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Q1739913 Inglês

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Right at the top of the recommended reading list for Eton Institute’s TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) program is “How to Teach English” by Jeremy Harmer. Alisa W., TESOL graduate from Eton Institute, shares with us a review of the book and how it helped her own personal TESOL journey.

Prior to the training course I took to learn how to be an EFL teacher, I had no formal teacher training, I had a limited exposure to different styles of teaching, and I had never even done basic self-reflection about why I preferred some instructors over others (I always assumed it was their personality that I enjoyed). If the CEFR gave teacher ratings, I would be at the A1.1 level. I read ‘How to Teach English’ by Jeremy Harmer as part of my TESOL training course, and it was perfect for my level. It is by no means a replacement to a full teaching course, but it is a valuable supplement to those who are learning and a good refresher for those who have been out of practice for a while. It provides contemporary teaching practices and keeps its descriptions pithy and hands-on.

While some of the sections are a bit obvious or too shallow to be useful, the book is so well organized that it is easy to find what you need and skip over what you don’t. Each chapter is divided into main sections (also listed in the table of contents), and subdivided again, bolds important words, and features a list at the end of the chapter that allows you to briefly review what you just read.

As with any well-designed reference book, the glossary, index, and appendices in the back are good sources for extending your self-education as a teacher.

The book comes with a DVD that has clips from real classes so you can observe good teaching practice in the comfort of your pyjamas and the support of a bowl of chips. The DVD wouldn’t play on my MacBook, so I can’t tell you if it is helpful or not. Another feature that is nice-to-have-but-I-didn’t-use is the “Task Files” at the back. After completing a chapter, you can quiz yourself by completing info tables, answering multiple-choice questions, matching definitions, and the like.

Adaptado de: ETON INSTITUTE. Disponível em: Acesso em 27 mar. 2021.

The textual genre review always points some opinion of the text author. Based on this affirmation, mark the alternative which better describes the opinion of the person who wrote this review.
Q1739912 Educação Física
Asana e Pranayama são exemplos de modalidades de uma técnica milenar de origem Indiana, atualmente e em todo o mundo figura como o mais antigo e holístico sistema para colocar em forma o corpo em sua totalidade, dessa forma, unir corpo e mente. Esse tipo de ginástica induz a um relaxamento profundo, traz tranquilidade mental, clareza de pensamento, concentração e percepção interior, leva ao fortalecimento do corpo físico e o desenvolvimento da flexibilidade. Categorize esse tipo de ginástica e indique a prática nas alternativas abaixo.
Q1739911 Pedagogia

Referente ao Projeto Político Pedagógico, complete a lacuna abaixo:

“______________é um princípio consagrado pela Constituição vigente e abrange as dimensões pedagógica, administrativa e financeira, exige uma ruptura histórica na prática administrativa da escola, com o enfrentamento das questões de exclusão e reprovação e da não-permanência do aluno na sala de aula, inclui, necessariamente, a ampla participação dos representantes dos diferentes segmentos da escola nas decisões/ações administrativo-pedagógicas ali desenvolvidas.

Q1739904 Matemática
Um empregado, demora 8 horas para cortar a grama de uma área com um cortador de grama com rotação máxima igual a 7500 RPM. Para agilizar o serviço, o dono do gramado, comprou um outro cortador de grama, com os mesmos detalhes e especificações da anterior, porém com rotação máxima igual a 12000 RPM. Assim, quanto tempo este empregado demoraria para cortar a grama da mesma área da anterior com este novo cortador de grama?
Q1739717 Inglês

Read and answer.

The Prepositional Verbs 

In English, many verbs are followed by prepositions and adverbs. In some cases these combinations are called ‘phrasal verbs’, while in other cases they are prepositional verbs. What’s the difference? Read on to find out more.

A prepositional verb is a verb that is followed by a preposition. The meaning of these two words together is usually very similar to the original meaning of the verb.

While the meaning of a phrasal verb is often different to the original meaning of the main verb, the meaning of a prepositional verb is usually the same as the main verb. Phrasal verbs also use adverbs as well as prepositions, whereas prepositional verbs do not.

Adaptado de: MILNE, Mary. 2019. Disponível em:,w hereas%20prepositional%20verbs%20do%20not.&text= Prepositional%20verbs%20cannot%20be%20separated . Acesso em 29 mar. 2021.

According to the text, mark the alternative which contains an example of PREPOSITIONAL VERB. 

6: C
7: B
8: C
9: A
10: C