língua estrangeira, conforme aponta o documento, propicia um desenvolvimento integral das potencialidades dos estudantes. Todavia, há fatores que dificultam o trabalho do professor de língua estrangeira na escola pública. Sendo assim, assinale a alternativa que NÃO apresenta tais fatores.
Q2385593 Inglês
Definition 1

“Consonant sounds are made by restricting or blocking the air flow in soe physical way, and this restriction, or release of the restriction, is what gives the consonant its characteristic sound. By contrast, vowels require the vocal tract to be open so that the air stream escapes unobstructed”.


Definition 2

“Consonants, either singly or in clusters, mark the beginnings and ends of syllables. Vowels occur as the centres or focal points of syllables, either between consonants or their own”. 

(UNDERHILL, A. Sound Foundations. Oxford:
Macmillan, 1994, p. 29).
Choose the alternative that shows the sound [g].
Q2385592 Inglês
Definition 1

“Consonant sounds are made by restricting or blocking the air flow in soe physical way, and this restriction, or release of the restriction, is what gives the consonant its characteristic sound. By contrast, vowels require the vocal tract to be open so that the air stream escapes unobstructed”.


Definition 2

“Consonants, either singly or in clusters, mark the beginnings and ends of syllables. Vowels occur as the centres or focal points of syllables, either between consonants or their own”. 

(UNDERHILL, A. Sound Foundations. Oxford:
Macmillan, 1994, p. 29).
Choose the alternative that DOES NOT show the sound [n].
Q2385591 Inglês
       “Language teachers may ask themselves why should they bother writing plans for every lesson. Some teachers write down elaborate daily plans; others do the planning inside their heads. Preservice teachers say they write daily lesson plans only because a supervisor, cooperating teacher, or school administrator requires them to do so. After they graduate, many teachers give up writing lesson plans. However, not many teachers enter a classroom without some kind of plan. Lesson plans are systematic records of a teacher’s thoughts about what will be covered during a lesson”.

(RICHARDS, J. C. & RENANDYA, W.A. (Editors). Methodology in Language
Teaching – An Anthology of Current Practice. 14th Ed. Cambridge: CUP,
1986, p. 30).
Lessons plans may be challenging to work on, but they are such a tool to make English teachers more ________________ and they can __________________ problems and solutions before / when they happen.

Choose the alternative that completes the blanks.
Q2385590 Inglês
       “Language teachers may ask themselves why should they bother writing plans for every lesson. Some teachers write down elaborate daily plans; others do the planning inside their heads. Preservice teachers say they write daily lesson plans only because a supervisor, cooperating teacher, or school administrator requires them to do so. After they graduate, many teachers give up writing lesson plans. However, not many teachers enter a classroom without some kind of plan. Lesson plans are systematic records of a teacher’s thoughts about what will be covered during a lesson”.

(RICHARDS, J. C. & RENANDYA, W.A. (Editors). Methodology in Language
Teaching – An Anthology of Current Practice. 14th Ed. Cambridge: CUP,
1986, p. 30).
The author states that many teachers do not plan their lessons before entering the classrooms. When it comes to such a matter, it is INCORRECT to affirm that designing a lesson plan 
Q2385589 Inglês
       “While a focus on grammar as a linguistic resource puts a more positive face on the role of grammar in writing instruction, any discussion of this role should include attention to learners’ writing errors, a significant concern for most L2 writing teachers and their students. For decades, studies and debates on the effectiveness of differing types of error correction and, indeed, of error correction at all, have been a major topic in the L2 writing literature. Central in recent debates include the exchanges between Truscott (1996, 2007), who believes that ESL research does not provide evidence showing that error correction improves writers’ accuracy over time, and Ferris (1999, 2011), who, while acknowledging that research base lacks controlled studies on this topic, nevertheless asserts that studies have indicated short-term improvement. Ferris (2011) has further pointed out that without attention to errors and explicit instruction, adult learners may fail to make progress in correcting patterns of errors in their L2 writing. Indeed, writing teachers in higher education contexts have found out that many of their multilingual students enter colleges and universities unaware of frequent error patterns in their writing”.

