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Q2510823 Inglês
Which of the following options is in the passive voice?
Q2510822 Inglês
Em qual opção abaixo não há uma correta correlação entre a palavra e sua pronúncia?
Q2510821 Inglês
Global Warming: A Threat to Our Planet

Global warming, also known as climate change, is one of the most pressing issues facing our planet today. It refers to the gradual increase in the Earth's average temperature due to human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. This phenomenon has far-reaching consequences for the environment, ecosystems, and human societies worldwide.

The primary cause of global warming is the emission of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun, leading to a rise in temperatures and changes in weather patterns. The consequences of global warming include rising sea levels, melting ice caps and glaciers, more frequent and severe weather events, and disruptions to ecosystems and biodiversity.

The impacts of global warming are already being felt around the world. Coastal communities are experiencing increased flooding and erosion due to rising sea levels, while farmers are facing challenges such as droughts, heatwaves, and crop failures. Furthermore, vulnerable populations, including the poor, elderly, and marginalized communities, are disproportionately aƯected by the impacts of climate change.

Addressing global warming requires urgent and coordinated action at local, national, and international levels. This includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions by transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy eƯiciency, protecting and restoring forests, and implementing policies to promote sustainable development. Additionally, adaptation measures, such as building resilient infrastructure and enhancing disaster preparedness, are essential to mitigate the impacts of climate change on communities and ecosystems.

In conclusion, global warming poses a significant threat to the health and well-being of our planet and future generations. It is imperative that we take decisive action to address this crisis and work together to build a more sustainable and resilient world for all. By adopting sustainable practices and investing in clean energy solutions, we can mitigate the impacts of climate change and safeguard the future of our planet. 
According to the text, what is needed to address the challenge of global warming?
Q2510820 Inglês
Global Warming: A Threat to Our Planet

Global warming, also known as climate change, is one of the most pressing issues facing our planet today. It refers to the gradual increase in the Earth's average temperature due to human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. This phenomenon has far-reaching consequences for the environment, ecosystems, and human societies worldwide.

The primary cause of global warming is the emission of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun, leading to a rise in temperatures and changes in weather patterns. The consequences of global warming include rising sea levels, melting ice caps and glaciers, more frequent and severe weather events, and disruptions to ecosystems and biodiversity.

The impacts of global warming are already being felt around the world. Coastal communities are experiencing increased flooding and erosion due to rising sea levels, while farmers are facing challenges such as droughts, heatwaves, and crop failures. Furthermore, vulnerable populations, including the poor, elderly, and marginalized communities, are disproportionately aƯected by the impacts of climate change.

Addressing global warming requires urgent and coordinated action at local, national, and international levels. This includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions by transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy eƯiciency, protecting and restoring forests, and implementing policies to promote sustainable development. Additionally, adaptation measures, such as building resilient infrastructure and enhancing disaster preparedness, are essential to mitigate the impacts of climate change on communities and ecosystems.

In conclusion, global warming poses a significant threat to the health and well-being of our planet and future generations. It is imperative that we take decisive action to address this crisis and work together to build a more sustainable and resilient world for all. By adopting sustainable practices and investing in clean energy solutions, we can mitigate the impacts of climate change and safeguard the future of our planet. 
What are some of the consequences of global warming mentioned in the text?
Q2510819 Inglês
Global Warming: A Threat to Our Planet

Global warming, also known as climate change, is one of the most pressing issues facing our planet today. It refers to the gradual increase in the Earth's average temperature due to human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. This phenomenon has far-reaching consequences for the environment, ecosystems, and human societies worldwide.

The primary cause of global warming is the emission of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun, leading to a rise in temperatures and changes in weather patterns. The consequences of global warming include rising sea levels, melting ice caps and glaciers, more frequent and severe weather events, and disruptions to ecosystems and biodiversity.

