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Q1927850 Inglês
Considering the ideas and the vocabulary of the text above, decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E).

In line 3, the “sending State” is the one capable of expelling foreign diplomats from its territory.
Q1927849 Inglês

Considering the ideas and the vocabulary presented in the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E).

The word “acute” (line 27) could be replaced with mutual without changing the meaning of the sentence. 

Q1927848 Inglês

Considering the ideas and the vocabulary presented in the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E).

Effective diplomacy in the traditional sense assumed that commitments made through the diplomatic process would be enforced by a single center of power in the diplomat’s own country, irrespective of any resistance from other domestic authorities.  

Q1927847 Inglês

Considering the ideas and the vocabulary presented in the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E).

Texts of treaties agreed upon by the American chief executive in an international negotiation might come to be later rejected or modified by the Senate of the United States. 

Q1927846 Inglês

Considering the ideas and the vocabulary presented in the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E).

As a consequence of the extreme fragmentation of American policy-making and diplomacy, ambassadors of the United States represent only the interests of the federal government abroad. 

1396: E
1397: E
1398: E
1399: C
1400: E