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O princípio de integralidade da proteção social prevista na NOB SUAS se refere à(ao):
No Brasil, a Assistência Social está organizada por meio do Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS), presente em todo o território, integrando o tripé da Seguridade Social, juntamente com a Saúde e a Previdência Social. Seu objetivo é garantir a proteção social aos cidadãos. Na concepção atual, a Assistência Social é tida como um(a):
O conjunto dos músculos da parte da frente da coxa é conhecido como quadríceps. Assinalar a alternativa que apresenta um músculo que faz parte desse conjunto:
Atualmente, muito se discute a composição corporal e a visão estética na educação física escolar. Infelizmente, muitos adolescentes sofrem com essa pressão por parte da sociedade em relação a ter o corpo que é “perfeito”. No entanto, a busca pelos corpos que normalmente são defendidos por alguns pode levar a diferentes distúrbios de imagem em adolescentes. São exemplos de distúrbios alimentares em adolescentes:
O futebol é um dos esportes mais populares no Brasil e no Mundo. É um esporte que gerando benefícios nas 3 esferas de conhecimento, proporcionando resultados positivos nos níveis culturais, sociais e biológicos. Por ser um esporte institucionalizado organizado pela FIFA, tem regras que o caracterizam. Em relação a uma das regras do futebol, quanto a uma cobrança de pênalti, assinalar a alternativa CORRETA:
Durante as aulas de educação física escolar, pode ocorrer uma condição de excesso de exercício. O excesso de treinamento pode causar, tanto em adultos quanto em crianças e adolescentes, uma condição não fisiológica. Qual condição abaixo é característica de treinamento esportivo precoce e excessivo em adolescentes?
Autonomia infantil é delegar responsabilidade e consciência dos próprios atos à criança, respeitando seus limites e capacidades, com o objetivo de desenvolver sua independência. Saber como estimular a autonomia infantil desde quando a criança é pequena é importante para ela:
A prática da escuta ativa na Educação Infantil favorece para que, no relacionamento com os professores, a criança:
Concerning the present simple, mark the CORRECT alternative:
I ______ in New York, she _______ in London, but we want to ________ one day.
Considering the gerund and infinitive forms for verbs, number the 2nd column according to the 1rst and, after that, check the alternative that presents the CORRECT sequence:
(1) Gerund.
(2) Infinitive.
(_) Learning History is important.
(_) I came here to study English.
(_) No smoking.
(_) It's difficult to get up early.
How were the first 'voice mails' sent? In envelopes
“Hello Mother, Dad, and Blanche,” a quiet voice says above the cracks and pops of an old vinyl record, which has clearly been played many times over. “How’s everything at home? I’m recording this from Dallas…from this very little place where there are pinball machines and many other things like that…”
The disc is small, seven inches across, dated ___________ 1954. The faded green label shows that the speaker’s name is “Gene,” the recording addressed to “Folks.” Gene suggests in his minute-long message that he is traveling—“seeing America”—and tells his family not to worry about him.
“I should complete my trip sometime around Thanksgiving. I hope you received my letter and I, in turn, hope to receive some of the letters that you sent me.”
This largely forgotten sound is one of the world’s early “voice mails.” During the first half of the 20th century, these audio letters and other messages were recorded largely in booths, pressed onto metal discs and vinyl records, and mailed in places all over the world. Best known today for playing music at home, record players were then being used as a means of _____________ over long distances.
The idea of transporting a person’s voice had _________ large in the human imagination for some three centuries before it was finally achieved with the invention of the phonograph in the late 19th century. Historical documents from the Qing Dynasty in 16th-century China suggest the existence of a mysterious device called the “thousand-mile speaker,” a wooden cylinder that could be spoken into and sealed, such that the recipient could still hear the reverberations when opening it back up.
(Fonte: National Geographic - adaptado.)
In “‘Hello Mother, Dad, and Blanche,’ a quiet voice says above the cracks and pops of an old vinyl record [...]”, the underlined word can be substituted without loss of meaning by:
How were the first 'voice mails' sent? In envelopes
“Hello Mother, Dad, and Blanche,” a quiet voice says above the cracks and pops of an old vinyl record, which has clearly been played many times over. “How’s everything at home? I’m recording this from Dallas…from this very little place where there are pinball machines and many other things like that…”
The disc is small, seven inches across, dated ___________ 1954. The faded green label shows that the speaker’s name is “Gene,” the recording addressed to “Folks.” Gene suggests in his minute-long message that he is traveling—“seeing America”—and tells his family not to worry about him.
“I should complete my trip sometime around Thanksgiving. I hope you received my letter and I, in turn, hope to receive some of the letters that you sent me.”
This largely forgotten sound is one of the world’s early “voice mails.” During the first half of the 20th century, these audio letters and other messages were recorded largely in booths, pressed onto metal discs and vinyl records, and mailed in places all over the world. Best known today for playing music at home, record players were then being used as a means of _____________ over long distances.
The idea of transporting a person’s voice had _________ large in the human imagination for some three centuries before it was finally achieved with the invention of the phonograph in the late 19th century. Historical documents from the Qing Dynasty in 16th-century China suggest the existence of a mysterious device called the “thousand-mile speaker,” a wooden cylinder that could be spoken into and sealed, such that the recipient could still hear the reverberations when opening it back up.
