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Q1785439 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the question.

Employees on its Employee Experience

Big Blue is actively involving its employees in retooling its processes.

By: Andrew R. McIlvaine | March 1, 2018 • 4 min read

Topics: Uncategorized

Earlier this year I posted about how more employers are planning to use HR tech tools to boost their employee experience. Now, in the March/April issue of Harvard Business Review, IBM CHRO Diane Gherson explains in a Q&A how Big Blue is “co-creating the employee experience” with its employees, with the understanding that positive rates of employee engagement translate directly to the company’s bottom line.

“We’ve found that employee engagement explains two-thirds of our client experience scores,” she said. “And if we’re able to increase client satisfaction by five points on an account, we see an extra 20 percent in revenue, on average.”

Gherson and her team have done a lot of work in collaborating with employees to redesign and enhance HR processes, particularly learning and development and performance management. With the former, Gherson said IBM has taken a “Netflix” approach to learning and development, bringing in employees to help create an individually personalized learning platform with different channels, tailored by role, with “intelligent recommendations that are continually updated.” 

Employees are guided in their course selections by a live-chat advisor as well as ratings by coworkers who’ve taken the courses, said Gherson. HR also measures the offerings’ effectiveness via Net Promoter Scores, which she said are more accurate than a previously used five-point satisfaction scale.

As for improving the performance management process, Gherson said IBM disregarded what she said would be a typical approach – conduct some benchmarking, convene a group of experts, come up with a design and pilot it – in favor of working with employees “in a sort of extended hackathon.”

“We used design thinking and came up with something you might describe as a ‘concept car’— something for people to test drive and kick the tires on, instead of just dealing with concepts,” she said.

Gherson said she initially encountered some skepticism from employees after inviting them to participate in the process.

“Some people said ‘This is such a sham—you already know what you want to do,'” she said. “But then we explained that we really wanted to hear from them, and we got them into various discussion forums.”

Ultimately, about 100,000 IBMers participated in the redesign process, Gherson said. Employees even selected a name for the redesigned PM process: Checkpoint. Even now, the company continues to solicit input from employees on how the process can be improved, she said.

The employee response has been overwhelmingly positive, said Gherson. “Their overall message has been ‘This is what we wanted.’ It was cited as the top reason engagement improved.”

“People are getting much more feedback out of this system, in much richer ways,” she said. “And more important, they are not feeling like spectators in our transformation; they are active participants.”

Andrew R. McIlvaine is former senior editor with Human Resource Executive®. 
“We’ve found that employee engagement explains two-thirds of our client experience scores,” she said. “And if we’re able to increase client satisfaction by five points on an account, we see an extra 20 percent in revenue, on average.”
According to the sentence above is correct in relation to the verbs, EXCEPT:
Q1785438 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the question.

Employees on its Employee Experience

Big Blue is actively involving its employees in retooling its processes.

By: Andrew R. McIlvaine | March 1, 2018 • 4 min read

Topics: Uncategorized

Earlier this year I posted about how more employers are planning to use HR tech tools to boost their employee experience. Now, in the March/April issue of Harvard Business Review, IBM CHRO Diane Gherson explains in a Q&A how Big Blue is “co-creating the employee experience” with its employees, with the understanding that positive rates of employee engagement translate directly to the company’s bottom line.

“We’ve found that employee engagement explains two-thirds of our client experience scores,” she said. “And if we’re able to increase client satisfaction by five points on an account, we see an extra 20 percent in revenue, on average.”

Gherson and her team have done a lot of work in collaborating with employees to redesign and enhance HR processes, particularly learning and development and performance management. With the former, Gherson said IBM has taken a “Netflix” approach to learning and development, bringing in employees to help create an individually personalized learning platform with different channels, tailored by role, with “intelligent recommendations that are continually updated.” 

Employees are guided in their course selections by a live-chat advisor as well as ratings by coworkers who’ve taken the courses, said Gherson. HR also measures the offerings’ effectiveness via Net Promoter Scores, which she said are more accurate than a previously used five-point satisfaction scale.

As for improving the performance management process, Gherson said IBM disregarded what she said would be a typical approach – conduct some benchmarking, convene a group of experts, come up with a design and pilot it – in favor of working with employees “in a sort of extended hackathon.”