(CELCE-MURCIA, M; BRINTON, D.M. & SNOW, M. A. (Editors). Teaching English
as a Second or Foreign Language. 4th Ed. Boston, U.S.: National Geographic
Learning / Heinle Cengage Learning, 2014, p. 240).

Researchers argue that learners who are conscious of their errors in writing are better able to ____________ their writing skills.

Choose the alternative that completes the blank. 
Q2385588 Inglês
       “While a focus on grammar as a linguistic resource puts a more positive face on the role of grammar in writing instruction, any discussion of this role should include attention to learners’ writing errors, a significant concern for most L2 writing teachers and their students. For decades, studies and debates on the effectiveness of differing types of error correction and, indeed, of error correction at all, have been a major topic in the L2 writing literature. Central in recent debates include the exchanges between Truscott (1996, 2007), who believes that ESL research does not provide evidence showing that error correction improves writers’ accuracy over time, and Ferris (1999, 2011), who, while acknowledging that research base lacks controlled studies on this topic, nevertheless asserts that studies have indicated short-term improvement. Ferris (2011) has further pointed out that without attention to errors and explicit instruction, adult learners may fail to make progress in correcting patterns of errors in their L2 writing. Indeed, writing teachers in higher education contexts have found out that many of their multilingual students enter colleges and universities unaware of frequent error patterns in their writing”.

(CELCE-MURCIA, M; BRINTON, D.M. & SNOW, M. A. (Editors). Teaching English
as a Second or Foreign Language. 4th Ed. Boston, U.S.: National Geographic
Learning / Heinle Cengage Learning, 2014, p. 240).

According to the text, error correction in writing tasks has been considered by specialists as a __________________ technique.

Choose the alternative that completes the blank.
Q2385587 Inglês
      “The procedure for teaching receptive skills generally starts with a lead-in. This is where we engage students with the topic of the reading and we try to activate their schema (plural schemata) (…). This is the knowledge that allows many British, American, West Indian, Pakistani and Indian people (for example) to make sense of headlines like England in six-wicket collapse (a reference to the game of cricket), whereas many Canadians would instantly understand what it means to be sent to the penalty box and why being sent there might give another team a power play (both terms come ice hockey, Canada’s national sport)”.

(HARMER, J. The Practice of English Language Teaching.
4 th Ed. Essex, England: Pearson, 2007, p. 271).

Specialists argue that comprehensive input for listening tasks is vital for language acquisition. Choose the alternative that shows an effective strategy to address language difficulty. 
Q2385586 Inglês
      “The procedure for teaching receptive skills generally starts with a lead-in. This is where we engage students with the topic of the reading and we try to activate their schema (plural schemata) (…). This is the knowledge that allows many British, American, West Indian, Pakistani and Indian people (for example) to make sense of headlines like England in six-wicket collapse (a reference to the game of cricket), whereas many Canadians would instantly understand what it means to be sent to the penalty box and why being sent there might give another team a power play (both terms come ice hockey, Canada’s national sport)”.

(HARMER, J. The Practice of English Language Teaching.
4 th Ed. Essex, England: Pearson, 2007, p. 271).

According to Harmer, a “lead-in” task is crucial while tackling with receptive skills. Choose the alternative that DOES NOT present an example of such a task.
Q2385585 Inglês
      “The procedure for teaching receptive skills generally starts with a lead-in. This is where we engage students with the topic of the reading and we try to activate their schema (plural schemata) (…). This is the knowledge that allows many British, American, West Indian, Pakistani and Indian people (for example) to make sense of headlines like England in six-wicket collapse (a reference to the game of cricket), whereas many Canadians would instantly understand what it means to be sent to the penalty box and why being sent there might give another team a power play (both terms come ice hockey, Canada’s national sport)”.

(HARMER, J. The Practice of English Language Teaching.
4 th Ed. Essex, England: Pearson, 2007, p. 271).

Choose the alternative that presents the “receptive skills” in English Language Teaching.
3881: E
3882: E
3883: C
3884: D
3885: B
3886: E
3887: D
3888: C
3889: D
3890: C
3891: B
3892: B
3893: C
3894: A
3895: C
3896: C
3897: B
3898: A
3899: D
3900: B