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Q2178095 Conhecimentos Gerais
Criado em 1988 e regulamentado pela Lei Orgânica da Saúde n° 8.080/1990, o SUS é o conjunto de ações e serviços de saúde prestados por órgãos e instituições públicas federais, estaduais e municipais, da Administração direta e indireta e das fundações mantidas pelo Poder Público. A sigla SUS refere-se ao:
Q2178094 Conhecimentos Gerais
Fontes de energia renováveis são aquelas consideradas inesgotáveis e limpas, obtidas por meio de fontes que não geram impactos ambientais grandes. Um exemplo de energia renovável é: 
Q2178089 Matemática
A porcentagem é uma razão entre dois números em que o denominador sempre é 100, que possui um correspondente decimal. Considerando-se essa relação entre porcentagem, fração e número decimal, assinalar a alternativa em que os três elementos são correspondentes: 
Q2178079 Português
Considerando-se os graus aumentativo e diminutivo, numerar a 2ª coluna de acordo com a 1ª e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:
(1) Aumentativo. (2) Diminutivo.
(_) Pratarraz. (_) Homenzarrão. (_) Ilhota. (_) Casebre. 
Q2178073 Educação Física
Considerando-se a nutrição, o exercício e a atividade física no crescimento e desenvolvimento da criança, analisar os itens abaixo:

I. Deficiências alimentares prolongadas podem ter sério impacto nos padrões de crescimento das crianças.

II. Excessos alimentares prolongados trarão inúmeros benefícios nos padrões de crescimento das crianças.

III. A falta de vitamina D em crianças pode causar raquitismo.

Está(ão) CORRETO(S):
Q2178072 Educação Física
Sobre fraturas, analisar os itens abaixo:
I. Fratura é a ruptura ou a quebra de um osso. II. As fraturas são classificadas em exposta, imposta e leve. III. Na fratura exposta, o osso fraturado não perfura a pele.
Q2178071 Educação Física

Assinalar a alternativa CORRETA:

Q2178070 Educação Física
Considerando-se os conceitos de Exercício Físico, Atividade Física e Teste, numerar a 2ª coluna de acordo com a 1ª e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:
(1) Exercício Físico. (2) Atividade Física. (3) Teste. 
(_) Qualquer movimento corporal produzido pela musculatura esquelética que resulte em gasto energético. (_) É o instrumento utilizado para se obter medidas e determinar seus valores numéricos. (_) Atividade repetitiva, estruturada e planejada que tem como objetivo a manutenção e melhoria de um ou mais componentes da aptidão física.
Q2178069 Educação Física
O processo de troca de gases no corpo, denominado respiração, é parte fisiológica que pode interferir na prática esportiva. Sobre as etapas desse processo, analisar os itens abaixo:
I. A ventilação pulmonar é o fluxo de ar para dentro e para fora dos pulmões. II. A respiração externa consiste na troca de gases entre os espaços aéreos (alvéolos) pulmonares e o sangue nos capilares pulmonares. III. É no processo de respiração externa que o sangue capilar pulmonar ganha CO2 e perde O2. IV. A respiração interna é a troca de gases entre o sangue nos capilares sistêmicos e as células teciduais.
Q2178068 Educação Física
Os ossos do corpo humano podem ser classificados em quatro tipos, com base na sua forma. De acordo com essa classificação, numerar a 2ª coluna de acordo com a 1ª e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:
(1) Osso longo. (2) Osso curto. (3) Osso plano. (4) Osso irregular.
(_) Parietal. (_) Ulna. (_) Vértebras. (_) Cuboide.
Q2178067 Educação Física
A respeito dos benefícios adquiridos pela prática de exercícios físicos e sua relação com a qualidade de vida do praticante, analisar os itens abaixo:
I. Em aspectos fisiológicos, o exercício físico previne o aumento da pressão arterial, controla o peso corpóreo, aumenta a densidade óssea e melhora a resistência física. II. Os benefícios do exercício físico regular estão atrelados ao controle de doenças, principalmente quanto à s crônicas e degenerativas. III. A prática de exercício físico está associada diretamente ao aumento da sensação de bem-estar, melhora na saúde e qualidade de vida, principalmente a partir da meia idade, pois é nessa fase que os riscos da inatividade tendem a acentuar.
Está(ão) CORRETO(S): 
Q2178066 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) - Ensino Fundamental: Educação Física, são competências específicas de educação física para o ensino fundamental:
I. Reconhecer as práticas corporais como elementos constitutivos da identidade cultural dos povos e grupos. II. Compreender a origem da cultura corporal de movimento e seus vínculos com a organização da vida coletiva e individual. III. Identificar as formas de produção dos preconceitos, compreender seus efeitos e promover posicionamentos discriminatórios em relação às práticas corporais e aos seus participantes.
Está(ão) CORRETO(S): 
Q2178063 Inglês
Concerning the use of preposition, check C for Correct and I for Incorrect alternatives. After that, check the alternative that presents the CORRECT sequence:
(_) The children are tired of going to the same place every summer. (_) She spoke for hours without use notes. (_) Thank you for coming.
Q2178062 Inglês
Considering the differing between the perfect tenses, number the 2nd column according to the 1rst and, after that, check the alternative that presents the CORRECT sequence:
(1) Present perfect. (2) Past perfect.
(_) Dan hasn’t been sick this year. (_) I’d just have lunch. (_) We hadn’t cleaned it for weeks.
Q2178061 Inglês
Artificial General Intelligence Is Not as Imminent as You
Might Think

