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Q1142881 Inglês

                 Off to 'big school'? Some pupils need extra support, says Ofsted

Primary schools should identify pupils whose behaviour may be at risk of deteriorating when they reach secondary school, a report for Ofsted suggests. Head teachers told Ofsted some pupils could struggle more than others with the move to "big school" and might benefit from extra support. This could be offered to help minimise the risk of such pupils misbehaving when they arrive, they said. It comes as thousands of pupils have just started secondary school. England's education watchdog, Ofsted, has announced a new push on behaviour management for teachers.

Ofsted says it will be adopting a new focus on behaviour management when it inspects teacher training providers. Its aim is to ensure that teachers are well trained in principles of behaviour management, so that all pupils can be offered quality education. Poor behaviour is increasingly seen as a communication of need, rather than a child simply being badly behaved.

Ofsted chief inspector Amanda Spielman said: "Positive behaviour needs to be taught as early on as possible, and expectations raised as children get older. “For some pupils, going from a relatively small primary community, where you're known by everyone and where you have a close relationship with a small number of teachers, to a much larger secondary school with several teachers, will be particularly challenging," she added. "The schools in our sample felt that it was important to identify pupils who were particularly at risk well before they started secondary school, so that they could provide appropriate support and prepare them for life in the 'big school'. "

The aim is to prevent pupils from falling behind as they struggle with the transition, which head teachers said could lead to a SPIKE in challenging behaviour. But the report was keen to point out that early identification of potential issues should not result in secondary schools discouraging entries from certain pupils. Ms Spielman is clear that good behaviour benefits everyone, by providing a positive setting for learning.

                                                          ( hdttps:// )

Based on the text decide whether the sentences below are true (T) or false (F):

– Ofsted claims that, once tracking student’s behaviour in primary school, it will increase the rate of challenging behaviour in secondary school.

– The text supports that the move from primary to secondary school can be a difficult transition for all students.

– Poor behaviour is a way of asking for help and teachers should be trained to spot them.

– Going from a small and comfortable environment to a new school could lead to insecurities, which could cause bad behaviour and poor learning.

– Teachers are being trained to spot behaviour that could indicate possible transition difficulties in the future.

Q1142880 Inglês
Literary genres are important way of classifying writing. The understanding of genres:
Q1142879 Pedagogia

Com base no conhecimento acerca das políticas de promoção da igualdade racial, analise os itens a seguir e assinale a alternativa que apresente todos os itens corretos.

I. A lei nº 9.394, que estabelece as diretrizes e bases da educação nacional, apresenta a obrigatoriedade da temática "História e Cultura Afro-Brasileira" no ensino fundamental e médio.

II. O conteúdo programático das escolas deverá incluir o estudo da História da África e dos Africanos, a luta dos negros no Brasil, a cultura negra brasileira e o negro na formação da sociedade nacional.

III. O calendário escolar no Brasil inclui o dia 20 de fevereiro como ‘Dia Nacional da Consciência Negra’.

Está correto o que se afirma em:

Q1142878 Pedagogia
A BNCC define três grupos de competências gerais que se inter-relacionam e perpassam todas as áreas. Estas visam à formação humana integral e à construção de uma sociedade mais justa, democrática e inclusiva. São estas:
Q1142877 Pedagogia

Desenvolvimento e educação são complementares e a atividade exercida por todos educadores é de extrema importância. A escola tem de se dirigir ao aluno de maneira que possa atingir toda sua personalidade, respeitando e estimulando sua espontaneidade total de ação e de assimilação.

Para tal, é necessário ter uma formação também psicológica, a fim de melhor compreender a natureza e o desenvolvimento dos alunos de suas escolas e poder agir verdadeiramente como educador.

Brasil. Ministério da Educação. Secretaria de Educação Básica. Relações interpessoais: abordagem psicológica / [Regina Lúcia Sucupira Pedroza]. – Brasília: Universidade de Brasília, 2006.

Para Vygotsky, aprendizado e desenvolvimento estão inter-relacionados desde o nascimento da criança. E, para melhor se compreender o desenvolvimento da criança na escola, propõe que a pensemos a partir de dois níveis de desenvolvimento. São eles:

76: B
77: A
78: B
79: C
80: E