“We used design thinking and came up with something you might describe as a ‘concept car’— something for people to test drive and kick the tires on, instead of just dealing with concepts,” she said.

Gherson said she initially encountered some skepticism from employees after inviting them to participate in the process.

“Some people said ‘This is such a sham—you already know what you want to do,'” she said. “But then we explained that we really wanted to hear from them, and we got them into various discussion forums.”

Ultimately, about 100,000 IBMers participated in the redesign process, Gherson said. Employees even selected a name for the redesigned PM process: Checkpoint. Even now, the company continues to solicit input from employees on how the process can be improved, she said.

The employee response has been overwhelmingly positive, said Gherson. “Their overall message has been ‘This is what we wanted.’ It was cited as the top reason engagement improved.”

“People are getting much more feedback out of this system, in much richer ways,” she said. “And more important, they are not feeling like spectators in our transformation; they are active participants.”

Andrew R. McIlvaine is former senior editor with Human Resource Executive®. 
All information below is correct according to the text, EXCEPT:
Q1785437 Pedagogia
De acordo com a BNCC, no item Linguagens, há orientações bem específicas a serem seguidas.
I - Formação voltada a possibilitar uma participação mais plena dos jovens nas diferentes práticas socioculturais que envolvem o uso das linguagens. No Ensino Médio, os jovens intensificam o conhecimento sobre seus sentimentos, interesses, capacidades intelectuais e expressivas; ampliam e aprofundam vínculos sociais e afetivos; e refletem sobre a vida e o trabalho que gostariam de ter. II - Os jovens, gradativamente, ampliam também suas possibilidades de participação na vida pública e na produção cultural. Eles fazem isso por meio da autoria de diversas produções que constituem as culturas juvenis manifestadas em músicas, danças, manifestações da cultura corporal, vídeos, marcas corporais, moda, rádios comunitárias, redes de mídia da internet, gírias e demais produções e práticas socioculturais que combinam linguagens e diferentes modos de estar juntos. III - No Ensino Fundamental, nos diferentes componentes da área, a BNCC procurou garantir aos estudantes a ampliação das práticas de linguagem e dos repertórios, a diversificação dos campos nos quais atuam, a análise das manifestações artísticas, corporais e linguísticas e de como essas manifestações constituem a vida social em diferentes culturas, das locais às nacionais e internacionais. IV - No Ensino Médio, a área tem a responsabilidade de propiciar oportunidades para a consolidação e a ampliação das habilidades de uso e de reflexão sobre as linguagens – artísticas, corporais e verbais (oral ou visual-motora, como Libras, e escrita) –, que são objeto de seus diferentes componentes (Arte, Educação Física, Língua Inglesa e Língua Portuguesa).
Das afirmações acima, quais são consideradas em consonância com a BNCC no item Linguagens:
Q1785436 Pedagogia
Em relação à avaliação, os PCNs questionam sobre para quem é necessária e a quem se destinam aos resultados. Seguem as afirmativas que são verdadeiras em relação ao assunto com EXCEÇÃO de:
Q1785435 Pedagogia
Em relação à Variação Linguística em língua estrangeira. Quais itens abaixo estão corretos de acordo com os PCNs?
I - A questão da variação linguística em Língua Estrangeira pode ajudar não só a compreensão do fenômeno linguístico da variação na própria língua materna, como também do fato de que a língua estrangeira existe só na variedade padrão. II - Não é suficiente mostrar a relação entre grupos sociais diferentes (regionais, de classe social, profissionais, de gênero etc.) e suas realizações linguísticas; é necessário também indicar que as variações linguísticas marcam as pessoas de modo a posicioná-las no discurso, o que pode muitas vezes excluí-las de certos bens materiais e culturais. III - É útil apresentar para o aluno, por exemplo, como a variedade do inglês falado pelos negros americanos não é discriminada na sociedade e, portanto, como, estes equivocadamente, são posicionados no discurso de forma igual. IV - Não se deve esquecer ainda que as marcas de variedades são frequentemente fruto de processos de exclusão. A consciência desses processos na escola pode colaborar na compreensão de que diferença linguística não pode ser equacionada com inferioridade, como também, consequentemente, na criação de uma sociedade mais justa, já que a linguagem é central na determinação das relações humanas e da identidade social das pessoas.
1056: E
1057: B
1058: C
1059: D
1060: A