The impacts of global warming are already being felt around the world. Coastal communities are experiencing increased flooding and erosion due to rising sea levels, while farmers are facing challenges such as droughts, heatwaves, and crop failures. Furthermore, vulnerable populations, including the poor, elderly, and marginalized communities, are disproportionately aƯected by the impacts of climate change.

Addressing global warming requires urgent and coordinated action at local, national, and international levels. This includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions by transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy eƯiciency, protecting and restoring forests, and implementing policies to promote sustainable development. Additionally, adaptation measures, such as building resilient infrastructure and enhancing disaster preparedness, are essential to mitigate the impacts of climate change on communities and ecosystems.

In conclusion, global warming poses a significant threat to the health and well-being of our planet and future generations. It is imperative that we take decisive action to address this crisis and work together to build a more sustainable and resilient world for all. By adopting sustainable practices and investing in clean energy solutions, we can mitigate the impacts of climate change and safeguard the future of our planet. 
What are the main causes of global warming, according to the text?
Q2510818 Inglês
Qual das alternativas abaixo apresenta a melhor tradução para um dos “phrasal verbs” mais utilizados no inglês GIVE UP?  
Q2510817 Pedagogia
De acordo com as melhores estratégias de Ensino da Língua Inglesa, como os alunos podem expandir seu vocabulário durante a leitura de textos em inglês?
Q2510816 Pedagogia
Qual estratégia de leitura envolve a leitura rápida do texto para obter uma visão geral do conteúdo, identificando palavras-chave, ideias principais e informações importantes?
Q2510815 Pedagogia
Qual é o conceito do Método Task-Based Learning no ensino de língua inglesa?
Q2510814 Pedagogia
Qual das seguintes abordagens de ensino de língua inglesa se concentra na comunicação real e significativa em situações do dia a dia?
Q2510813 Pedagogia
Qual dos seguintes métodos de ensino de língua inglesa enfatiza a aprendizagem por meio de exposição direta ao idioma-alvo, sem tradução?
Q2510812 Pedagogia
Ainda de acordo com a BNCC de língua inglesa, qual dos seguintes princípios fundamentais orienta o ensino e aprendizagem da língua?
Q2510811 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) de língua inglesa, qual dos seguintes aspectos é considerado fundamental para o desenvolvimento da competência comunicativa dos alunos?
Q2510809 Pedagogia
A União apoiará técnica e financeiramente os sistemas de ensino no provimento da educação intercultural às comunidades indígenas, desenvolvendo programas integrados de ensino e pesquisa. Esses programas incluídos nos Planos Nacionais de Educação, terão os seguintes objetivos, exceto:
Q2510800 Geografia
Assinale a única assertiva que não apresenta uma das características na nova ordem mundial.  
Q2510799 Geografia
A divisão oficial do Brasil em cinco regiões foi criada, em 1969, pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Mas, antes disso, em 1967, o geógrafo brasileiro Pedro Pinchas Geiger já havia proposto uma outra divisão regional do país, em três regiões geoeconômicas ou complexos regionais.

Assinale corretamente a única assertiva que não apresenta uma dessas três regiões geoeconômicas ou complexos regionais, em 1967.
Q2510798 Geografia
Entre as diferenças técnicas entre Zona rural e Zona urbana, assinale corretamente uma das características da Zona Rural.
Q2510796 Geografia
Assinale corretamente o conceito de escala cartográfica.
Q2510795 Geografia
Os limites terrestres que não foram estabelecidos pelo homem, como rios, córregos, mares e montanhas, e são utilizados como parâmetro para delimitar o fim de um território e o começo de outro, são denominados de:
Q2510794 Geografia
A formação do território brasileiro começou antes da chegada dos portugueses. Tempos depois foi assinado o Tratado de Utretch, o qual estabelecia, exceto:
1581: B
1582: D
1583: C
1584: B
1585: A
1586: B
1587: C
1588: B
1589: C
1590: A
1591: B
1592: D
1593: C
1594: B
1595: C
1596: A
1597: D
1598: C
1599: D
1600: A