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Q2383520 Jornalismo
Acerca de lead e pirâmide invertida, assinale a opção correta. 
Q2383519 Jornalismo
Em relação à entrevista, assinale a opção correta. 
Q2383518 Jornalismo
Para alguns autores, o imediatismo é aspecto menos importante na reportagem do que na notícia, porque 
Q2383517 Jornalismo
Com relação a métodos e técnicas de pesquisa e análise, julgue os itens que se seguem.

I De acordo com a teoria da análise de conteúdo, é possível analisar conteúdos escolhidos de forma aleatória, dispensadas quaisquer características comuns.
II Enquanto a análise de discurso busca conhecer as condições de uma enunciação e o sentido de palavras e expressões dentro de um contexto, a análise de conteúdo desmonta mensagens, mostrando aspectos despercebidos em um primeiro momento.
III A análise de conteúdo tem uma perspectiva crítica para se pensar nas mensagens e também na complexidade de sentidos e significados.

Assinale a opção correta. 
Q2383516 Jornalismo
        Determinado profissional tem as seguintes atribuições: rastrear e selecionar de forma crítica e criativa o conteúdo disponível em múltiplas fontes, formatos e plataformas acerca de determinado tema; em seguida, editar e compartilhar o material de forma organizada e contextualizada, em um ambiente específico na Internet, de maneira a fornecer profundidade, diversidade, relevância e clareza sobre o assunto aos interessados. 

Nessa situação, o profissional citado é responsável por 
Q2383515 Jornalismo
Considerando que, no trabalho em publicações empresariais, deve-se pensar em algumas questões para a melhor execução dessa atividade, julgue os próximos itens. 

I O trinômio organização-decisão-comportamento permite o fluxo vertical e horizontal, retratando o sistema integral da empresa e ajudando a organização interna.
II Para evitar a fragmentação das comunicações, o responsável pela publicação empresarial deve reunir todos os pontos de vista, dando aos departamentos e à comunidade um tratamento equânime.
III Para a produção de suas publicações, é imprescindível que a empresa possua um departamento responsável por serviços de diagramação, arte e revisão. 

Assinale a opção correta. 
Q2383514 Jornalismo
As publicações empresariais têm o objetivo de atender a determinada comunidade produtiva, que tem exigências e interesses comuns. Nelas, as informações devem atender aos interesses da empresa, com a divulgação da sua imagem e de seus conteúdos, tanto para a própria empresa quanto para a comunidade. A esse respeito, assinale a opção correta. 
Q2383513 Jornalismo
Quanto a conflitos e crises que acontecem nas mídias digitais, julgue os itens subsequentes.

I Muitas pautas nascem de reclamações de comunidades digitais.
II As novas plataformas digitais e a crise no modelo tradicional de negócios aumentaram o número de veículos relevantes e influentes e diminuíram o número de fornecedores de informação.
III As crises atuais são muito difíceis de prever e de deter e demonstram como o ambiente virtual tornou-se propício para ataques e críticas violentas contra empresas e pessoas, famosas ou anônimas.

Assinale a opção correta. 
Q2383512 Jornalismo
        Um profissional que atende uma empresa de turismo recebeu a tarefa de divulgar pacotes de viagens para Fortaleza, Maceió e João Pessoa. Ele precisa fazer uma postagem nas redes sociais e também escrever uma sugestão de pauta, ou release. A fim de determinar qual destino priorizar na divulgação, o profissional precisa pesquisar qual seria o destino mais procurado pelas pessoas nos períodos de férias. 

Nessa situação hipotética, assinale, entre as opções a seguir, aquela que corresponde à ferramenta digital mais adequada para a realização da pesquisa mencionada. 
Q2383511 Jornalismo
As linguagens do rádio e da TV são próximas, existindo semelhanças entre elas. Em comum, essas duas linguagens apresentam
Q2383510 Jornalismo
Na produção de texto para televisão, as análises têm um caráter mais sensorial, pois envolvem sobretudo a visão e a audição do telespectador. Além disso, existem outros elementos que marcam a linguagem da televisão, os quais incluem 
Q2383509 Jornalismo
        A produção de texto para rádio é mais distante da que é utilizada para veículo impresso e é mais próxima do que é feito para a televisão; todavia, tem peculiaridades próprias da sua área. Acerca da produção de texto para rádio, julgue os seguintes itens.

I No rádio, as perguntas-chave da notícia (o quê? quem? quando? onde? como? por quê?) costumam compor a chamada cabeça e representam o texto da chamada para introduzir a matéria no ar.
II O radiojornal é montado a partir de um espelho, que apresenta a sequência de quais matérias vão entrar no ar.
III O anúncio das principais notícias da edição de um radiojornal é feito na escalada. 

Assinale a opção correta. 
Q2383508 Jornalismo
A respeito de redação jornalística, julgue os seguintes itens.

