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Q1739181 Português
Assinale a alternativa na qual todas as palavras estão grafadas corretamente:
Q1739180 Português

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Com base na tirinha, assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1739179 Português

Leia a tirinha a seguir e responda a questão.

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Q1739166 Inglês
Mark the alternative which contains a clause in Past Continuous Tense.
Q1739165 Inglês

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Teaching (English) in Multicultural Classes

When a person brought up in one culture finds himself in another and different one, his reaction may be anger, frustration, fright, confusion. When, at the same time, he has to learn a foreign language and conduct his academic studies in this language, the reaction may be stronger because he is faced with many unknown simultaneously. Until the threat is removed, the learning process is blocked.

Teachers can help the negative cultural shock to become cultural and self-awareness of the learner. This way he can bridge the gap - the distance as perceived which is never actual distance. It is easier with children who are never strong culture bound, having fewer worldviews and set norms.

Every community has its own distinctive culture setting of norms and understandings which determine their attitude and behaviour. However the individuals are often not or not explicitly aware of their own culture.

Adaptado de: SÁRVÁRI, Judit. Teaching (English) in Multicultural Classes. Periodica Polytechnica, Budapest, v. 5, n. 2, p. 127-133, out. 1997.

According to the text, what is the teacher’s task to deal with the challenge of teaching English in a multicultural context?

341: B
342: C
343: B
344: B
345: C