     To the average person, it must seem as if the field of artificial intelligence is making immense progress. According to the press releases, and some of the more ________ media accounts, OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 can seemingly create spectacular images from any text; another OpenAI system called GPT-3 can talk about just about anything; and a system called Gato that was released in May by DeepMind, a division of Alphabet, seemingly worked well on every task the company could throw at it. One of DeepMind’s highlevel executives even went so far as to brag that in the quest for artificial general intelligence (AGI), AI that has the flexibility and resourcefulness of human intelligence, “The Game is Over!” And Elon Musk said recently that he would be surprised if we didn’t have artificial general intelligence by 2029.
     Don’t be fooled. Machines may someday be as smart as people, and perhaps even smarter, but the game is far from over. There is still an immense amount of work to be done in making machines that truly can comprehend and reason about the world around them. What we really need right now is less posturing and more basic research.
     To be sure, there are indeed some ways in which AI truly is making progress—synthetic images look more and more realistic, and speech recognition can often work in noisy environments—but we are still light-years away from general purpose, human-level AI that can understand the true meanings of articles and videos, or deal with unexpected obstacles and interruptions. We are still stuck on precisely the same challenges that academic scientists having been pointing out for years: getting AI to be reliable and getting it to cope with unusual circumstances.

(Fonte: Scientific American - adaptado.)

Check the alternative that CORRECTLY fills the gap in the text:
Q2178060 Inglês
Artificial General Intelligence Is Not as Imminent as You
Might Think

     To the average person, it must seem as if the field of artificial intelligence is making immense progress. According to the press releases, and some of the more ________ media accounts, OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 can seemingly create spectacular images from any text; another OpenAI system called GPT-3 can talk about just about anything; and a system called Gato that was released in May by DeepMind, a division of Alphabet, seemingly worked well on every task the company could throw at it. One of DeepMind’s highlevel executives even went so far as to brag that in the quest for artificial general intelligence (AGI), AI that has the flexibility and resourcefulness of human intelligence, “The Game is Over!” And Elon Musk said recently that he would be surprised if we didn’t have artificial general intelligence by 2029.
     Don’t be fooled. Machines may someday be as smart as people, and perhaps even smarter, but the game is far from over. There is still an immense amount of work to be done in making machines that truly can comprehend and reason about the world around them. What we really need right now is less posturing and more basic research.
     To be sure, there are indeed some ways in which AI truly is making progress—synthetic images look more and more realistic, and speech recognition can often work in noisy environments—but we are still light-years away from general purpose, human-level AI that can understand the true meanings of articles and videos, or deal with unexpected obstacles and interruptions. We are still stuck on precisely the same challenges that academic scientists having been pointing out for years: getting AI to be reliable and getting it to cope with unusual circumstances.

