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Q2606986 Inglês
Read the sentence, “The poor brown shaggy starving puppy gobbled all the food”, then mark the alternative that presents the core syntactic argument of the subject.
Q2606985 Inglês

Inspect the sentences thoroughly to appoint the fitting assertion.

a. Shut up or I’ll lose my temper.

b. Drop by one day and you’ll see how much our kids have grown.

c. Touch that again and you might get in trouble.

d. Take the medicine as prescribed and you are sure to see good results.

e. Stop cheating during tests or you might get detention soon.

f. Move to Miami and you’ll get a taste of what an endless vacation is.

Q2606984 Inglês

Having analysed the words in the group, and taking into account words’ formation processes, there is correct data applicable to all of the group components in:

endanger- kilometre-outnumber-telescope-polyglot-misunderstood-prewar-


Q2606983 Inglês
“Smooth” is a song issued in 1999, revealing several of very contemporary society’s aspects through language, and also through its message, EXCEPT:

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Q2606982 Inglês

Read the text to choose the option that is a text supported statement.

    Claudine and Dismas have always struggled to make ends meet in Burundi. On their farm, they grow beans, maize, bananas and sorghum, which helps them financially since their harvest is profitable, and the lands fruitful. After her second pregnancy, Claudine became very ill, and much of the extras they had went to pay for traditional healers and medical doctors searching for answers to her sickness.

    The birth of their second child, Valerie, with clubfoot added to the family’s tight financial situation. The condition was not even identified until about a month after Valerie was born when her grandmother was changing her. The grandmother recognized clubfoot because Claudine’s stepsister also had children born with the disability. People discouraged Claudine and Dismas from finding treatment because they felt Valerie’s feet resulted from the strange illness Claudine suffered during her pregnancy. Even if treatment was possible, neighbors reasoned the family would never be able to afford it.

   Claudine and Dismas decided to put all their limited financial resources toward clubfoot treatment. Still, saving enough money for transportation to the first clinic visit took them a while. At the clinic, Hope Walks staff gave them the good news that treatment would be free for them.

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1146: B
1147: C
1148: B
1149: A
1150: A