I No processo produtivo de jornais impressos, atualmente, muitas redações extinguiram o posto de pauteiro, ficando a cargo de repórteres e editores a sugestão do fato a ser apurado.
II A diferença mais marcante do que é veiculado na Web e no jornal impresso é que, nos portais, a notícia é mais factual, ao passo que o jornal impresso costuma publicar uma versão mais alongada e aprofundada do mesmo fato.
III Uma quantidade maior de fontes permite cumprir melhor o papel informativo, com mais objetividade e imparcialidade, porque permite uma maior representatividade.

Assinale a opção correta. 
Q2383502 Inglês
Text 3A4

      During the last century water infrastructure projects involving large dams played a major role in the socio-economic transformation of many countries. At the same time, in a significant number of cases the benefits were not shared equitably, and the negative impacts on the environmental and sociocultural structures were excessive. In some cases their economic performance was questionable. Diverging views have arisen on the merits and demerits of dams, the roles they play, and their alternatives in providing water and energy services. However, recognition that such roles are complementary rather than mutually exclusive has been growing as the dam debate has moved forward.

      It is envisaged that, as part of the global effort to improve water and energy supplies, more dams will be constructed, especially in developing countries, alongside other diverse alternatives. There will, consequently, be a need to enhance the benefits of dams and avoid many of their drawbacks by applying better decision-making processes within the overall framework of sustainability. There are complex issues around the planning and management of dams in the context of sustainable development which will need to be adequately considered and addressed to achieve sustainable outcomes.

      Dealing with the environmental and social challenges within the context of meeting water and energy needs is at the heart of the sustainability of projects involving dams. Dams are one of the options, structural or non-structural, available to meet specific water or energy needs. In many cases water and energy services are best provided through a mix of options. Each case is different. A decision to build a dam should emerge after a comprehensive assessment of the full range of available options, giving appropriate consideration to all aspects of sustainability.

 United Nations Environmental Programme. Dams and Development: Relevant Practices for Improved

Decision-making. Nairobi: The Secretariat of the Dams and Development Project, 2007. p. 10-1 (adapted).

In the second sentence of the second paragraph of text 3A4, the word “drawbacks” has a similar meaning to and can be correctly replaced with
Q2383501 Inglês
Text 3A4

      During the last century water infrastructure projects involving large dams played a major role in the socio-economic transformation of many countries. At the same time, in a significant number of cases the benefits were not shared equitably, and the negative impacts on the environmental and sociocultural structures were excessive. In some cases their economic performance was questionable. Diverging views have arisen on the merits and demerits of dams, the roles they play, and their alternatives in providing water and energy services. However, recognition that such roles are complementary rather than mutually exclusive has been growing as the dam debate has moved forward.

      It is envisaged that, as part of the global effort to improve water and energy supplies, more dams will be constructed, especially in developing countries, alongside other diverse alternatives. There will, consequently, be a need to enhance the benefits of dams and avoid many of their drawbacks by applying better decision-making processes within the overall framework of sustainability. There are complex issues around the planning and management of dams in the context of sustainable development which will need to be adequately considered and addressed to achieve sustainable outcomes.

      Dealing with the environmental and social challenges within the context of meeting water and energy needs is at the heart of the sustainability of projects involving dams. Dams are one of the options, structural or non-structural, available to meet specific water or energy needs. In many cases water and energy services are best provided through a mix of options. Each case is different. A decision to build a dam should emerge after a comprehensive assessment of the full range of available options, giving appropriate consideration to all aspects of sustainability.

 United Nations Environmental Programme. Dams and Development: Relevant Practices for Improved

Decision-making. Nairobi: The Secretariat of the Dams and Development Project, 2007. p. 10-1 (adapted).

In the last sentence of the first paragraph of text 3A4, the word “However”
Q2383500 Inglês
Text 3A4

      During the last century water infrastructure projects involving large dams played a major role in the socio-economic transformation of many countries. At the same time, in a significant number of cases the benefits were not shared equitably, and the negative impacts on the environmental and sociocultural structures were excessive. In some cases their economic performance was questionable. Diverging views have arisen on the merits and demerits of dams, the roles they play, and their alternatives in providing water and energy services. However, recognition that such roles are complementary rather than mutually exclusive has been growing as the dam debate has moved forward.

      It is envisaged that, as part of the global effort to improve water and energy supplies, more dams will be constructed, especially in developing countries, alongside other diverse alternatives. There will, consequently, be a need to enhance the benefits of dams and avoid many of their drawbacks by applying better decision-making processes within the overall framework of sustainability. There are complex issues around the planning and management of dams in the context of sustainable development which will need to be adequately considered and addressed to achieve sustainable outcomes.

      Dealing with the environmental and social challenges within the context of meeting water and energy needs is at the heart of the sustainability of projects involving dams. Dams are one of the options, structural or non-structural, available to meet specific water or energy needs. In many cases water and energy services are best provided through a mix of options. Each case is different. A decision to build a dam should emerge after a comprehensive assessment of the full range of available options, giving appropriate consideration to all aspects of sustainability.

 United Nations Environmental Programme. Dams and Development: Relevant Practices for Improved

Decision-making. Nairobi: The Secretariat of the Dams and Development Project, 2007. p. 10-1 (adapted).

In the end of the second paragraph of text 3A4, the term “which” refers to
Q2383499 Inglês
Text 3A4

      During the last century water infrastructure projects involving large dams played a major role in the socio-economic transformation of many countries. At the same time, in a significant number of cases the benefits were not shared equitably, and the negative impacts on the environmental and sociocultural structures were excessive. In some cases their economic performance was questionable. Diverging views have arisen on the merits and demerits of dams, the roles they play, and their alternatives in providing water and energy services. However, recognition that such roles are complementary rather than mutually exclusive has been growing as the dam debate has moved forward.

      It is envisaged that, as part of the global effort to improve water and energy supplies, more dams will be constructed, especially in developing countries, alongside other diverse alternatives. There will, consequently, be a need to enhance the benefits of dams and avoid many of their drawbacks by applying better decision-making processes within the overall framework of sustainability. There are complex issues around the planning and management of dams in the context of sustainable development which will need to be adequately considered and addressed to achieve sustainable outcomes.

      Dealing with the environmental and social challenges within the context of meeting water and energy needs is at the heart of the sustainability of projects involving dams. Dams are one of the options, structural or non-structural, available to meet specific water or energy needs. In many cases water and energy services are best provided through a mix of options. Each case is different. A decision to build a dam should emerge after a comprehensive assessment of the full range of available options, giving appropriate consideration to all aspects of sustainability.

 United Nations Environmental Programme. Dams and Development: Relevant Practices for Improved

Decision-making. Nairobi: The Secretariat of the Dams and Development Project, 2007. p. 10-1 (adapted).

Choose the correct option according to text 3A4. 
Q2383498 Inglês
Text 3A4

      During the last century water infrastructure projects involving large dams played a major role in the socio-economic transformation of many countries. At the same time, in a significant number of cases the benefits were not shared equitably, and the negative impacts on the environmental and sociocultural structures were excessive. In some cases their economic performance was questionable. Diverging views have arisen on the merits and demerits of dams, the roles they play, and their alternatives in providing water and energy services. However, recognition that such roles are complementary rather than mutually exclusive has been growing as the dam debate has moved forward.

      It is envisaged that, as part of the global effort to improve water and energy supplies, more dams will be constructed, especially in developing countries, alongside other diverse alternatives. There will, consequently, be a need to enhance the benefits of dams and avoid many of their drawbacks by applying better decision-making processes within the overall framework of sustainability. There are complex issues around the planning and management of dams in the context of sustainable development which will need to be adequately considered and addressed to achieve sustainable outcomes.

      Dealing with the environmental and social challenges within the context of meeting water and energy needs is at the heart of the sustainability of projects involving dams. Dams are one of the options, structural or non-structural, available to meet specific water or energy needs. In many cases water and energy services are best provided through a mix of options. Each case is different. A decision to build a dam should emerge after a comprehensive assessment of the full range of available options, giving appropriate consideration to all aspects of sustainability.

 United Nations Environmental Programme. Dams and Development: Relevant Practices for Improved

Decision-making. Nairobi: The Secretariat of the Dams and Development Project, 2007. p. 10-1 (adapted).

Maintaining the meaning and correction of text 3A4, the excerpt “It is envisaged that” could be replaced with
Q2383497 Arquitetura de Computadores
Julgue os próximos itens, relativos ao gerenciamento de infraestrutura de data center (DCIM).

I O DCIM é um conjunto de softwares e hardwares que permite o monitoramento e gerenciamento, em tempo real, de toda a infraestrutura de um data center.
II O DCIM permite a gestão do fluxo de trabalho associado aos ativos físicos do data center, fornecendo métricas que ajudam a identificar e controlar ineficiências.
III Muitas organizações usam métricas propostas pelo green grid para determinar a eficácia na utilização de energia no data center.
IV O data center possui um conjunto de fatores físicos que define a sua capacidade; com o DCIM, é possível realizar a análise desses fatores e prever a substituição de recursos críticos.

Assinale a opção correta.
Q2383494 Gerência de Projetos
Tendo como referência o PMBOK, 7.ª edição, é correto afirmar que o domínio de desempenho

I da entrega trata das atividades e funções associadas às fases de cadência e do ciclo de vida do projeto.
II da equipe pressupõe que cada equipe de projeto desenvolva, formalmente ou deliberadamente, sua própria cultura.
III de trabalho do projeto pressupõe que o gerente do projeto e sua equipe promovam adaptações nos processos do projeto, objetivando otimizá-los para as necessidades do projeto.
IV do planejamento possui diferentes maneiras de realizar e ajustar as estimativas do projeto; as estimativas baseadas em fluxo são desenvolvidas pela determinação do tempo de ciclo e produtividade.

Estão certos apenas os itens
6761: C
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6772: E
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