(Fonte: Scientific American - adaptado.)

In “One of DeepMind’s high-level executives even went so far as to brag that in the quest for artificial general intelligence (AGI), AI that has the flexibility and resourcefulness of human intelligence, ‘The Game is Over!’”, the underlined word can be substituted without loss of meaning by: 
Q2178059 Inglês
Artificial General Intelligence Is Not as Imminent as You
Might Think

     To the average person, it must seem as if the field of artificial intelligence is making immense progress. According to the press releases, and some of the more ________ media accounts, OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 can seemingly create spectacular images from any text; another OpenAI system called GPT-3 can talk about just about anything; and a system called Gato that was released in May by DeepMind, a division of Alphabet, seemingly worked well on every task the company could throw at it. One of DeepMind’s highlevel executives even went so far as to brag that in the quest for artificial general intelligence (AGI), AI that has the flexibility and resourcefulness of human intelligence, “The Game is Over!” And Elon Musk said recently that he would be surprised if we didn’t have artificial general intelligence by 2029.
     Don’t be fooled. Machines may someday be as smart as people, and perhaps even smarter, but the game is far from over. There is still an immense amount of work to be done in making machines that truly can comprehend and reason about the world around them. What we really need right now is less posturing and more basic research.
     To be sure, there are indeed some ways in which AI truly is making progress—synthetic images look more and more realistic, and speech recognition can often work in noisy environments—but we are still light-years away from general purpose, human-level AI that can understand the true meanings of articles and videos, or deal with unexpected obstacles and interruptions. We are still stuck on precisely the same challenges that academic scientists having been pointing out for years: getting AI to be reliable and getting it to cope with unusual circumstances.

(Fonte: Scientific American - adaptado.)

Considering the text, number the 2nd column according to the 1rst and, after that, check the alternative that presents the CORRECT sequence:
(1) DALL-E 2. (2) GPT-3. (3) Gato.
(_) A system that has the ability to talk. (_) A system that apparently perform every task required. (_) A system that can create images from texts.
Q2178058 Inglês
Artificial General Intelligence Is Not as Imminent as You
Might Think

     To the average person, it must seem as if the field of artificial intelligence is making immense progress. According to the press releases, and some of the more ________ media accounts, OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 can seemingly create spectacular images from any text; another OpenAI system called GPT-3 can talk about just about anything; and a system called Gato that was released in May by DeepMind, a division of Alphabet, seemingly worked well on every task the company could throw at it. One of DeepMind’s highlevel executives even went so far as to brag that in the quest for artificial general intelligence (AGI), AI that has the flexibility and resourcefulness of human intelligence, “The Game is Over!” And Elon Musk said recently that he would be surprised if we didn’t have artificial general intelligence by 2029.
     Don’t be fooled. Machines may someday be as smart as people, and perhaps even smarter, but the game is far from over. There is still an immense amount of work to be done in making machines that truly can comprehend and reason about the world around them. What we really need right now is less posturing and more basic research.
     To be sure, there are indeed some ways in which AI truly is making progress—synthetic images look more and more realistic, and speech recognition can often work in noisy environments—but we are still light-years away from general purpose, human-level AI that can understand the true meanings of articles and videos, or deal with unexpected obstacles and interruptions. We are still stuck on precisely the same challenges that academic scientists having been pointing out for years: getting AI to be reliable and getting it to cope with unusual circumstances.

(Fonte: Scientific American - adaptado.)

According to the text, Artificial Intelligence has made significant progress in the previous years, however:
21: D
22: C
23: A
24: B
25: A
26: B
27: C
28: D
29: A
30: D
31: C
32: B
33: E
34: A
35: E
36: B
37: C
38: E
39: A
40: E