(Fonte: National Geographic - adaptado.)
Concerning the parts of speech, the underlined word in “How’s everything at home?” is classified as a/an:
How were the first 'voice mails' sent? In envelopes
“Hello Mother, Dad, and Blanche,” a quiet voice says above the cracks and pops of an old vinyl record, which has clearly been played many times over. “How’s everything at home? I’m recording this from Dallas…from this very little place where there are pinball machines and many other things like that…”
The disc is small, seven inches across, dated ___________ 1954. The faded green label shows that the speaker’s name is “Gene,” the recording addressed to “Folks.” Gene suggests in his minute-long message that he is traveling—“seeing America”—and tells his family not to worry about him.
“I should complete my trip sometime around Thanksgiving. I hope you received my letter and I, in turn, hope to receive some of the letters that you sent me.”
This largely forgotten sound is one of the world’s early “voice mails.” During the first half of the 20th century, these audio letters and other messages were recorded largely in booths, pressed onto metal discs and vinyl records, and mailed in places all over the world. Best known today for playing music at home, record players were then being used as a means of _____________ over long distances.
The idea of transporting a person’s voice had _________ large in the human imagination for some three centuries before it was finally achieved with the invention of the phonograph in the late 19th century. Historical documents from the Qing Dynasty in 16th-century China suggest the existence of a mysterious device called the “thousand-mile speaker,” a wooden cylinder that could be spoken into and sealed, such that the recipient could still hear the reverberations when opening it back up.
(Fonte: National Geographic - adaptado.)
According to the text, mark the CORRECT alternative:
How were the first 'voice mails' sent? In envelopes
“Hello Mother, Dad, and Blanche,” a quiet voice says above the cracks and pops of an old vinyl record, which has clearly been played many times over. “How’s everything at home? I’m recording this from Dallas…from this very little place where there are pinball machines and many other things like that…”
The disc is small, seven inches across, dated ___________ 1954. The faded green label shows that the speaker’s name is “Gene,” the recording addressed to “Folks.” Gene suggests in his minute-long message that he is traveling—“seeing America”—and tells his family not to worry about him.
“I should complete my trip sometime around Thanksgiving. I hope you received my letter and I, in turn, hope to receive some of the letters that you sent me.”
This largely forgotten sound is one of the world’s early “voice mails.” During the first half of the 20th century, these audio letters and other messages were recorded largely in booths, pressed onto metal discs and vinyl records, and mailed in places all over the world. Best known today for playing music at home, record players were then being used as a means of _____________ over long distances.
The idea of transporting a person’s voice had _________ large in the human imagination for some three centuries before it was finally achieved with the invention of the phonograph in the late 19th century. Historical documents from the Qing Dynasty in 16th-century China suggest the existence of a mysterious device called the “thousand-mile speaker,” a wooden cylinder that could be spoken into and sealed, such that the recipient could still hear the reverberations when opening it back up.
(Fonte: National Geographic - adaptado.)
Check the alternative that CORRECTLY fills the gaps in the text:
Em conformidade com a BNCC: Língua Inglesa, assinalar a alternativa que preenche a lacuna abaixo CORRETAMENTE:
As práticas de leitura em inglês promovem o desenvolvimento de estratégias de investigação sobre as formas pelas quais os contextos de produção ___________ processos de significação e reflexão crítica/problematização dos temas tratados.
A respeito da diversidade, equidade e inclusão na escola, numerar a 2ª coluna de acordo com a 1ª e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA sobre o conceito de cada prática:
(1) Diversidade.
(2) Equidade.
(3) Inclusão.
( ) É a pluralidade de culturas, identidades, formas de pensar, experiências e trajetórias que podem ser encontradas em um grupo de pessoas.
( ) Envolve um conjunto de ações que proporcionam acesso igual de participação, direitos e oportunidades a todas as pessoas.
( ) É a garantia de tratamento diferenciado em igualdade de condições e oportunidades. Ou seja, os direitos e deveres são os mesmos, mas as necessidades de cada um para exercer seu papel na sociedade são diferentes e precisam ser atendidas de forma justa.
Esse tipo de avaliação é, na maioria das vezes, sempre realizado no início de um processo para obter os dados e informações necessárias na construção do planejamento de ensino. Como se chama esse tipo de avaliação?
Sobre tecnologia e educação, analisar os itens abaixo:
I. Os computadores estão propiciando uma verdadeira revolução no processo ensino-aprendizagem.
II. Podem ser realizados diferentes tipos de abordagens de ensino, por meio do computador, devido aos inúmeros programas desenvolvidos para auxiliar o processo ensino-aprendizagem.
III. A maior contribuição do computador como meio educacional advém do fato do seu uso ter provocado o questionamento dos métodos e processos de ensino utilizados.
Está(ão) CORRETO(S):
Com relação às responsabilidades assumidas pelo poder Municipal na contribuição com o Ensino e Organização da esfera educativa, previstas na Lei nº 9.394/1996 — LDB, assinalar a alternativa CORRETA:
Assinalar a alternativa que NÃO apresenta um dígrafo: